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holland should be where india is now

A Brit made this chart

how is Russia shitpost, nigger?


Australia has literally done a complete 180 in the past two years

how is Portugal butthurt, gooknigger?

honestly, it's trash
inaccurate as hell

We're not that butthurt, we're just autistic and you don't get our bants.

That's just all wrong

Fuck you lil weenur chink

>mexico next to butthurt
Gee i wonder why lol

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>Finland informative
>UK bantsmaster and informative
>India butthurt and not bantsmaster
The brit "lad" may use funny slang, but they're shitposting angry dimwit.
Indians here actually pretty witty and informative.

ITT butthurt cunts

mostly because of aussie chinks

I am butthurt. I recieved korean futa cock up my boy hole now my butt hurts

Butthurt cunts reply with butthurt posts. Whaddya know

move germany left
move japan right
move US, brazil and israel down

also why is estonia on there twice?

kek, this is so fucking based

yeah nice try jahangir baljeet sat 'pajeet' ranganathan singh-narakrishnan


Holland should be on the butthurt side

India has turned around a lot recently too there posters are pretty funny now and more thick-skinned than every once. It's there dispora who is insufferable mostly the American Indian anons on here

Ă–stra rikshalvan

nice try nigel

i literally never seen a quality thread made by an indonesian, they are all like they are made by shitpost bot or aussie tourist.

nice try bogan


pretty much this

wow, literally every one of those threads is worthless garbage. how do you guys do it?

why are britts so full of themselves? bantsmasters? more like butthurt celtoid pigs getting off on licking the boots of daddy america.

bongs have to be some of the most butthurt poster on here


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bosnians along with slovenes are definitely the most informative posters on this board, i'd add sudan too
macedonians get the title of master shitposters and czech got to be the most butthurt and dumbest posters i've seen(along with new worlders)

low IQ niggers have nothing better to do during quarantine

the duality of Eestiposters

Canada should be more where Brazil is

holy shit, please tell me its just one fucking autist that made all of these, just fucking rangeban us please hiro

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It was accurate back when it was made, but it is irrelevant now, posters have changed completely. That version is fucking ancient.

Worst posters on this board
1 Brazil
3 Canada
4 japan

Canada didn't change

I can't really speak confidently about american countries, different posting times and all that.

shift USA more to the butthurt side

0/5 its pure garbage

Real list
1. Canada
5. Anyone else