/v4/ + friends

Peace protests vydání.

Attached: 5e883fab04701.jpg (654x561, 88.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Aight, here we go....
Morning fellas!:)
Who would like some kofe?

Attached: 1554499368606.jpg (1024x676, 105.4K)

Reminder to work out and eat healthy :)

Blessing this thread

Attached: ottoni_workout.jpg (475x597, 39.36K)

I'm out of kofe but too lazy to go to a store :(

Wake up dummies!

Morning showers are unirnocially better than kofe
But I still choose kofe:)

>4kg of whey protein for 1400czk

Good morning sunshines :)

Morning :)



dobre rano kamarat!:)

that's cheap desu
here it's 80-110 € for 5 kilos

there aren't many part time job offers :(

Taking a Cesko

Taking a Trami

bros i really need to fucking play it


Wake up
Everything hurts

Yeah its 2kg + 2kg free deal

Make money online and avoid corona :)

Lose weight :)

What makes Slavs so Subhuman? Why do I have to be a half Serb?

nie dla polaka biedaka

show me at least one good offer for making money online

Some dumb shitskin goatfucker ruined my configuration and I have to spend hours trying to fix it
God I hope middle east gets glassed with nukes one day, those retarded brown sandpeasants are insufferable

Attached: stairmaxxing.webm (640x640, 2.92M)

I am an incel.

Attached: LntC.png (478x478, 178.32K)


Attached: 1568716762553.jpg (384x512, 36.11K)

Good morning to you too, Shigger.

Lets find something :)

Being a manlet is suffering, simple as.

Attached: 1547455810168.webm (576x720, 750.01K)

When will they learn?

Attached: laughing_reptiles.png (455x395, 448.44K)

I'll end up working in some supermarket, they're looking for people rn

Being a manlet is pure suffering. Even when you think you're winning you're actually losing because everybody laughs at you and people are incapable of taking you seriously.

Attached: 1528194087686.webm (460x258, 488.61K)

Kill me.

Attached: 1502039649795.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

Attached: 1526210603392.webm (480x480, 2.13M)

They are looking for people because noone wants to do it right now. You will die there

Is that a police officer he's taking? He should have been beaten for that shit

Yes lol, not even being in a position of authority can save him from daily manlet abuse.

Attached: 1568146384385.webm (960x1200, 1.29M)

Attached: 1527106577664.webm (720x1280, 771.05K)


Chinlet vs manlet, the great battle of our times.

Attached: 1557571139432.webm (900x506, 2.9M)

The Slav cycle:

>Be Slav
>Live in eternal poverty and mysery
>Be jealous and angry at your neighbors
>"We Slavs are god's chosen people we ought to have that land!"
>Start a war to take the prosperous land of your neighbors
>Because you breed like rabbits you out number them 10 to 1
>Conquer the land
>literally destroy everything there and create mysery and poverty
>Ogaboga we Slavs are being kept down
>Live in eternal poverty and mysery
>Be jealous and angry at your neighbors
This is the vicious cycle of the Slav.

Manlet vs plus-sized BLACK qween

Attached: 1558305255225.webm (540x540, 2.43M)
