
28 wanks later

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What Is Your Favourite Youtube Channel????????

Only time I've felt truly personally attacked on /brit/ was when a poster found out what the Australian version of Countdown was called

theo von this past weekend is one of them

i live in london and seeing this picture just makes me want to go out and see it myself lol

I don't consider gay men to be true misogynists.
Yeah it's probably easy and uncomplicated to hate women if you're not even attracted to them
But the true spirit of misogyny has always lay in hating women while simultaneously wanting to fuck women. It's a duality aspect that only real men can understand

do people live on the other side of those massive billboards in flats with no windows?

her previous adopters let her get flea infested
she scratched herself so much the vet shaved it to let her heal
doesnt bother her and itll grow back in like it was but for now shes a little hairless on the lower side

>i live in london

For me, it's Hell Lords

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a chad post if ive ever seen one

Lads, do you think you will live out the quarantine?

probably not but if they do it's probably one massive flat with windows on the other side


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mad to think that national economies used to exist.
there used to be a day where the government could say to an american company "if you want to sell your cars in our country, you have to build them here", etc. now you're lucky if you can just get the bastards to pay $50 in taxes.


Really makes u think

Kenji Lopez

who wants to see some handy man shit? oh you didnt ask? alri ill post some. roofer by trade but i do a mean hardwood

yes but also billionaire

Hottest house of cards character?
For me it's rachel posner, but zoey barnes is a close 2nd.

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I just want to live off the grid in a self sustaining way of life


2 days before lockdown i walked through here to get to carnaby street to buy some trousers and the screen had a massive advert for doom eternal on it

more effecient now innit
after corona everyone will have a much more nationalised economy which means there'll be some jobs but everything will be more expensive and on average real wages will be worse

i still want them to fuck off

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tf kinda rooftops you throwin up made out of wood?

Big wake up call

don't understand necrophiliacs. can't fathom how someone could carry out such a disgusting act

yes yes i live in london yes there are lots of ethnic minorities here yes very good you've got me


1.5 (optional)


Honestly it all went to shit long before this I'm just waiting on the plague raiders so I have somebody to shoot at on my way out.

reckon there's a niche in the market for gollywogs
they say all trends come back right

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You can't trick me into saying what I actually enjoy

didn't ask you malignant little pissant

Yet you were told
first 1s free

this is like when eminem showed that lady interviewer his rhyme notebooks

also im bringing back pissant
when your friend calls you a pissant remember this day

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the australian redditors aren't going to like this

run out of beer and its not even midday
fucks sake

all me

do floors and roof. make awnings for horses on the edge of chicago too. im friends with quite a few horses for a city boy. im reaaalll messed up ignore me

you on the sauce at this hour?

Nearly middle-of-the-day

Man I didn't know they rode horses in Chicago

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Protect the NHS. Watch Netflix. Stay at home. Order from Amazon. Save lives.

for me, it's the working man's kettle

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it's already fucking thursday, feels like it was only sunday this morning

What am I looking at here?

Would've been funny if Trump actually banned all Muslims from entering America, arrested Hillary Clinton and sentenced her to prison, and built an enormous border wall funded by Mexico

That's the kind of shit that would have secured him a place in history

always assumed making pizza was hard but its really not

there's still time brother

wtf is wrong with you scotland??

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I'd give him a 2nd chance

Only been a plague and all, and the only real opposition is Big Sniff Joe so thats a no from me dogg

love this tweet

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the fact that he just said it is enough, like reagan and the star wars shit

piss easy innit mate just get it out the freezer and unwrap it and bang it in a hot oven for 15 minutes

There's a Venezuelan lad asking for money in a trumpbux thread on Yas Forums and people actually came through and sent him a bunch

Feels good man

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home tap for draught beer innit

What are these devices called?

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what did ronny ray gun say about star wars?

I for one welcome this new world of e-begging on Yas Forums

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Never take my mask off me

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Dangerous thing for a bachelor to have
Even more dangerous for a man with a wife!


salt and pepper pots

he had some idea about putting satellites in space with massive lasers on so they can just shoot the USSR from space

salt n pepa shakers

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revving up the vpn now

wish i could live to see the rise of the technologically enhanced upper class and the creation of an economically useless class

Read on another webzone someone called them salt and pepper sprinklers

ket and mandy

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why is there blood on the toothbrush?

also, how many fucking people live in your house? jesus christ

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I don't get the "it's more like 6%" part.

should've done it
worked in goldeneye didn't it


Starting to think this imageboard is bad for my mental health because I use this place to talk rather than talk to people and create meaningful relationships

Can't get hard. But want to masturbate
Hardcore porn not helping
What do?

got to have one for every hole

13% of America is blacks
6% of America is black males, who are the ones doing most of the crime

It's bad for your mental health because you are fucking tripfag

pepper pot and salt slinger

>t. flaglet
will be saddened to see this development even though i will be a member of the cybernetic ruling class

Let's talk about sex, /brit/
>last time you had a gf
>last time you had sex
>last time you fapped
>how old you were when you lost your virginity

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What I've noticed over the past few years is not that I've become more racist or less racist but that the races I'm "more racist" and "less racist" against have changed
Used to hate blacks and admire Asians now it's the other way around

just take some class A's and talk to whatever apparates before you instead

Was gonna say I'll be your friend but decided against it
fuck off honestly

me? hate both