Peace protests vydání.
/v4/ + friends
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>Aight, here we go....
Morning fellas!:)
Who would like some kofe?
Reminder to work out and eat healthy :)
Blessing this thread
I'm out of kofe but too lazy to go to a store :(
Wake up dummies!
Morning showers are unirnocially better than kofe
But I still choose kofe:)
>4kg of whey protein for 1400czk
Good morning sunshines :)
Morning :)
dobre rano kamarat!:)
that's cheap desu
here it's 80-110 € for 5 kilos
there aren't many part time job offers :(
Taking a Cesko
Taking a Trami
bros i really need to fucking play it
Wake up
Everything hurts
Yeah its 2kg + 2kg free deal
Make money online and avoid corona :)
Lose weight :)
What makes Slavs so Subhuman? Why do I have to be a half Serb?
nie dla polaka biedaka
show me at least one good offer for making money online
Some dumb shitskin goatfucker ruined my configuration and I have to spend hours trying to fix it
God I hope middle east gets glassed with nukes one day, those retarded brown sandpeasants are insufferable
I am an incel.
Good morning to you too, Shigger.
Lets find something :)
Being a manlet is suffering, simple as.
When will they learn?
I'll end up working in some supermarket, they're looking for people rn
Being a manlet is pure suffering. Even when you think you're winning you're actually losing because everybody laughs at you and people are incapable of taking you seriously.
Kill me.
They are looking for people because noone wants to do it right now. You will die there
Is that a police officer he's taking? He should have been beaten for that shit
Yes lol, not even being in a position of authority can save him from daily manlet abuse.
Chinlet vs manlet, the great battle of our times.
The Slav cycle:
>Be Slav
>Live in eternal poverty and mysery
>Be jealous and angry at your neighbors
>"We Slavs are god's chosen people we ought to have that land!"
>Start a war to take the prosperous land of your neighbors
>Because you breed like rabbits you out number them 10 to 1
>Conquer the land
>literally destroy everything there and create mysery and poverty
>Ogaboga we Slavs are being kept down
>Live in eternal poverty and mysery
>Be jealous and angry at your neighbors
This is the vicious cycle of the Slav.
Manlet vs plus-sized BLACK qween