What cunt is the worse in your experience?
What cunt is the worse in your experience?
^^ ;D
Brazilians, russians and polacks are the absolute worst in any PVP or shooter
also, only the british and us know how to handle the bants
Is this a boomer chart? I'm trying to think of a game that doesn't have a brazilian server
I never met any foreigners in online games aside from argentineans and chileans lol
and most of them is, I dunno, varies as much as brazilians
I've only played with one Chinese guy (on Men of War: Assault Squad 2) and he lost to me and my friend in a 2v2, got buttblasted and asked for a 2v1 (us v. him), used an exploit to get unlimited airstrikes or some shit, and still lost.
US pros/cons are spot on, but I think we deserve mid-tier at least.
Every team""""""""mate""""""""" which feeds the enemy and flames afterwards when the overfed Quinn is splitpushing and ganking the shit out of this godforsaken trash heap of a game belongs in the fucking chamber.
The only online game that ever mattered was Quake 3.
it is, i remember seeing this on Yas Forums like 10+ years ago when i came on this website
muslims and pajeets
This is funny coming from a meximerda and a niggerlands
Any Russian would absolutely fucking wreck you in a fair matchup but europoops and latinos always cheat
polacks are literal cancer in league
Surely this is a bait post
that's why you play in EUW. the more you know.
>Good English
>Good English
I wonder where these are, since I started playing in 1998 and never found them.
I wouldn't say English people are unskilled, but cocky oh yes. I can't stand playing with my kind in csgo. Nosy fuckers that can't have anyone """"trolling"""" and arrogant to the point of comedy.
Plus that one time where an English lady had an army of Simps and she kept falsely accused me of "getting in the way". She sounded like condescending teacher. I teamkilled her and rage quit, can't stand cunts like her. Pretty sure it must happen in every game for her, since her simps sounded like the "yes babe" meme. Tired of her shit but too submissive to protest.
Most games have region based servers so you're less likely to run into them the further away they are from you. Lithuanians and Frenchies are common in my online games and they are both generally nice types of people to have in your team. I've never had the problem with frenchies that they would refuse to speak english but that's just me. More than that, I'm having the problem with Russians, Ukrainians, Poles and Belarusians. All of them refuse to communicate in english even though they're completely capable of doing so. Even had 2 russians in my team of 5 in a game and one started speaking perfect english but the other one told him off and started yelling at him so he stopped and devolved back to just russian. Mindboggling beings, it's as if coming out that you're capable of speaking multiple languages is a matter of shame to them or something.
my euw account is like lvl 10 lmao and my ping is already 70+ on eune, also remember frogs being annoying when I last played on euw in s4
Lmao we are among the best in fps
I've met a Russian playing in an european server one time and he spoke broken English just like me, but it was fun.
Every French person I’ve ever played with has been a right cunt
I don’t really mind the other nationalities
I'd probably place us under Mid.
Yeah, I've noticed that russians speak english when they're the only russian. But the moment there's 2 of them in the same lobby, they'll make eachother not speak english more often than not. Idk why, it's beyond me.
British people in games are whiny cunts without exception. They pretend they're all about the banter but god forbid you say one wrong thing.
What a shit tier. I live on Far East and Asian players are one of the most unskilled players in the world, especially Japanese lmao. They're only good at autistic stuff like building in Minecraft.
Fuck Scottish independence
Some nationalism fagottry maybe, they are nice people though
i just speak to them in french
not sure if they understand but they never listen anyways
Based boomer
Idk, i barely play against foreigners really.
But i do remember on GT5/GT6 lobbies the worst niggers were Argies, Spanish and Americans.
Holy shit these people can't drive.