They're building a team...
They're building a team
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Didn't their entire airborne force get disbanded for being low key blood thirsty savages who tortured kids?
Canadians being this evil ?
Source ?
Have you seen how canadians act here?
That article is bs
Yeah it happened, they tortured a somali kid who was caught stealing from them and he died.
He wasn’t even caught stealing, he was hiding in a porta potty and they assumed he was there to steal
> Matchee and Brown, both members of 2 Commando, then proceeded to beat Arone.[24] Matchee used a ration pack to beat the youth, as well as a broomstick, and sodomised the teenager with it.[13][25] Brown participated in the abuse, but was primarily an observer and took sixteen "trophy photos" of the beating, including one of Matchee forcing Arone's mouth open with a baton, and one of himself holding Pte. David Brocklebank's loaded pistol to Arone's head.[13][26][27][28] At about 23:20, Master Cpl. Giasson entered the bunker. Matchee showed him the semi-conscious and bleeding Arone, and boasted that "in Canada we cannot do that, and here they let us do it".[13]
> Later, Matchee came by to borrow a cigarette from MacDonald and mentioned that "now the black man would fear the Indian as he did the white man", and MacDonald went outside to check on Arone's status. He saw Matchee hitting him in the face with the baton, and reported that the prisoner was "getting a good shit-kicking" to Sgt. Perry Gresty, before retiring to bed for the night.[13]
Indians are so fucking insecure and cringeworthy, Jesus Christ.
Fucking candiann nigas
But I don't care, s*malis deserve death
The CAR wasn't our only airborne unit, and most of the guys just got sent back to their regiments. Really it was more about post-Cold War Liberals looking for any reason they could to cut defence spending.
The “Indian” in question was actually (part) Native American
Pic related, it’s him and the person they beat to death
Holy fuck man
I fucking hate wypipo
He went retarded i think
Jesus Christ I'd never seen the photos only heard the story
oddly familiar, the special force recruit literal psychopaths here too.
After the USA and other major Western powers doesn't Indonesia have one of the best armies or the planet? I swear you come out of basic and immediately have to fight hoards of terrorists with that XP accumulating?
I'm pretty sure hiring only psychopaths is a requirement for any special forces to be considered special.
I remember hearing about a tradition in the German special forces where they raise a chicken and at the end they have to kill it so they can get use to killing things.
In one American special forces group, you have to die in training and have a teammate revive you.
Canadians are fucking evil bro, they beat seals to death
Why not just kill your commander then, I'm sure that would be a good metric to pass.
That's fucked up.
if you wanna diversity skills go look for people with the skills you want wtf does recruiting 'off the street' do ?
Literally what other use for psychos can you think of?
>in Canada we cannot do that, and here they let us do it
So you can become an NCO in the Canadian military without even speaking English?
They do that everywhere. The Zetas cartel in Mexico that started the tradition of torturing people on camera and leaving their mutilated bodies on the street was founded by Mexican ex-special forces.
Isn’t this exactly what American SF do? Anyone can get a seal or ranger course contract right
>Anyone can get a seal or ranger course contract right
>blood thirsty savages who tortured kids?
Your countrymen did that too .
That's the norm really.
You can get into the seal or ranger course written into your contract right? In Canada if you wanted to go SF they make you be in the military for a few years. This is what they’re trying to do.
Ex: No uni varsity athlete would sign up for the army for infantry but if they had the ability to do SF course they’d probably sign up