TnC edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
nth for Swedish genocide
reminder, gays are subhumans
Is jungle fever better than yellow fever?
blackhawk just flew over my house
>USPS says package is delivered
>Vendor emails saying it is delivered
>no package
I'll repeat myself: It's retarded to give the government control over anything more consequential than trash collection because they WILL find a way to fuck it up.
mmm black cock
I got a package today too. They left it on my neighbors back door so I had to sneak over and get my package while looking like I was stealing my neighbors package.
Call the USPS office.
Maybe it was stolen.
mmm packages
start my generator and resume doing whatever i felt like doing
I did. it's after 5. You expect a government employee to pick up the phone after 5? I did then realized how stupid that was after the 30th ring.
t. Never dealt with FedEx and UPS
Never had any egregious problems with USPS. Sometimes they might fail a delivery or come a bit late but it's
FEDEX on the other hand has lost two packages filled with computer parts in the last two years. When I called New Egg for a reorder for one of them FEDEX ended up dropping the package at the USPS to do the final delivery lmao.
I honestly can't remember the last time I've dealt wit FedEx. only USPS and UPS
It's potentially close to equal footing if your sense of smell is poor. Otherwise, no.
you dont have to be 6' from the person next to you, you just have to be 6' away from someone
i have fits of rage. usually i keep it in check. the only time i usually express it is when i'm on the road, and i don't do anything too crazy, i'll just fuck with someone if they're doing something annoying.
sometimes i'll have passing thoughts that make me angry, it's usually just hypothetical scenarios or conversations, i don't freak out of anything the only bodily reaction i get is that i can feel my eye momentarily dilate.
Me? I never have fits of rage because I express myself unapologetically
bottle it for fuel to destroy your enemies
official thread theme
voted again
music is just shitposting with a scale
i don't have any enemies
Applied on an apartment today. Kinda unsure about doing this since "looming recession" or so I've been told
music is just sounds dude
i was thinking about that yesterday
music is magic, pure and clean
You can feel it and hear it but it can't be seen
Music is a lot like love, it's all a feeling
And it fills the room, from the floor to the ceiling
>file deleted
big brain
music is literally just vibrations and you're a brainlet if you pay it any credibility
Official thread theme part 2
if you don't have lock tight income for the next couple years and a fat stack of savings, then yeah, it's dumb
i keep it juicy juicy
i eat that lunch
I bet that girl takes oral contraceptives and fucks random guys daily.
good afternoon /cum/
how's it going?
Music is a spook and a ploy by the illuminati.
thats most modern women in the states
Life's pretty good.
ok this was funny
wow, making such bold statements based on just a small video?
What is "The Non-Family"?
I'm fine on savings, but I would consider my job dispensable