Are you okay, USA?

Are you okay, USA?

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china once again killing the sparrows


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How does this work? Valorant pro-federal government #herd Trump supporters vs the libcuck state government lockdowners?

Based I went to Sparrow Hospital after I get hit by a car crossing the road.

They are surrounding the Lansing capitol building (capital of MICHIGAN, the most BASED STATE OF THE UNION), its not like here's just one road to get to Sparrow hospital either, and its not even like Lansing is hard hit by Corona vs, say Detroit (the real epicenter of the Midwest). Just a sensational headline. In conclusion--nothing burger

>Sparrow spokesperson John Foren said there are no access problems and ambulances can “get in and out. There’s no problem.”

No? Just they are mad at the governor especially since she told Meijers and other big box stores like Walmart or w/e to block off the paint aisle and seeds aisle. Also she said you cant go boating on a motorized boat.
All of a sudden every other Michigander turned into a gardening enthusiast overnight and suddenly remembered how much they love planting seeds they bought at Meijers and how DARE the governor stop people from buying seeds at the Meijers when they can still buy lotto tickets wtf???

Feds aren't really relevant in this . I've seen people saying the president can override the 10th amendment and ban all lockdowns and I've seen people saying the president can override the 10th amendment and lock down the more lax states. The governor did whine at Trump earlier that Michigan wasn't getting enough FEMA aid and then he called her "Governor Half Whitmer" and threatened to give her nothing at all.

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seed sales are unironically up 470% nationwide

what the fuck is wrong with mutts?

>protest stay at home order
>too afraid to get out of their cars and get close to other people
LOL what fucking hypocrites

>I-it was cold
>And the libcuck p-police might fine us

So the based and wise Gov Whitmer was in fact, saving all Michiganders from mass seed shortages caused by seed panic buyers. But instead of just driving to a different store to buy seeds, Michiganders have to throw a fit. God forbid Meijers isnt your one stop shop.

They want a sensational headline it goes further than a not-so-sensational one

Or more like they are demonstrating there is a middle ground between total lockdown and total social madness. I've similarly seen Michiganders argue they should be allowed to do "curbside pickup" of seeds and paint for this reason (again only having recently discovered their absolute love of seeds)

Yeah they are totally out there to protest in favor of a sensible policy and aren't just a bunch of magapedes doing their god emperors bidding.

makes sense

The girl on my facebook who posted the meme in as well as this one is a massive stoner and fast food muncher, afaik never painted or planted a seed in her life.

I think its because you never really know what you got til its gone. Too many Michigander took buying seeds at Meijers, or paint at Home Depot for granted. Now those aisles are blocked off and it hurts. Why is it okay to buy a tomato but not a tomato seed?
They have no choice but to go out and protest, in a socially responsible way of course. This is what it means to be a Michigander

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over 25% fucking hell!

Dont act like you have any remote clue about the Michigan spirit, Dutchoid. When are you closing down your seed aisles? Never?

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Just wait. If this somehow drags out 18 months like the worst predictions, you'll get to watch us snap, burn the police departments, and murder our government officials.

Nobody in the US trusts the government. Even the people who want it to solve everything don't actually trust it. And yes, those people are retarded hypocrites.

>the absolute state of the rust belt

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Stop larping like this is a libertarian rights thing and not just Trump supporters doing Trump stuff.
And they constantly shut down hardware stores here because all the morons go there at the same time and overcrowd them. Suddenly the entire country became DIY overnight


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> Suddenly the entire country became DIY overnight

That's what happens when people who don't take vacations, or at most take one a year while still working from home suddenly have free time.

I got laid off and immediately started doing work around my apartment. Might build shelves next week.

It's a very understandable reaction but if it causes dangerous situations ie overcrowded hardware, gardening and furniture stores its logical they close them down


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>They really fucking do

This. How is this even a surprise.
Normally I can only do things one weekend a month or so. Or just spend money to have someone else fix things to not waste my own free time on more work.
My workplace is just doing 2 days on 2 days off to minimize social contact as we are all essential personnel, but having that much time off drives me stircrazy.
I've finished the drywall on the previously unfinished part of my basement, built a new end table, dug up all the thorny branches and set up the land to order a tree whenever it can get delivered and planted, and have bought insulation to redo my attic.

They could just do like everyone else and buy their hobby shit on Amazon. I mean I guess that puts the warehouse wagies at risk but they're unskilled wagies so who cares?

Its not "libertarians" nor is it "Trump supporters" (Trump literally has no say in it whatsoever so...?), though I am sure some people are libertarians and some people are Trump supporters, most are just your average slackjawed Michiganders. Don't pretend like you have any clue whatsoever. You obviously don't and have only the most vague sense of the controversy at all

>Suddenly the entire country became DIY overnight
And were they libertarians or "Trump supporters doing Trump stuff?" No. Leave your house and talk to people IRL once in a while.

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Amazon has a 1-month delivery delay for non-essential items (even for Prime members)

It has nothing to do with overcrowding. Vermont lead the pack by focring walmart to tape off "nonessential" aisle, despite the entire state having a population of 630,000 or so. Nothing was overcrowded, and the overcrowding of people buying food wouldn't be solved by shutting down other parts of the store.

It's just governments arbitrarily restricting and controlling people because that's what these shitheads DO when they go too long without some of them being dragged outside and shot.

Also this:
>having that much time off drives me stircrazy.
Work is ingrained in our culture in a way that it isn't in most western countries. We don't LIKE relaxing. Aside form the poors, most of us feel compelled to be productive at all times. I'm going to rip my closet apart and hand count every bandage and bullet I own just to feel productive if this shit keeps up.

I guess my plant nets and guitar string are essential, got em in two days

If you're board it's your own fault for not having a backlog of shit to do before the outbreak was even a thing. I have loads of things I want to do and have the parts to do most of the projects or at least to prototype them. What I can't build I can at least design in orCAD/Solidworks and have stuff ready for when I want to send the files out to be manufactured. On top of my hobbies I'm still working full time because my job is making parts for ventilators and demand is ridiculous. On top of that I'm in New England in a hard hit state with a tight lockdown in place. Life may have changed a lot but there's still loads of shit to do and if you can't think of anything you're doing life wrong.

I can think of plenty of things to do, but buying the hardware requires money, and either being able to go to stores, or deliveries operating in a timely manner.

Money is an issue since I can't work, and frankly can't be sure my business will reopen when this ends- or that the government will continue the boost to unemployment of thsi drags out.

Why would anyone complain about this. Republicans are both putting themselves in harm’s way AND keeping other boomers from reaching the hospital.

Honestly, the left wing has devolved completely into self-sabotaging virtue signallers.