Aborted gf edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
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nu gan
I agree
estonian animu poster can stay and the guy who bumps the thread on page 7
You it's pretty much savior fantasy in other words
How can you love someone else when you don't even love yourself?
okay, sorry I replied to the wrong lithuanian.
whoremonger stop making me jealous of your success with girls
Instead I have brought over some new push ups pics, so get rolling lads
and ''evening chaps''
pretty fqn easily
> 14
And seeing degenerate porn like this all the time on Yas Forums doesn't make my incelpill go away
>whoremonger stop making me jealous of your success with girls
What success
Pretty much everyone is capable of that if he's not one handed shell shocked pirate autist
my lack of love for myself motivates me to love others so that I can prove to myself that love still exists
if the other person loves me back maybe it would restore my own love for myself since the other person has shown me that I am able to receive it and deserve it
or something like that
I hate myself and have only not killed myself so I can see the people I love.
well, you do have a fat hand...
based normie
I'm none of these posters and I will stay
It's not healthy to either side and won't last long
>And seeing degenerate porn like this all the time on Yas Forums doesn't make my incelpill go away
Stop browsing Yas Forums if that affects you that much
>my lack of love for myself motivates me to love others so that I can prove to myself that love still exists
bullshit and you know it
>if the other person loves me back maybe it would restore my own love for myself since the other person has shown me that I am able to receive it and deserve it
or something like that
You just have described savior fantasy
Man, what's with chan and all these cats probably with serious diseases that look like they're in major pain, used to imply different meanings based on context
>sorry, I'm a newfag
Uhh, hello, Janny department?
Could you delete and ban , this man appears to have doxed me.
Just more to love :)
im both of those
Those are normal cats that are caught mid-sneeze. Cats can look pretty fucking stupid.
>You just have described savior fantasy
i thought savior fantasy was limited to trying to save somebody not being the one being saved?
Even it's teeth look fucked up
wtf how did you know
I just looked at my own cat and it's perfectly normal, that cat is sneezing.
You're mistaking it to savior complex
Savior fantasy is basically you wait for someone to save you from your miserable current life
> probably with serious diseases that look like they're in major pain
what the fuck are you talking about?
>this thread in the front
>me in back
we don't forgive we don't fagget
we are da anonimus
Guys I want to buy a bass guitar do you have any recommendations?
Like every /balt/
Just a reminder to everyone, don't forget to color your eggs for Atvelykis! I have already collected some onion skins :)
lmao someone screencap lithuanian newfag thinking these cats were sick
Your mom's ass
buy the one that goes hehe dwomm dwomm dwomm
Specially the meme one people post for when they don't like some shit (with the paw lifted up, clenching it's mouth. Clearly with paw pain, probably broken claw/nail thingy)
i've probably seen it but I cannot recall the specific image so
Did you ever sniff your sisters dirty panties
Look at this fucking druggo cat
>Tfw you will never ever will have emo gf
>I havent been outside or had any social contact for 2 weeks now
>started to talk to myself a lot
>laugh at my own jokes
>dream weird shit
>any thought of going to shop now gives me anxiety
wat do?
Everything on that list but the shop anxiety sounds pretty based.
I smelled my own dirty panties
All those teary ones with fucked up eyes are definitely cats with an illness.
>doin droogs
But then again, may or may not have a sister.
How's Finland on this fine evening?
You're trolling right?
user... you know those are not real, right?
what is that running from his nose
Who the fuck is this and how can I get him into my bed
Cum. It's always cum.
Autistic anonka, your standards are going down every day.
Or are you the roided jew chad?
>finland not included
so were those guys some Vilnius Art College students or what?
>are you the roided jew chad?
Not me, though I'm not roided and not a chad
they closed nemencine off and now should just let everyone die in there. Imagine our GDP growth after this
I'm sincerely, genuinely horrified when incels feed each other opinions on what is attractive and become more and more deranged. Yesterday there was a thread calling Julian Casablancas an incelface. Adrien fucking Brody is a 3/10 on the incel rating chart. At this point I just feel like they should start researching specific medications for inceldom.
>LMFAO was 50 years ago
This damn normie thread just picked up and I'm out of beer, I hope I see you in my dreams tonight
>drinking beer not wine
have sex