Why hasnt pewds saved the white race yet?

Why hasnt pewds saved the white race yet?

Attached: marzia.jpg (802x542, 62.8K)

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Will Kjelberg do it?

videogames made him sterile

he is a manchild.also swede.
he will hire a black bull to impregnate his gf

Jokes aside, it's funny how Yas Forumscels think that guy is somehow "one of them" (/theirguy/) just because he's not that bright and made a couple of edgy jokes whilst being a public figure.
Always the good old "maybe I was isolated in high school but now, the group I belong to is not only strong, but the *strongest*" coping mentality. lol

What does he call the black dog?

>not that bright
how can you tell?

his wife is a literal shitalian
flushed his aryan genes down the drain

user we're doubtful he's ever going to breed a child.

Dyed blonde hair is disgusting.


i thought he didn't want children

stop using a proxy, muttboi

his wife likes to punch him and stomp on his balls, it made him sterile

He's a faggot and manchild just like his fans

His wife is only like 25 and they're rich enough that they probably want to wait a few years. For some reason rich people seem to want to wait a long time with having kids

marzia is black

Despite being such a huge public figure, he doesn't have the best optics. Do you remember when he wore a sweater with a symbol that highly resembled the Iron Cross? That's a no-no in PR 101.

I bet Marzia pegs him.
And he shouts funny memes while she does it.

Wasn't that another cross of some kind?

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Only braindead Yas Forumstards think the "white race" is anything but a blight upon the world.

Based asf

Stop trying to equate ancient Indo-Iranians with fucking disgusting euroscum. It's disrespectful to a their history. Fuck you.

>white race

I'm sure he aims to please the average basement dweller from Yas Forums

fuck off streetshitter

HAHAHAHAHAHA. this motherfucker knew exactly what he was doing. does he really browse Pol?

That’s his audience

yeah he always snucks very subtle red pills into his video and even after the christchurch shooting he had the remove kebab song running in the background of some videos

how would he save it if he is married to a negro ?

Sounds like a dog whistle for autists

No idea. He started out on Yas Forums I think that was in 2012 or something but I'm a zoomer so I could be wrong and it could have been earlier. He used /gif/ in a few of his videos

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wow so fuckin based...

He's one of them though. he made Yas Forums references and even browsed Yas Forums on stream once during his Minecraft days.
Keep in mind Minecraft has been one of the big reasons people ended up on Yas Forums for whatever weird reason

incredibly based bros!
he hates random people for no reason just like us!
anyone joining the mcdonalds raid later? i have monopoly vouchers :)

yeah so based making super subtle Yas Forums references while sw*den (which he fled like a bitch) is being not so subtly RAPED


Meh. He just seems like a normal (rich but still) guy who likes edgy jokes; for example .

He's just an average SD voter with edgy humor and media loves to overanalyze everything he says

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also the video where he adressed the shooting and where he looked like he was about to cry was because marzia threatened to leave him for the things he has said and done

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yep and he moved to Brighton which I live dangerously close to, is hated by everyone around it because it's degenerate full of rich middle class white vegan kids who sniff coke and gay pride parades every week

he's probably one of those based manly racist gamers who support traps :)

Paying the Indian kids to hold up the sign saying death to all Jews was the only truly edgy thing he ever did except for his book reviews. Rest is just media hype

Attached: pewdiepie-deathtoalljews.jpg (728x387, 92.97K)

Based Yas Forums member crying over his first girlfriend he has had for years! He met her online!

Based and WHITE-Pilled!
Heil Kek!

cringe edgy manchild, why is he so popular?

Zoomers youtube.com/watch?v=LFVkFNdySsY

Whatever were his intentions, the results were pure gold

t. Alireza Qomi

peak mental illness

polish aren't even considered white here bro idk why you think its based loool

lmao, all these retards in the comments thinking this is based and not cringy

>9 year olds
>having brains developed enough in order to even have mental illnesses in the first place
Just boys being boys

>literal 9 year old army

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pewdiepie is unironically the most hated white man in all of India he even surpassed Robert Clive.

yeah but having "nazi" thought is a bit weird for a 9 yo

looool Yas Forums is full of seething incels thats y

i was heavily depressed at that age, also kids have ADHD, schizophrenia etc

what is your problem ahmed?

Are you 16 years old? Nobody outside of metro cities would know who he is chotu go study for boards

dios mio

>what is your problem ahmed?
the question solves itself

it's not a problem, I like the Polish, but british don't consider them white, why is it my problem if i'm not white myself? Probably Yas Forums does but Yas Forums isn't the general british population lol

i don't understand eastern european or anyone who isn't from germanic country (dutch/german/scandi) worshipping nazi when hitler said pretty much all eastern european were subhumans