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Geeks #575
Would you dress like a girl if it was publicly acceptable? Why/Why not? What would you wear if so?
Why are white people so mean on the internet?
Do circumcised men have a psychological compulsion to do it to others...
How do you stop simps from giving whores money?
*sigh* The boy thinks he's a girl
Letter Thread
OMG this is so true amirite fellow fembots??
Is anyone else into cuckolding? Talk about your fantasies
To the few fembots on this board, what's your type?
A 10/10 thot appears outside your door. She has no money, no food and no place to stay. Everywhere is closed...
Normalfag bingo thread. post yours
Tfw blew it with this absolute qt. But she is a complete mental nut case look at these texts. Some what glad its over...
Whew user, does my pussy stink? Can you give her a quick whiff?
Tag yourselves dumbfucks
What are some things about your body that makes you insecure? And on the other hand...
What's a devilish thing you do fellow femanons?
/Creative general/
Anybody else gay/bi but decided not to have sex with men...
Rate each others taste
Fembot thread
/r9gay/ - #989
Whiteknight redditor beaten by muscle Chad after trying to save girl from attack
For me it's chiaki
I got this girl to spread her asshole for me and its just gross
Just a reminder, this is what women think of ugly guys
Talk to someone
IMAGINE being Tahlia and being so dedicated to your STUPID ideas of being an anti-choice FORCE BIRTHER and a SLAVE to...
If you ever got bullied
Poimandres is here again
Online Porn turned women into size queens...
I'm MTF, been transitioning for 4 years...
Why don't you support immigration? You're more likely to fuck an immigrant
2000s thread, robots? What was life like for you in that era?
Why are there so many grown men afraid of women? I swear, being an incel is a choice made by cowards
Whats the meanest thing anyone has ever said or done to you?
What philosophy or fundamental truths do you men live by?
Why did she do it?
Be me, femanon
Robots, in your opinion, what is/are some of the prettiest names for a girl? what is your ideal waifu's name...
What is your most desired sexual fantasy/fetish scenario? Provided you got to indulge whatever your answer was once...
Girl has done [insert sexual act] with past partners
Would you love a NEET girl that doesn't shower very often, has no hobbies and struggles with mental illness? (bpd...
LISTEN UP I know that most of you are in pain and lost all hope in the society so why don't you say FUCK THE SOCIETY...
Femanons, why aren't your nudes spread across the internet yet...
Who is the fictional character you unironically relate to user?
Why don't you robots simply get a black trad gf?
How do you cope knowing that every girlfriend you will ever have has had this happen to them?
I really hope he wins in 2020
ITT losers post positives about themselves to improve mental state. I ll go first
Orbit general
Manlets are the most oppressed people on this planet
Would you robots even be okay with dating a legit 4/10 chubby girl who has limited social skills and doesn't care about...
What do you think about this woman
Robbed of your manhood at birth
Virgin Fembot Fantasies
/r9gay/ - #988
Waifu General /waifu/ #337
Why do I fall in love with every pretty Russian woman I meet?
That spec ed kid that stabbed his teacher with a pen
Tfw no nice person who would buy me a dakimakura
Who are some Yas Forums posters you instantly recognize?
Fembots of r9k what was the manliest thing you ever done
What is robots stance on abortion?
So, we're all supporting Trump, right frens?
Explain to me again how women are the dregs of society and not men
What makes white women gravitate towards black men so much?
What does Yas Forums drive?
Just made $5 this month by streaming video games~
Post images that describe how the past month has been for you
My oneitis sent me this. is she mad at me
8 Values Thread
"Hey principal user do you think we can upgrade our school computers to Macs?"
Sup Yas Forums
/MidWest/ General 1
Recommend me 5 of your favorite anime
Innie appreciation thread
What was the angriest you've ever gotten a janny?
Cyoa and choice
/r9gay/ - #987
Why hate on veganism?
Bf appreciation thread
How can you possibly compete with her, fembot?
In case you've forgotten, here is your daily reminder
Have you guys ever met an actual watamote/hikki type girl that struggles in getting into relationships...
I imagine this is what heaven feels like and I'll never fucking experience it
/gfd/ Thread- COVID-19 edition
How do get over lost youth?
What is Sex Without a Condom Like?
Letter Thread
Why are Americans so god damn stupid?
What is it like to have online friends to play games with?
YOU cannot have any sexual experience
Why are men here so trash
I started drawing 2 weeks ago so I could become a coomartist, doing commissions
Heloo what do you think of the new addition to my collection? He never did cutu before so it's nice
What does Yas Forums think of MGTOW?
Incels BTFO
You don't have to lift
Why do ethnic girls love white men so much?
Why do all of emma Watson's boyfriends break up with her
Picrew Thread
Be tall
What does it say about a guy dating a girl much younger than him?
Join discord and go on voice chat
Did he kill her?
Arrrrrrgggghhhgg why does every nice guy ghost me?
What can you tell me about Marc Linden that most of us won't know? R their any vid of him with Kasper?
Do you wanna say something but there's no thread to post it in? Say it here, I'll read
Character is over 30
30 years old, still no husband, bf or kids
/r9gay/ - #986
Fembots and Birth Control
You're gay now
Waifu general /waifu/ #336
Okay so I have a friend who is an absolute stereotypical "Chad" type guy. Fucks tons of girls...
Brown eyes = shit eyes
Foot Fetish General
"user, come to bed. I want to dominate you today."
Letter Thread
Dont be a STEMcuck
Have you ever considered letting that second personality you have fully take over your life, and just running with it?
As I see you are encryptively defrauding me as attempts to defraud me adheres as attacks at me as you regard of...
I declare this thread a cute thread!
Is this what all Brazilian boys look like?
Biological Women of Yas Forums, Why are you single?
Anyone else kinda glad they don't have a gf?
Can any oldfags here recall the O.J trial?
D-Do you want to see my translated psych wardu report?
Fembots, what are the robots like that you have dated from here? are they really all abusive?
Do you unironcally hate women or do you just pretend to hate them to be edgy?
Post dumb things that make you smile
Tahlia is head over heels in love with Brendio, how does this make you feel user?
I'm going to learn programming, going to start with C++. anything I should know before I start?
You know why the vikings were so successful? Positive mindset. They believed if they died in combat...
Do robots like pre-2000's anime? What have you been watching? What are some of your favorites?
I hate this sick sick world
Semen looks absolutely disgusting. I don't know how women can gobble down that crap. Any other fembots agree?
Rejected for being a spic again
User, please breed me!
Which fictional characters have stolen the most of your cum?
MBTI thread
Was the dopamine rush from browsing image boards worth missing out on love and friendship and wasting your entire youth...
Virgins, how would you feel if this happened the first time you had sex?
Hey Yas Forums, it's been a long time since I came on Yas Forums
Ask mom to buy me a new ps4 controller because I smashed my last one
Survey Thread? Survey Thread
Do you consider yourself dumb, average or smart?
Chart thread?
Tfw no mommy gf - a thread for all of you hungry for maternal love. Be it a mommy...
The way males go through a "redpill" phase do women do that too? Do they become psychotic "beta" haters?
How do I get a crystal cafe gf?
Reminder this is happening somewhere RIGHT NOW due to isolation
Is being an incel really that big of a deal
/r9gay/ - #985
$50 million is deposited into your account. What do you do with the money?
Even crystal cafe had a cuck thread
Big Sock Bun Fetish Thread
You should treat trans people with respect we can be friends!
A reminder to all men: your feelings matter too <3
Waifu general #335
/Robot Creative General/
What's the ideal female form?
Why do robots hate femanons so much?
You know these stories about girls who had sex with almost everyone in their class or neighborhood?
Fembot thread
Worst life contest
Career/Occupation Advice
Essential core thread
That feel when no cute fat girlfriend
Is r9k ready for whats coming?
Second week of HRT and I am constantly horny what do
Any anons joined the army or national guard? What's it like? Did it take much to get prepared to serve...
It's your friendly neighbourhood letter thread
Why are women like this? Is this what college is truly like?
What's wrong with being black? I'm not doing anything against other people
Can you describe yourself in three words? One positive, one neutral and one negative trait
What are the most shocking thing you have ever realized about the world?
Did you listen to their music?
Why are meat eating robots such fucking hypocrites...
Why are white supremacists overwhelmingly poor and uneducated?
How big should a woman's tits be?
Is there such thing as a girl who likes fucking virgins?
Post your score bros
Your male best friend turns out to have been a biological girl this entire time
What would you do?
Weekly Family Thread
PSA: avoid talking to pic related. His name is Kai and he has multiple discord accounts he posts here...
Tfw no normie gf to call mommy
I think fembots come here because everywhere else treats them like this, and it gets boring
Most of us incels will die alone because of our autism, but I don't see why femcels say they have it as hard, I mean...
Why do so many mass shooters have Autism Spectrum Disorder?
/r9gay/ - #984
I need a coomer gf
Anyone esle here remember Avatar Last Airbender?
What are some faggy expressions you hate?
What the fuck am I suppose to say
My husband is bored and depressed all the time...
Would you rather date a hapa or an asian girl?
Money can't buy happiness
Waifu General /waifu/ #334
Okay, im ready to settle down now
Do age gap relationships ever work out? Let's say one is 18-19 and the other is mid to late 20s
Unpopular opinion thread
How do i get a tween gf?
If you're a white man you have no excuse to be an incel or not have a gf and you need to get the fuck off this board
Last threads
/smg/ - Stock Market General Thread
Elon Musk has gone insane, and has started shilling cryptocois. Not trustworthy...
Armed Citizens STORM MICHIGAN CAPITOL, Invade Congressional Offices (POLICE STAND DOWN)
Fb fap continued
Tokyo Ghoul: re Volume 8 Storytime
This is a 10/10 in Bongland
Celeb thread
If a "hero" kills a villain, then he's not a hero, he's just another villain
Television and Movies
Video Games
Right-wing cringe thread
Animal Crossing
Video Games
Did you ever find your Ramona Flowers?
Television and Movies
Is it frowned upon in your culture to use damaged goods?
Three Seas Initiative
Has there ever been any proof that there are paid Jewish shills on here making shitposts and slide threads beyond...
This is why the world is ruined
One piece
Yas Forums
Video Games
Television and Movies