
reminder that if you fell down a shoulder height hole you would quite simply die down there, rotting amongst the worms and beetles while I would pull myself out with ease ready to climb out of 9 similar holes if need be edition

Attached: pullups.webm (320x240, 938.93K)

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Reminder that Voris is dead


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don't waste your money or time on 2, though


This lad is stacked hewwww wouldnt mess with him like mwahahaha would be scared crossing him on the street me like

I can't fathom how bored Deanos and normalfags must be right now. Football is off, everything else is cancelled. I guess they are playing Fifa or Football Manager?

Let's pretend there's a virus that'll get ya if you go outside lads. Except if you go to the supermarket when it won't.


are they as hard as people say?

Attached: Heels.webm (200x346, 444.34K)

no offence lad but a girl could probably easily kill you hand to hand

TBQH lad, a lot of them are down the pub.

could never get into DH properly because of how ugly the map looks and how big the provinces are
HOI3 provinces are nice and small and make tactical play a lot more interesting


I can't go outside due to being high risk but I've heard from family a lot of them are just standing outside drinking pints of beer while waiting for food in supermarkets or getting a fish and chips.


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Just read through the self-isolation guide
One part of it says to reach out and check on others through digital messaging, just in case they're not doing as well
So let's do that

hey, it's me.
you good?


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Reminder that if a 190kg barbell shaped weight fell out of the sky onto your soulmate, I could lift it off and free her but you couldn't

and THAT is what they call 'functional strength'

so many podcast lined up but no point listening to them apart from when i want to fall asleep

how did the average british person react to 9/11?

is it normal for a one year old baby to cry very hard constantly and usually 2 or 3 times per night EVERY night?
the little shit baby next door is constantly crying and it'll cry until its parents go to comfort it. usually starts off normal baby crying but eventually it starts "shouting" and screaming - i mean screaming its head off as if its getting murdered. it cried and screamed from 6am - 10am once and i couldn't get back to sleep.
is it autistic or something? or is it normal for a 15 month old baby to cry this frequently? most of the time it doesn't even really sound like real crying, it sounds like it's forcing itself to cry to get attention from it's parents. a lot of the time it sounds like it's just "shouting" (going like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH") or screaming like a girl.
im going to kill it one day. i havent had a full nights sleep in MONTHS because of it.
probably not the babies fault, it's the parents fault. they've made it into a spoiled brat. it knows that all it has to do is cry if it ever wants attention because it's stupid parents actually go into its room and hold it and comfort it every time it cries instead of teaching it that it cant just cry whenever it wants something and teaching it that its wrong to wake everyone up at 1am, 4am and then 8am every single night.

need 1.30 to be released RIGHT FUCKING NOW

sent rorke to outer space a few weeks back, you know, to find another race and all that

lad's only gone and done it, just got back an hour ago, has a little alien fella with him an everythin

High risk, high reward.

*breaks into your flat and coughs all over you*

life's shit

Because there's no fucking virus lad.

Sounds based

yeah, not the N64 one though

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ah yes, the measured response

probably just needs its nappy changing

the london experience? move in to a detached house you freak

what are the parents like, normies, druggos?

Not bad. Waiting on a Chinese.

Can someone edit this post into a sentence so I can read it?

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What year?

i was only 3 at the time but my mum told me she and my family were watching it on telly while i was at pre-school.
the gaurds at buckingham palace played the US national anthem and people went and watched and waved american flags

no, but they're not easy, either
you just need to pay attention and focus

>press x to dodge

Yo iz it normal fo' uh one year old baby ta cry very hard constantly an' usually 2 or 3 times per night EVERY night?
da little sheeit baby next do' iz constantly crying an' it'll cry until its parents go ta comfort it. usually starts off normal baby crying but eventually it starts "shouting" an' screaming - ah mean screaming its head off as if its getting murdered. it cried an' screamed from 6am - 10am once an' ah couldn't git back ta sleep.
iz it autistic or somethin`? or iz it normal fo' uh 15 monf old baby ta cry dis here frequently? most o' da tyme it don' even really sound like real crying, it sounds like it's forcing itself ta cry ta git attention from it's parents. uh lot o' da tyme it sounds like it's just "shouting" (going like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH") or screaming like uh beotch.
im going ta kill it one day. ah havent had uh full nights sleep in MONTHS cuz o' it.
prob'ly not da babies fault, it's da parents fault. dey've made it into uh spoiled brat. it knows dat all it has ta do iz cry if it ever wants attention cuz it's mad stupid parents actually go into its room an' hold it an' comfort it every tyme it cries instead o' teaching it dat it cant just cry whenever it wants somethin` an' teaching it dat its wrong ta wake brothas up at 1am, 4am an' then 8am every single night in the hood

smokin a blunt with darth maul

just gave this a thumbs down

dodge is circle or b, 0n


miss having a car

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I hope he knocks your fedora off, you tit

I remember people saying Allah is great, he turns Americans into hamburgers

and they just happened to be filming randomly

Its extremely based.

Plymouth is actually an alright place

don't flatter me i am not nearly as famous or good looking

These are the same cunts who are going to get the lockdown extended

cowardly lefty whataboutism in the replies

no that's not how it works

Only if you're dim enough to do it.

Hope she doesn't keep you waiting

Might smoke some squidgy black

Wouldn't be much left to free if that much weight fell on her from the sky

is seinfeld worth watching?

miss having a license
only 155 days to go

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what happened lad

Nah they're good lads. Probably too early to get extras thrown in though.

Girls take loads of photos and videos on nights out.

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Haven't seen squidgy black in fucking years.

I couldn't get into it I imagine if I had watched it when I was younger when Friends was huge I probably would've enjoyed it but it's not for me.

I’ve got some.

*If it falls in such a way that their neck or limbs are trapped, but without causing significant trauma
Still functional brah

Why are people trying separate BAME folk from whites for doing to same thing and then demanding they receive special appreciation?

yeah they have these things called mobile phones
really handy, even have cameras on them

>millimeter waves

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*invites her to spoons for drinks*

Harsh Times is the ultimate Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Film
Its basically an advertisement for the car.
>pop the trunk so i can handle this shit

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