Has anyone noticed that international opinion on Americans seems to be plummeting?
There's always been memes about them but I have noticed a growing genuine dislike for their people.
Has anyone noticed that international opinion on Americans seems to be plummeting?
There's always been memes about them but I have noticed a growing genuine dislike for their people.
This might just be a temporary blip, but yes. I think previously there was a belief that American institutions were stronger and would ultimately behave in ways that at least made sense, even if it was bad for everyone else.
Now people in other cunts are realising that American power is based upon braindead mutts who can't be trusted to do anything right.
As a kid I tought America was a very strong and developed nation where technology was very advanced. Those Americans are very good at presenting themselves to other countries.
You should've seen what it was like when we attacked and invaded 2 countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 and we dragged the UK with a labour prime minister in it all the way
You are just zoomer. Bush era was far worst.
>epicenter of the coronavirus
>president dismisses it as a hoax
>fastest growing covid rates
>doctors are fired if they speak out about mismanagement
is it okay to call covid the american virus yet?
only here, in the normal world ppl swallow anything american willingly, fast food, entertainment,airplanes, weapons VISIT NEW YORK and shit like normalfags do
this, Iraq war was when USA reached rock bottom reputation
>doctors are fired if they speak out about mismanagement
i haven't heard of this
This, but WASP culture has been on a decline, nowadays it's all about mutts and niggers.
America might still be 50% white (american whiteness that is), but pop culture is already 90% mutt.
That's a good thing.
They have been so blatantly dishonest this whole time and jumping around to every scapegoat they can. American incompetence is on display for the whole world. They got absolutely caught with their pants down
>have far worse covid deaths per capita rates than US
>talk shit about US
>got it way earlier
>waaaaaaaaaaaay higher population density
>way older population
>president dismisses it as a hoax
No he didn't, also your retard PM did absolutely nothing and shook hands with the health minister like 2 minutes after saying people had to stop shaking hands.
e x c u s e s
I genuinely hate amerisharts. Never liked them in the past. Sincerely loathe them in recent years
American posters used to be nice people, more intelligent than the average American.
Now they seem obsessed with joos, who's white and BBC.
a lot of it is just banter.
in my case, it's the knowledge of roving rape gangs post WW2.
It’s REALLY hard to top Bush in terms of dumb kleptocracy and people hating American institutions
Funny thing is they loved Obama who carried on the same traditions just with a smile
They hate Trump cause he’s rude not cause of what he does
Where is Switzerland?
>be dutch
>die of covid
>blame murrica
How come anti-Americans are almost always subhumans?
They're either stormfags crying about da Jooz and muh race, various flavors of commies like vatniks, sinophiles, Western """real"""communists, other type of social parasites pretending to be intellectuals or Muslims crying about muh Israel and US "imperialism".
So generally losers and trash.
Being anti-US is a good indicator of this.
>why so are loud americans
I grew up worshiping america because I wanted to get a motorcycle and ride down route 66 and own guns n shiet. But it's inescapably a bizarro land with the most poisonous political system and foreign policy in the world. It's not really a country so much as it is a petri dish for CIA faggots to experiment on human psychology.
The aesthetics of America are still cool though
>>president dismisses it as a hoax
>No he didn't,
yes he did
>also your retard PM did absolutely nothing
lmao do americans really jump to whataboutism now
losers and trash love finding scapegoats so they don't need to admit they fucked up.
>yes he did
You are fucking retarded. He said the democrats were going to start criticizing his handling of the virus as their new hoax after the impeachment.
>lmao do americans really
go home.
That's the thing, it used to be that people would say "I don't hate Americans, just their government". But that line is used less and less
We don't test a lot of people. People who have minor symptons aren't often tested so the death rate looks much higher than it actually is
I’m 30 I remember Iraq and it was 100% not people saying they hated Americans and not making ANY distinction
There used to be a long time of people just straight heckling Americans that traveled
It comes and goes in waves
>we aren't testing many people
That makes your country response even worse
>death rate looks higher than it is
Retard. I was talking about deaths per capita not per case.
pol posters who came because of trumps election
Can you give me an example of how they were heckled abroad? I was too young to remember those days
okay guys give me the redpill on this,
was 9/11 deserved?
I can't discuss it anywhere without people chimping out.
I call it the mutt virus