Why are chinks so optimistic about their future ?

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also poor frogs

Most people in china have witnessed their country go from peasant tier to a global superpower in a few decades, it is the same reason why they get so defensive of their government

Their government controls every aspect of their lives. Including what and how to think.

why are westoids so ungrateful?

>Interviewer: Do you think things are gonna get better before they get worse?
>Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: No way. Things are just gonna get worse and keep on getting worse. Like I said, America's a third world country as it is and... and we're just basically in a hopeless situation as it stands
>Interviewer: What do you think this country's gonna look like in the year 2003?
>Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Y'know, I'll tell you the truth - nothing against you guys, but I don't wanna answer that question because... I haven't even got a mind that's that...that inhumane
>Interviewer: are you ready for what's coming?
>Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Ready as I'll ever be
>Interviewer: Most people aren't
>Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: There's a little saying... Dates back for generations...
>Interviewer: Go on...
>Blaise Bailey Finnegan III: Be prepared for anything at any time from anybody, don't take no shit, always stand your ground. People wanna come up to me and run their mouth - guess what? I'll throw them through the fucking window... I won't think a thing of it.

This. They've literally only seen continuous improvement, so it's their only frame of reference.

extremely quick improvement too. everyone would be optimistic with statistics like this

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>says the unitedstatian

i cant believe how little self reflection they have

I didn’t know China was still so poor in the 80s wow

Well planned economy is fucking based

Their GDP per capita doubled in the past decade. They're expecting continuous growth.

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it really is incredible, we can laugh at how assblasted they get defending their government but If my government pulled something like that off I think I would too lol

Fucking zoomer

By the way, I'm surprised Russia isn't on there.

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Because China constantly improves year after year. Since Deng Xiaoping's reforms, 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty. The Chinese middle class is the largest in the world, larger than the entire population of the United States and is growing by 10,000 people per day. In a few years, China is going to graduate to a high-income economy, when only 40 years ago it was one of the poorest countries on earth. GDP grows year after year, HDI goes up year after year. Brand new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, high-speed railways etc. are built every year. The people get richer each year, with 2020 being the year that the CPC plans to end extreme poverty once and for all. There's a massive overhaul of the healthcare system underway to reach first-world standards. China now has the largest amount of tourists going abroad per year as more people join the middle class and have the time and money to travel for leisure. The CPC is tackling pollution and cleaning up the country. The economy has long been shifting away from low-wage manufacturing and is becoming a high-tech service economy based largely on domestic consumption. With living standards constantly on the rise and the country getting better every year, why wouldn't Chinese people feel optimistic about the future?

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Come over here and talk with taxi drivers, or waitresses, or hairdressers or accountants. Everyone is going to give you some variation of "I hope so, but I bet we won't be much better off"
When you work your ass off but it feels like your savings are not going up and your quality of life is basically the same, and that no matter how diligent you are you're getting nowhere, that turns into frustration and despair.

A generation ago 90% of them were basically Africa tier and now they're middle class and there's no blatant sign of things going down. They haven't had a few deep recessions and years of downwards trends to make them cynical like so many other countries have.

what does that have to do with being a zoomer?

ok boomer

That’s how indoctrination works

true, but there's clearly some switched on yanks ITT to their credit, see

If you had any actual knowledge of this country that wasn't parroting memes from other Yas Forumscels you would know that trust in the government here is incredibly low, as literally any poll on the subject would tell you.

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Unfortunately, the chinks are finally going back to being a superpower like they had for thousands of years. Spain went from a superpower to being one of the poorest countries in the EU. Wtf did you do with all those aztec rupees??

china hasnt been a superpower in all its history a regional power at best

because it's literally the chinese century and the response from america is to eat their own shit. you can tell how frightened and desperate their 1# competitor by reading comments.

there's people making informed comments about the situation in china and how they're improving while the opposition is screaming

basically any fake story that insults china they will eat it directly the asshole shitting it into their mouth. as long as they're being told CHINA BAD

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According to Adam Smith, Spain suffered from an over-reliance on gold and silver from their colonies. They imported so much of it that it devalued their currency and lead to them exporting the excess gold and silver to purchase manufactured goods from Britain, France, the Netherlands, some of the German states etc. This lead to Spain becoming over-reliant on gold and silver and failing to develop its own industry so when the gold and silver gravy train ran out and industrial might became the new determinant of power rather than precious metal reserves, Spain was shit out of luck. There were many other reasons for Spain's decline but that was one of the major ones.
China and India had the world's largest economies until the 1800's, Diego.

don't worry is here to prove you wrong

>Have the best corner of the globe
>Import niggers, feminism and all kinds of faggotry while raising taxes and tell the peasants to shut it
I wonder why user

Because their country's economy has been in the toilet since 2013.

Ruskies are smarter than that

only if you compare them individually with western countries ,and that for no speaking about the pib percapita by 1300 italy had already doubled the pib percapita of china