Where have you been int?

Where have you been int?

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i've been to a couple cities i've been interested in since childhood, but i don't go out of country much anymore

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Nice, are you guys marines?

Nothing impressive.

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no, but I see why you would think that.

did you play as breton in skyrim?

I forgot, but I've been to Rio Negro in Argentina and Llanquihue in Chile too.

lmao yes
the first time i found out about it and saw we were like a fantasy race for anglos i didnt know what to make of it honestly
bretonnia in warhammer is even more weird

It's been years since I've been out of the state. The travelled through states were when we moved to Texas and then back to NC, we drove both ways.

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would bet money you're obese and not white

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forgot cyprus

My BMI is 22 and I am white. Where's your map?

US east coast and Canada

Never travelled, don't even own a passport.


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t. can't afford to travel

>t. can't afford to travel

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imagine never leaving your flyover shit state. must be sad lmao

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Based Atlantic Chad

rich bastard

It turns out my life is so boring .

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>imagine never leaving your flyover shit state. must be sad lmao

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Not sure if you visited Aguascalientes or you confused it with Mexico city lol


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second one haha

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Kind of boring

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Come on man, this country's huge. I've been to Europe and Asia but just because someone hasn't left even the US ever doesn't make them better or worse. Mostly it's socioeconomics, it's not some measure of anything

What's there to do in Kazakhstan?

I set tinder passport around your area and got loads of matches, dog bless.

I actually don't remember how I was in Kazakhstan, I was only 3 yo, visiting my relatives.
You like hapa girls?