the UK is fucking gone
The UK is fucking gone
Oi m8, gawt a loicense fer da door, do ya?
heh, nice accent
is that benedict coomerbact's sister
Why did you post this video with this comment I'm confused
That title is a blatant lie, they had a call for a disturbance as is said in the video. Also that guy would've been shot dead in America for raising his voice and swearing
the jewish bit is a bit superfluous i feel
no need to force it in
doesnt make sense
>paid 20 grand a year to be a fookin nobhead
lmao I love the instant bootlicking
>b-but amurica
do you see my flag, retard?
yeah I know, not my image. they look like right knobs without any editing anyways
Oy vey goy, obey the police you criminal scum
Why are you getting so defensive about bashing ameriKKKa?
The UK is a weird creepy country, what happened in the last decade or so?
I just pointed out the laughable whataboutism
>inbred trogladites have rights in norway
I like norway but when you give retards like in the video rights they burn the nation to the ground
you have to treat them like children.
delusional retard
leftists and torries that only appeal to buissness and old people
Do you not have police in Portugal that can go into peoples houses if they hear theres an issue and are refused entry? Pretty sure every single country in the world has that
get out of my fucking house
proxy off yank
I can tell this was brought to attention by an Amerishart and a cursory Yas Forums earch confirms that.
No one knows a thing about Norway so why would they comment on it.
I know 100% this is a burger because only burgers use this word
You need a warrant here, unless a public crime is what's being reported. Domestic violence is considered a public crime now, so if here were suspicions that a guy is beating his wife, they can do it.
sug meg din dumme jævel
>No one knows a thing about Norway
good, I can't think of a relevant country that I actually want to live in
Same thing here
yeah not hard to use google translate mate
ye FOOKIN pigs get out me PISSING house ye FUCKIN bastard FOOKIN pissing arse hole PIGS, look at me SHITTING door these FOOKIN pigs smashed in fer FOOKS sake ye SHITTING WANKING sons of FOOKIN pig bastards
>sug meg din dumme jævel
nice job exposing yourself lmao
my culture :)
proxyspaz done himself in
>everyone that criticizes my country is an american
what even makes you think I like burgerland? you sound delusional and obsessed
what the fuck are you talking about?
Thought they weren’t allowed in without higher approval.
Frantic Yas Forumsturd runs to Yas Forums and thinks his clickbait title video will receive the same reaction on Yas Forums and then gets angry when he realised Yas Forums is about 40 IQ points above Yas Forums. Sad!
British police are the most pathetic people in the existence. They FEAR the Chad working class nutter. They also FEAR being called racist so they let Pakis rape children.
you are beyond obsessed
It does seem the police are going a bit mental with the gathering thing but I feel like there's more to this video.
>police knock on your door and you don't let them in
>walk off into your house and then start filming
>letting them kick your door down to get in and not just opening the door
It almost seems like he's let them do it so he can film it and put it on youtube.
ebin buzzword proxyspaz say some more
But Nazis have high IQs.
they are schitzos ignore them lad
Nutters LOVE the drama
People in power (generally) have high IQs regardless of their views. Yas Forums's power doesn't extend beyond typing naughty words on twitter
Yeah but they kicked his door down literally on the suspicion that he was having tea time with his friends.
no seriously, you cannot do anything but obsess over americans. everyone you disagree with is american, you live in a bubble
go ahead and call me a proxyspaz again to prove my point
Nice cope.
They got called to a disturbance, and must have felt it was necessary to get in. If the bloke had a brain he would have opened the door and talked to them.
State of this filthy paki
anglos deserve everything they get and worse
Source - your anus
Even if you watched the video youd see that's not the case, do you actually think before you write anything or do you just live on autopilot