What's the feel of being sexually attractive to someone like?

What's the feel of being sexually attractive to someone like?

How did you realize you were sexually attractive to a girl?

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>How did you realize you were sexually attractive to a girl?
I got compliments at the gym, while doing yoga. And I got laid.
Working out (yoga and crossfit) changed my life.
I hated my body before that, and I believed all women did as well.

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Don't listen to , we exist in an entirely different world. To the opposite sex we are no more than a ghastly apparition or an after image, no one will ever find us attractive so it isn't worth considering. Just give up and accept our fate

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>we exist in an entirely different world
You just have to open the door and step through.


You have no idea how good it feels to be flexible and strong at the same time.

so you just shaved?

user I lift too and have gotten decent gains, but I still have fucking gyno and pectus excavatum I am a modern leper

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And gained about 10kg of muscle.

>How did you realize you were sexually attractive to a girl?
They tell me so.

lmao pectus is nothing you fag
I have it too, stop being a bitch fag

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I'm ugly and several women have wanted to sleep with me.
Unless you're like actually deformed-tier, people will find you attractive if you're good at talking

>lmao pectus is nothing you fag
Yes but combined with gyno and I look like a monstrosity

It's crazy that there's someone this bluepilled in a looks heavy country

>good at talking
insurmountable stumbling block. many guys on this site aren't bad looking they are just insecure and give in to insecurity as a rule, preferring to live in sad comfort

well i attract absolute 10/10s
and i can get rejected by 8/10s

i realise i am sexually attractive by women wanting to have sex with me, but it's all subjective, its same on Yas Forums, i will receive half replies talking about how ugly i am and half saying i am chad, it happens always (altho less compliments since this hairstyle, after lockdown ill get a trim)

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nigger I guarantee your gyno isn't that bad. you are like a little kid with your fucking whining, accept your body now

>What's the feel of being sexually attractive to someone like?
they become overly friendly and touch you a lot
>How did you realize you were sexually attractive to a girl?
when they say they wanna fuck

you look like you get fucked by kurdish men

what? i've gotten laid despite being an uggo with literal gyno bitch tits.
i'm talking from real-life experience, not some retarded autistic worldview constructed by mentally ill virgins online

you can get laid even if you're bad at talking, but you gotta throw yourself in to situations where it might happen. no one gets laid from moping around on imageboards t b h

Women will suck your dick, as a metaphor and literally.

kurdish men are capped at 5'5 they cannot reach my 6'2 peaks

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they say that straight to your face? how does it even happen
Useless to argue
btw you must have horribly low standards, that's sad

what happened to the dude in the video, nigga looks hurt

>btw you must have horribly low standards, that's sad
I have sex with women I like and who like me back. I wouldn't have sex with someone I considered unattractive. I don't understand what your beef is

you can tell by their body language, how reciprocative they are, how giddy they get when you speak to them, if they're smiling, or playful etc

normally after about 30 mins of talking to a girl she will tell me she gets nervous talking to me and starts to waffle and say nonsense and apologise for it etc along these lines, or if shes more confident she will start to copy the way i speak, the slang words i use and such, a lot of the time they will straight up just tell you how attractive they think you are after a couple convos

No you can't
I go out all the time never get an iota of puss because I'm bad at talking to people I don't know no matter how drunk
Its an extremely high bar to be able to basically become more than good friends with somebody extremely rapidly in order to have any hope of being a member of society

>become more than good friends
maybe you're too needy and being too friendly to them?

this is also a big mistake that i laugh at people for but might as well help since im in contact with you, showing overinterest in a female is a major turnoff, you want them to chase you, anything they say it is opposite of what they want

not everyone get to fuck at clubs. some people fuck their classmates, sorority mates, work mates, friends-of-friends etc.
if you're introverted you shouldn't try to cold approach random slags at clubs. do shit you like to do in a social setting.
If you're into lifting, go to a powerlifting club. Or reading, a book club. Or a dungeons and dragons club or whatever. If you meet people, or rather, women, you'll find someone eventually.
that's my belief at least. I've seen ridiculously ugly guys with terrible personalities get girlfriends from board game communities and the likes

I would not know, then again I look like hc drug abuser with my long hair, goatee and dark spots under my eyes and eyelids at halfmast.
I probably look threatening or repulsive to some.

They become very friendly and flirty to you, it feels nice at first but then you realize that you're just another choice for them that can always be dropped once a better alternative comes along

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yap you're spot on
maybe we don't understand incellic struggle because we are from countries where shagging the female is an easy venture and does not require effort?

idk some girl kissed me long time ago and i got boner

Where did you find the video?
I see that criticalpast is a seller of stock footage, but I mean, was it from a rekt thread or something?
I want to look at more of WW2 casualties in tape. It's pretty interesting stuff.

it's ironic, you think you are the redpilled one but really you're the bluepilled virgin

weird proportions that

nice genetics you've got there

you're a big lad but you strike me as somewhat autistic x

heavily slouched for the small mirror g sort of makes things LoOK OuT oF wHaCK