What's the most useless fact you can tell me about your country?

What's the most useless fact you can tell me about your country?

Attached: frogdude.png (550x535, 198.01K)

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Our 5th presidents first language was Dutch.

Shit I meant 8th President

also it was pennsylvania dutch, which was actually a dialect of german

Poronkusema, a reindeers piss, is an official measurement of distance. It's approximately 7,5km (12miles), the distance a reindeer can typically travel before needing to piss, since reindeer cant piss while walking.

We almost became a part of the German monarch

>In March 1918, the German Empire successfully intervened in the Finnish Civil War on the side of the Finnish White Army. By May 1918, the German Baltic Sea Division had aided the Whites to gain control over most of the country. Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse was elected to the throne of Finland on 9 October 1918 by the Parliament of Finland, but he never took the position and renounced the throne in December 1918 after Germany's defeat in the First World War.

Prince Edward Island has red sand and soil because of the high concentration of iron-oxide like Mars.

Attached: 6286315541_45431021aa_k.jpg (2048x1358, 882.32K)

Japanese doesn't put their palms together when they're greeting.

we kill macedonians for fun

Rio de Janeiro was Portugal's capital for a time.

We brought tea to England

In Finland, give me a small, the vase CPR

We eat kelp usually.

The train in the country hardly delays because afraid of complaining by customer.

we were once feared of being a naval power in the pacific ocean by the US navy, even so that we were involved in an aggression act against the US taking the strait of Panama.
does it taste good? sounds eww

we prefer belgian potatoes compared to our own so we import a shitton every year
they're just better desu

This is practical knowledge though if you're walking through the wilderness and following deer tracks.

It tastes good.
In other words, We used to having it.
It maybe not for foreigners.

why do you always
have to type
like this
you retard

The "Mexikoplatz" in Austria is named that way because we were the only nation to protest the Anschluss.

fuck you boy
your flag looks like a
christmas rug
go fuck some
ugly norf tourists you
bean head looking ass nigga

In this country, “yah, no” means “no”, and “no, yah” means “yah”


Thank you for defense us. America is strong ally for Japan.

we didn't have chips in our credit cards until like 3 years ago or whatever

If you visit the middle of the northern territory, many areas have literally no water, people or food (bush tucker) accessible for a 200km radius. You will die. Don't go, (not like there's any way you could)

More than 80% of Canada is unhinabited, unexplored and unfit for human life.

Attached: Canada_Population_density_map.jpg (958x652, 257.4K)

Japan has small cities more based and productive than your entire
Offshoot of Spain

Same in most places.

Mostly used by reindeer herders.

Sugar cube was inveted by a czech

Despite Lebanon being greatly smaller than France, we have much more bio-diversity than them.

Also there is actually such a THING as Lebanese people. There is no such thing as French people.

I don't understand

Well when someone says “French”, one could picture anything. A black soccer player, a Muslim woman in a wheelchair, and Jewish doctor. A young man whose parents were born in Algeria. The list goes on.

I never realized that, when I think of France I think of blue eyed blond person.
It must be different in the west tho I guess.

When someone says american i picture obesse ignorant fuck with small dick

What the fuck

it exists

This is what you get when you let memes rot your brains.

There’s a good chance you’re Vietnamese so I honestly don’t care

Why are you people always seething? Duterte is causing you drug withdrawals or something

Everyone knows that here. Ameriswipes lmao

>More than 80%
Correct, 100% is in fact more than 80%

The United States is the only majority Christian country on Earth which doesn't celebrate 'Easter'.

Not totally useless but some of what is on this page might surprise you... or not...

We have the highest number of psychologists per capita in the world


i picture a guy with a funny mustache, a beret and baguette and wine
it might be because something similar was /fr/s op though