>be American
>get free money
Damn, imagine not being American lmao.
Be American
I've been getting free money from the state for 10 years now, no biggie.
my government sends me 75 bucks every few months for NEETing around
literally islammic gommunism, how are true patriotic americans not up in arms over this?
BOFA deez nuts nigga
>tfw didn't get the trump bux
>my friend who is a neet did
What's BOFA?
I'm pissed. I didn't get money because I'm a dependent.
Its bullshit. I should I least get the 500 dollars that kids get.
Bank of America
ligma balls LAMO
>be american
>don't have enough money to move out
>feds send money to someone who makes 90k a year instead
your parents marked you as dependant
whats bofa?
hello fellow zoomlet
Im getting $2400 for being married
Because unlike Eurotards, Americans know there's a world of difference between "welfarebuxx to save the economy" and "communism".
Sucks to be an Italian.
My parents may pay for my tuition, alcohol, rent, food, car, gas and vacations but I'm independent.
Its bullshit, I deserve the 1.2k
my friend lives at home with his parents as well.
All these Zoomers living with mommy and daddy need to get off Yas Forums and get on indeed dot com. I heard they are hiring grave diggers
arent canadians getting 4 payments of 2k a month
I have been getting free money for the last 8-9 years. More than your sum actually.
The world hasn't needed grave diggers since the Anatomy Act of 1832.
they don't pay for any of this for me, and I was going to use the trumpbux to move out. can't find jobs here and rent is too high.
We're getting like 2K a month lol
So are we soon(supposedly).
Eat shit Pierre.
Apparently its limited, or so I heard? Do all Canadian get it or just people who are unemployed?
I get $2000 from the feds, plus the province paid my rent.
People who are working with the public are getting hazard pay from the feds
City is paying my rent and power too.
I love viruses.
Chinese people are fucking bros.
I get 1500ish USD a month for being 175cm. On paper its social anxiety, depression panic disorder etc but I told my psych about how I believe I only have those things because im short so technically i get paid for being 5'9
>dude just give your shekels to Rosenblatt for a shitty apartment
So the $2000/mo is for unemployed and public workers only? Or is it for everyone?
Either way I wouldn't be able to claim it even if I was Canadian. I can get the $2400 Trumpbuxx though so I'll take it
lick bofa deez nuts nigga
People dont realize how hard this will change America.
Imagine being a boomer, working every day of your life with questionable health insurance. Youve done this, your father has done this, american work ethic is showing up to work every day even if youre sick because sheckleberg will grill you otherwise.
Now youre sitting at home, unemployment is going through ezpz because of the MILLIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE are stressing out the system, and youre getting handouts from the government. Also hey, sane health insurance like the rest of the world doesnt sound so bad anymore.
We're entering a new America when this whole thing is over.
unless you mean to tell me that americans really do...
So your mom and dad can finally start having sex whenever and wherever they want again without having to trip over their grown ass zoomer son raiding their freezer for more tendies or whatever.
True boomers already get social security and/or SSDI
$2000 per month for the unemployed from the feds. Federally paid bonus to workers who are deemed "essential." Plus whatever your province is giving out
I'm not a zoomer and I have younger siblings
eat shit whiteoid
Americans really do what? Get free shit?
YES. And in fact we've been getting free shit and welfarebuxx for the better part of a century.
>muh healthcare!!!
Exception that proves the rule, doesnt even prove it that well considering old, poor, veterans and disabled already get free healthcare (of various levels of quality)
How am I supposed to stop being a NEET leech if I can't even move out or get a job
I will either be homeless or a NEET, might pick the former in a few months
I literally get $1,800 for every month I'm out of a job during the virus