What is robots stance on abortion?

What is robots stance on abortion?

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I wish I was lucky enough to get aborted.

ban it I dont care when a life of a whore gets destroyed because she fucked 50 black niggers

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Trash taking out potential trash

Only for the purposes of eugenics my qween.

They should kill the mother along with the child.

people who do it tend to be irresponsible and can't control their impulses
they're doing the kid a favor by killing it

Should they be punished for being so irresponsible?

Against most of the time, pro in regards to you OP

Nearly everyone is extremely irresponsible in some way so I don't really see the point in punishing anyone for it.

It feels like a really morally reprehensible thing to do because you were too irresponsible not to get pregnant.

Murder, not that original but true

I shouldn't pay for the mistakes of roasties which don't benefits me.

I'm in favor mainly because i wish i had been aborted myself, but i also dislike giving women a safety net for when they're fucking around
I think the best solution is to allow it, but give complete decision power on it to the guy, so the woman gets no choice

Most abortions are done privately though.

So you want them to bring more niggers into the world?

It's objectively murder, but the people who are getting abortions are the kind of people we don't want any more of. So I'm indifferent.

If that helps stopping white women from fucking niggers yes

I read somewhere black women have the highest rate of abortion. Almost half of black women have stds too.

it should be a last resort
I think the option should be available but I'm not naive and know it isn't just killing a lump of cells and actually entails killing somebody

Accidents happen, it sucks but sometimes it's necessary. However if you have to be involved with more than one, as a man or a woman, you need to take a serious fucking look at yourself.

Pro-choice. If you're not responsible enough to put a fucking condom on and take birth control, or especially if you're too poor to buy either, I don't want to know what kind of damage you're gonna do to the kid that you're inevitably gonna raise alone.

I dont care about abortion, do what you want, my dick is 10 inches long.

if she gets pregnant she better have one

Once a baby is conceived, it's alive and should be treated as such

Given that, I feel like conservatives need to give in and promote birth control and improve sex ed. It feels so wrong to promote such degeneracy but it has to be done.

I've never understood those who claim that abortion is bad yet allow it
You recognize it's murder but it's okay in some occasions? Do you think you could use that in court? It's not self-defense and the baby hasn't committed a heinous crime

It very clearly isn't working that way though. The most responsibility they're gonna start taking is using condoms. They're not gonna sit there and think to themselves "Well gee, this law has really inspired me to only date inside my race now", they're gonna just tell themselves to be more insistent about wearing a condom before they go back to business as usual.

Human life has no value on its own user, deal with it

its fine to do it until the baby develops consciousness

Thog no caaaaaaaaaaaaaare

Women dont deserve rights. Thats my stance and Ill leave it at that.

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So In other words you think that if a man doesnt want the child then the woman should get rid of it but if the woman wants to get rid of it she shouldnt. Right?

Yeah something like that lol. Eat shit cuntoid. You are a baby incubator. Nothing more and you'll do as tour told.

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Your outlook is just toothless. You imply that it should only be done in the worst circumstances, but also imply that the only control on it should be taking a "serious fucking look at yourself."

If there aren't real consequences for using it, people will use it freely and feel no shame. Simple as.

Thankyou for confirming why I hate Men.

Hypothetically, if we discovered what consciousness even is and that if we discovered that it starts to develop sometime after being birthed I'd be alright with post-natal abortions AKA killing born infants

i want it to be banned simply because i want people to suffer for their actions

A necessary evil.
Gives retards another chance to prevent bringing a child to a bad home or with retarded parents that dont want him or cant afford it.

Oh yeah, because surely the best men you'll find are the ones on r9k.

Choice but I don't think abortions for reasons that aren't medical or rape related should be publically funded. If some dumb prostitute cunt wants to keep aborting her shits every time she gets up the duff then let her, she's only doing us all a favour and not bringing her fucked up children into the world. But she can pay for it, not us.

Meanwhile if a woman is raped, she shouldn't be forced to have her rapist's baby. Or if an unborn baby is screened to have Down's or another debilitating disorder, wouldn't it be cruel to bring a person into the world who will have a vastly lower quality of life? And unjust to have taxpayers pay for these burdens?

abortion is right and important.

the decision is one that the mother and father both have to make.

>christoids pretending to be pro-life because one of their BASED alt-right twitter daddies told them it was bad
>all life is precious dude!!! except for niggers and degenerates

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Her body her choice.
pro choice then

since im a virgin and not a women
i dont get a say

The sick, retarded and the lowest castes should be aborted out of mercy for both themselves and society at large.

Hopefully China masters designer baby technology soon so everyone can GENEMAXX their offspring to be smarter, stronger, healthier and better looking. In that kind of society abortion would be unnecessary and could be banned as obsolete.

The problem is that even in the whore case, having the child will end up being more expensive for the state (and lets be honest, chances are he may even end up as a criminal).

Abortion should only be allowed in the following cases
>baby is nigger
>baby has a disabily that won't allow it to live for long

The kind of women who get abortions should have been sterilized from the get-go. I would rather they never reproduce than kill any of their offspring.

Sounds based af to me

LMAO seethe more cuntoid

Christians are anti-abortion because they believe life is sacred and begins at the conception
Twitter alt-righters are typically pro-abortion because most of the babies who get aborted are black, so that helps them in the demographic competition
The only brainlet who doesn't know what he's talking about here is you

>except for niggers and degenerates
You make it sound like a bad thing.

DONT CALL ME A GODDAMN CUNTOID. Goddammit I hate incels.

You're assuming I consider it murder, I don't. The issue is there's a dozen other things you could do to prevent pregnancy if you planned any time at all ahead. An invasive medical procedure should not be used in place of contraceptive. It also means they're not protecting themselves against STDs. If you're having to go to an STD clinic to get your diseased genitals sorted out more than once you again need to fix your behaviour because you're doing something wrong.
It should be available because ultimately not letting the kind of retard who would behave this way reproduce is better than letting them bring a kid into this world to fuck up but they should be aware they're scum.
Shame should be the consequence.
The problem is the mistake is shared and the consequences are shared but the choice of whether to fix the mistake is given solely to the mother. If a man doesn't wish to have a child and the woman refuses to abort then the mans reponsibilty for child support etc should be eliminated or vastly reduced.

I hate retards and rapists so I guess I'm pro-abortion

I don't really have a stance on this.

Usually people that need abortion are of lower class and uneducated, so it would probably do everyone a favor to not allow them to pop any more kids into this world. However fixing someone else's mistakes like that only propagates the idea that it's okay to do the wrong thing since you'll not be held responsible.

So within the parameters of our modern society, I'd say the best we can do is to try to get everyone to understand that using contraception when you don't want a baby is a good idea.

And on the topic of when the abortion should take place, of course as soon as possible but before 20 weeks. Think the current idea of fetal viability is a good starting point, if you absolutely must kill a baby at least do it before it could possibly survive outside of it's mother's body.

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Lol seethe more incel. You cant even get a real woman to talk to you IRL LMAO!. We've got your board. Noticed the up surge in female positive threads last 24 hours? Get used to it bitch boy. You fucking scrotes will never again be allowed to have your own space. We win, once again.

Should be legal, at least early on. Human genetic code does not equal the moral status of personhood. At the very least you need to be conscious.

god this art style is horrible. Leave it to tumblr/reddit/the left to not see the forest for the trees.

People who promote and perform it should unironically be killed (only in a legally sanctioned manner by the state after due process blah blah fuck off 5eyes).

Don't want a baby? Don't make a baby.

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Disgusting, but I'm more than okay with low IQ shitskins murdering their crotch spawn. Wish they murdered more of their adults, too.