Dont be a STEMcuck

While you bots were busting your ass for 5 years to make 80k engineering chemicals or some dumb shit, I studied a meme degree. Did nothing for four years. Decided to take the LSAT because I didnt want to work. Fueled by amphetimines I studied for 6 months. Scored in 99th percentile. Got into a a T14. Got offered a big law gig through OCI. Now making 190k a year plus bonus. Don't have to argue in court or anything, just due dilligence and research pretty much. Now that working from home shit is super comfy. Just poppin addy and billing my shitposts to the client. Don't fall for the stem meme bots.

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>tfw don't know what any of those words mean because I'm a 26 yo NEET with no knowledge, formal education or goals in life
Anyone else knows this feel?

Don't fall for the Law meme. my gf is a lawyer and my cousin and her husband are also lawyers.

The job is extremely time-intensive and very insensitive to your feelings. If you want to make a good deal of money, you're going to have to work 80+ hours a week. If you want a reasonable life-work balance, you'll be making under 50k, guaranteed.

Not to mention there is a huge glut of lawyers in the US. we have way, way too many. The people in the bottom of these classes are clerks, uber drivers, whatever. It's a bad deal.

Yeah, if you're that 1% of lawyers who kills in law school, gets good internships, knows the right people, and has high CHA, then it's a great job. But you're not that guy. I'm not saying STEM is necessarily the way to go (I think trade school is the best deal right now), just that you should stay away from law school.

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I don't know man... my head is killing me.... I think.... I think I got The Virus....

>you're going to have to work 80+ hours a week
Only if you bill like shit. I work around 60 and hit my targets each year. People who say they work 80 a week are really just talking and browsing the internet all day
> The people in the bottom of these classes are clerks, uber drivers, whatever. It's a bad deal.
Yeah if you go to a brainlet school maybe. I was in the bottom 1/4 at my school and got big law. Never studied. No sweat
>just that you should stay away from law school
If you are a brainleTTT

dude let's assume you are not lying. Your situation, while it may not be unique, is not something the majority of these NEET's and fucking retards are going to be able to replicate. They're going to get into some fucking night school somewhere and fucking suck, and then barely pass the bar and then get a shitty paralegal job.

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>not something the majority of these NEET's and fucking retards are going to be able to replicate
Doesnt everyone on this board claim to be high IQ

yeah, and everyone in the world claims to be smarter/more compassionate/better than average when you ask them, even though it's impossible.

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damn bro, amphetamines?!

Im going into petroleum engineering, the whole point of that is that it will pay well and get more valuable as global oil supplies eventually get more scarce.

>Trade is the best way right now.
I kind of sort of have to disagree.

Trades pay well now, but that is mainly due to lots of overtime hours and some trades like welding being in short supply. Eventually the market will balance its self out and the shortage of tradesmen will be gone and it sounds very stressful to have to live on overtime to sustain my self or a family. And few trades are something you want to be doing when you get to age 50.

>adderall, vyvanse and the like

wouldn't that mean that jobs will also be scarce when the oil supplies get scarce?

money doesn't buy you a fullfilling life. some people use money to brag, like a dick measuring contest. these people will always be unhappy with themselves.

Anyone who posts on Yas Forums is not cut out for law, LOL give me a break, law is full of fucking normies.

Thanks for the laugh OP

Back to xoxohth

This advice is for brainlets only.

If you're smart enough, STEM or law are perfectly viable fields. And half of you think you're fucking misunderstood geniuses, so either nut up or shut up.

Med school/residency is no different, you're going to be working 60-80 hour weeks before you can start making the big bucks.

34 neet, feel you brother. Apparently he has autistic superpowers and somehow lives life on autopilot yet makes 200k a year. Calls doing law work super comfy. What brand of retard is this creature.

it's comfy because I cash fat checks every week, drive a benz and live in a high rise

t. larping high school student

>lives on his own
>drives a car

You're on the wrong board, bucko.

> t. coping neet

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Hey richy rich could you send me like 2k so I can finally have a gaming pc and get to play comfy single player games with mods?

can you lick my nuts

you don't even need a 2k computer for that retard, my computer was around 700 bucks and I can play any game I want, build one faggot.

>what is inspect element


what is coping neet

>190k law firm
>comfy work
Yeah keep larping

I'm not the one larping on a cambodian teenage mentall illness forum.

How much Adderall do you take?

Am not homosex. Is it weird that if I were wealthy I would oblige people to the extent of not hindering my lifestyle yet whenever asking a rich person for any sort of help it's met with absolute hostility. This is what I meant by autistic superpowers. You guys aren't really human and in no way should be rewarded for your auto-pilot efforts. You are excelling in a system that was rigged from the start whereas us normal people are forced to revel in less-than-mediocrity because we find the idea of endless monotonous tasks worse than death.

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yeah i work 60 hours a week, but the work is engaging and important. do you know what its like to read about deals you worked on in the wall street journal? of course not because you busy flipping burgers
i take 40 MG EOD

I got a STEM degree and am making 200k a year plus bonus working in finance as a quant. You're just jelly.

What is EOD?
And do you take Adderall or Vyvanse?

>if I were wealthy I would oblige people to the extent of not hindering my lifestyle
if my aunt had balls shed be my uncle. i worked hard for what i have. get your own

entry level quant is maybe like 125k. if you really make 200k you've been working at least 5 years. by then i'll be nearing 350k in total comp.

every other day. I take both. i am prescribed adderall but sometimes i trade it for vyvanse

Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.


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Been at this for several years. My bonuses are quite nice though.

Yeah but 40mg of Adderall is very different than 40mg of Vyvanse. Also is the Adderall IR or XR?

In my 7th year my base is 325 plus a 100k bonus dude you should've went to law school

oh 40mg of addy is what i take. i take 60mg of vyvanse. i have 30 xr addy that i take in the morning and redose with a 10mg ir in the afternoon

10000% Agreed. Only STEM field legit is Software. I was a mech eng student but dropped out and went Software. I still kinda regret because the social aspect is shit, basically law = social + money where software is just money, cs = money - social. One thing I should add, that you probably forgot is:
In STEM you are surrounded by beta nerd faggots I'm 100% sure that even if you were a normie you will be wierd or nerdish after you graduate. I mean, yeah you can get out of your way to socialize with people from other courses but a STEM field is taxing as fuck and it takes tremendous amount of effort to maintain a non-shitty social life

Why would I want to do something so faggoty? This work is much more interesting. And the sky's the limit anyway for salary. Especially as I'm planning to open my own shop one day.

What do you guys think about working/getting a degree finance?
t. In my first year of Uni not sure what to do

Unironically no lower species on this world then lawyers and Gypsies

hey me too. once i make partner i'm taking my clients and jumping ship. i will rep your shop at reduced retainer
finance is a great field but you need to get good grades/preferably attend target school and get a bulge bracket internship if you want to make big bucks

I don't know how it is in the US but I'm eastern yuropean and STEM is full of soi bugmen over here.

it's the same in the us. all chads go to finance/business/law. very rarely you'll get a chad stem (doctor) but thats an exception

Medcucks here love listening to themselves talk about saving lives and how shit their pay is (that's actually true though lmao). My parents are both MDs but mom went SAHM after I was born and dad works for an insurance company so they can't delude themselves.

I'm just doing STEM because it is situation as fuck for me:
1- To leave my current country easily( Nigger infested crime ridden shithole called Brazil)
2- I plan to branch out to consultancy or sales ( of software products) instead of being some fucking codemonkey locked in a office complex all my life lmao

Liberal arts degree chad right here.
Got my masters in theology and history and I dont regret it one bit. Fuck STEMcucks. All my cousins made fun of me because they are all in engineering, but guess what they dont have a job and I do, so fuck yeah!

you're dumb nigger i hope you die from aids while defending dindu nuffin so he wont go to jail

I thought you said it was next to no effort super comfy mode. Also you were doping.

>thinks big law firms defend blue collar crime

We aren't talking in USD that is literally made out of diamonds per bill. Some countries like your neighbor for example has currency that is worth it's weight in dog shit. 700USD is like 2k here.

i didn't say it was no effort. i said it is comfy. which it is

STEM can also be really comfy. It is just preferences. BTFO

How the fuck is slavery comfy you robotic android autism machine?

The leather seats in my Benz are comfy af

Post your car
t. /o/ enthusiast

Imagine thinking that slaving 60 hours a week and abusing prescription medication just to even maintain your workload is a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle, THEN try to flex on NEETs on the internet
OP you are completely delusional

Nothing crazy. 2019 white Mercedes e350 sedan

Imagine spending 60 hours a week cooming in your parents house

I majored in STEM and only make 60k a year but I basically get paid to do nothing 90% of the time. No shitty aderall comedowns for me. Life couldn't be more comfy.

Actually I dont get comedowns because I make it a point to 1) take vitamins 2) eat 5 small high protein meals a day 3) drink a gallon of water 4) run and lift mid day