I really hope he wins in 2020

I really hope he wins in 2020.
He's been doing a good job and the media does him so dirty it's just disgraceful.

Also Biden has dementia and I don't want a bunch of unelected bureaucrats running the country using Biden as a proxy.

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He hasnt been doing a good job, he's been doing an absolutely awful job. But I also want him to win, just to spite that cunt Hillary Clinton and that faggot Obama, who did everything in their power to fuck over Bernie Sanders and make an old rapist with dementia the nominee.

He will. And I say that as someone who won't be voting for him. Biden is just going to be another Hillary. Trump will probably lose the popular vote again but squeak out another electoral college victory.

i will probably be voting biden just because he's a liberal and it's better than going along with this insanity that doesn't give a fuck about you.

Not my president or a tyrant.

If he wins pic related.

I think there got to be some sort of plot going on.

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You mean besides the millions of people who didn't vote for Bernie in the primaries?

Joe Biden isn't a liberal and he doesn't give a fuck about you. He's a left leaning conservative, meaning he's a republican that doesn't necessarily hate blacks and gays.

>He hasnt been doing a good job

>Record shattering economy and lowest unemployment this country has ever seen that only a global pandemic could bring a stop to.
>Enforcing our laws on the border and at home.
>Re-establishing deterrence in the middle east while pulling troops out of regions where they are not needed.
>Destroyed ISIS
>Healthcare premiums are down
>Median wage up $5000, highest this millennium, highest in a single presidential term, well above the rate of inflation
>Job satisfaction at highest rate

I'm not sure how any of this can be described as an "awful" job.

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Understand why they didn't vote for him. I've been following this election close as fuck. Bernie was the frontrunner and presumptive nominee until it was South Carolina's turn to vote. Joe Biden ends up winning South Carolina. Obama then makes some calls to the other candidates, who are doing BETTER than Joe and are more likely to win than he is. They all mysteriously drop out at the same time and endorse him, the person whose campaign was dead. Then the democratic establishment begins spamming endorsements, making the old man with dementia seem like a viable candidate. Now that it's only him and Bernie, Joe has to come out and show himself more to the public. He accidentally exposes his power level on multiple occasions. His base begins flirting with the idea of a President Andrew Cuomo because they really know that Joe is unfit to lead.

The Democratic establishment know that Joe's popularity and momentum are incredibly fragile, so they push voters out to vote in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and try to pressure Bernie to drop out, even trying to get Joe out of future debates with Bernie. Many people who voted last time are now dead because the democrats forced their states to hold elections. Wisconsin recently voted on the 7th. It was the lowest voter turnout ever. They did everything they could to block mail-in votes, because they know Bernie supporters are all working class poorfags who don't have time to stand in line, the only people who can stand in line for 2, 3, 7 hours are senior citizens who support Biden.

The whole thing was fucked.

>Joe Biden is a conservative

>literally wants to nationalise large swaths of American industry, raise taxes on low and middle income earners and substantially increase deficit spending into oblivion, but because he isn't a communist Bernie bros think he's right wing
You're a joke, my dude.

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Conservatives in America do these same things.

That just means mainstream conservatives in America are left wingers.

>He's been doing a good job
Lmao putting the country into an economic depression is doing a good job.

>Obama then makes some calls to the other candidates, who are doing BETTER than Joe and are more likely to win than he is. They all mysteriously drop out at the same time and endorse him

You have no proof of any of this.

I think dems subconsciously want to fail because they see themselves as permanent victims of injustice

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No, not concrete proof. But it's pretty obvious. Both Pete and Amy get phone calls from Obama around the same time and both, at the same time, decide to drop out and endorse the guy doing worse than them?

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Maybe in 2010. These days it's the Yas Forumstards crying about how "oppressed" they are. MUH FREEZE PEACH

>Lmao putting the country into an economic depression
You do realise that the economy is currently in a bull market and has recovered almost half of the value that was lost in the initial coronavirus plunge, in spite of the shutdown remaining in place, right?

The Trump economy has shown remarkable resilience to the initial coronavirus shock.

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I can't wait for Biden to make even more of a fool of himself.

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he's a neo liberal like all democrats and republicans
your vote means nothing

did you forget that there's a pandemic going on and Trump has barely done anything to help the majority of people affected

Even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height user.
Where does that $2 trillion dollar tax rebate come from? How about all the small businesses that are going to go under because of this? Airlines are completely fucked as well, no matter how much money you pump into them.
All Trump had to do was take the virus seriously like South Korea, but nope. He said it would magically go away and that it wasn't a big deal.
No mass testing, half assed travel bans when it mattered, and only taking it seriously after his friend got sick.

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he's giving everyone $1000

>Trump has barely done anything to help the majority of people affected
Except that the models have been consistently revised to show substantial numbers of decreased deaths. Like, 90% less deaths than what was initially predicted and it's probably going to keep dropping. Thanks, Trump!

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I'm entirely certain Trump is going down as one of the best presidents in history. He's defied odds to such a ridiculous degree it's amazing people dislike him. I can understand he's not that popular and nothing will change anyone elses mind about it. Seriously where I'm from basically he's regarded like a Sith from star wars and opposition party are basically count duku's illegitimate children that are angry they're not featured in whatever star wars does? I can't really think of any sort of equivalent short of anyone wanting him to be compared to the most reviled thing possible while he's accomplished things nobody else could. I really have no logical explanation of any of it, it's the Trump curse. Fucking I got filled full of propaganda Trump is bad. The Trump curse just happens inexplicably. I've had doubts but every time the trump curse happens. The Trump Curse defies reason. I can't even define or explain why the fuck this sort of stuff happens.

He's also looking at the idea of expanding Medicare temporarily, a Bernie-like proposal that will ensure him a 2020 victory against Joe "Nothing Will Fundamentally Change" Biden.

Seeing as how that headline is from the 3rd and Buttigieg dropped out on the 1st, I'm pretty sure Obama called to secure the endorsement for Biden.

How many people have gotten their stimulus check again?

How does that help the hospitals running out of money and equipment, and people filing for unemployment?

>Even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height user.
That's wrong though. We did not see a 50% gain on the drops in the 2009 recession until a year after the initial drop. The Trump economy saw a 50% gain in less than a month. The bear market caused by coronavirus is the second shortest bear market in history, lasting roughly 19 days.

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He sucks circumcised cock but he's no worse than any of the other kike controlled candidates I suppose.

>How does that help the hospitals running out of money and equipment
They aren't, they are being resupplied at record rates. Even better, they're being resupplied with American made technology as we move our medical supply chains out of China.
>and people filing for unemployment?

What does the stock market have to do with millions of people losing their jobs?

>The stock market isn't the economy, and it goes up when companies become more profitable, which they have under Trump because has given them all tax breaks.
> Trump, being a corporate tool, has done little to fight the trend of corporations using migrant slave labor on our soil. Trump could have kept that rate low by paying workers' wages during the pandemic. He appears to have chosen not to.
> Syria, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah destroyed ISIS.
> What policy of his accomplished this?
> That figure is from the Heritage Foundation, a mill of right-wing bullshit, and who's head Trump tried to appoint to the Federal Reserve Board. Wages have increased, but the country has gotten more unequal during his presidency.
> What policy of his accomplished this?

Trump, like Reagan, has been more talk than action, and we will feel the results of his ineptitude down the line, just as we did with Reagan. Your neoliberal bullshit is typical MAGAbro idiocy.

Why should Israel not be allowed to protect itself from Islamic terrorists at its border?

2009 drop was nothing compared to this.

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Obama called before Pete dropped out. The article was just posted on the 3rd.

He rode the Obama economy lol, and now it's all going to shit anyway. The wall isn't even done and by the time it gets done the next president (probably democrat) will order it torn down. ISIS was doomed to fall anyway, and he shouldn't get that much credit, the Kurds (who america abandoned) did all the ground work. But I hope he wins, America's global image is shattered, and I want western imperialism to fail, the age of China is upon us

What industries does Biden want to nationalize?

People who make decisions around hiring and firing are listed on the stock exchange and own stocks. This is basic economics, user. When stock values are high, people employ more and when stock values are low, people fire more. Businesses have been laying off workers because they've been forced by the Government to close, so the true recovery will come when the shutdown ends.

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Conservatives in America are economically far-right; left-wingers in America are center-right.

Because in 2009, there was no Government ordering businesses to shut down. That's because the recession in 2009 wasn't caused by a deadly virus.

>so the true recovery will come when the shutdown ends.
That's literally a year away, if not more

Should have closed the borders stopped all flights like he did with the Muslim countries after the bowling green massacre.

Who said they shouldn't and what does that have to do with anything?

>and now it's all going to shit anyway.

>The Government shutting down businesses for months on end is not going to have any negative effects

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That's the result of expert policies that were rolled out late in the game due to Trump

>That's literally a year away, if not more
I truly doubt Trump will keep the shutdown lasting that long. It'd be political suicide. We'll be open by June.
The point of the shutdown isn't to prevent coronavirus from spreading or wait until there's a cure, it's to "flatten the curve" so that the number of cases never exceeds hospital cases.

I notice your graph does not include the recovery that came after the 19 day bear market. Why not? Obviously it does have negative effects, you just need to look at the current unemployment numbers. The point I'm making is the remarkable resilience the recovery is ALREADY showing.

>The point of the shutdown isn't to prevent coronavirus from spreading or wait until there's a cure
The virus would spread again if the shutdown ended, flattening the curve is a short-term goal

It doesn't show the recoveries for any of the other crashes either.

Every American president is a war criminal, and Trump has increased drone strikes some 400%. I won't be voting for Biden either though.

>The virus would spread again if the shutdown ended
Yes but the public health theory is that herd immunity, moving into the summer months and maintaining some social distancing practices will prevent a second peak.

If Bernie doesn't run as an independent I'm a just not vote at all. Biden is a pedophile rapist

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You think people are going to go back to normal after the shutdown happens? Even before the shutdown people weren't going to movies, were flying less, and not going out to eat.

>I don't want a bunch of unelected bureaucrats running the country using _____ as a proxy.
but that's how every presidency is

Yes but my point is this is one of the fastest recoveries in history, and we've already gained back half of what was lost without ending the shutdown in less than a month.
In order for it to be a recession or a depression, the bear market needs to last months upon months, not last 19 days.

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They can protect themselves
but why should we protect them and pay them neetbux?

>oh no not the heckin iranian terrorinos being killed by drone strikes

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Why would it keep recovering again?

>herd immunity
The virus has permanent effects on the body and herd immunity leads to more deaths and potential mutations, fuck that

Joe Biden is such a fucking fraud. Not only does he not have dementia but he's going to get raped in the ass by Trump. If the DNC had actually supported the one unity candidate in the running - Bernie Sanders - there would have been a shot at defeating Trump's reelection. But no, instead we have to choose between a old white racist with sexual assault allegations and an old orange racist with sexual assault allegations. What a fucking joke, I hate the United States so much

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I'm very grateful for threads like this. The Democrats are so fucking evil I almost catch myself liking Trump, especially because he tells the truth about Bernie (poor guy) and the DNC. Then I see these threads, see how retarded his supporters are, do the bare minimum of research, and I'm back to the logical conclusion: Trump is just as bad as the Democrats.

>Why would it keep recovering again?
Because we're going to reopen. The initial coronavirus bear market is over. Why would there be a second one when we're already through the worst of it?

Yes, that's right I'm a basedboy because I do not support indiscriminate bombings of civilian targets.

Drone strikes are legal on American citizens on US soil

>caring about mainstream politics in 2020

>civilian targets.
You do realise that terrorists specifically hide their weapons inside hospitals and schools just so that useful idiots like you will spread this message around whenever we take out those terrorist targets?
There's genuine ethical questions about whether or not it is okay to attack certain targets when terrorists are hiding there, but acting like we're just bombing civilian locations with no extenuating circumstances is retarded.

They're both fucking terrible, Bernie isn't even close to a Democrat but this country is a two party system and he knows he'd have to get the Democratic nomination to win.

Believe it or not, it does affect you. Apoliticism is a vote for the worse candidate

must be nice to not care about things that affect you

>>Record shattering economy and lowest unemployment this country has ever seen that only a global pandemic

Why do MAGAtards believe this? The economy was going up during Obama's 2nd term. Trump was riding his wave. Plus, the economy was predicted to crash way before the gov't shutdown. Alot of it is Trump's fault.

>Destroyed ISIS
Obama and his crazy obsession with drones did that.

>Massive loss of jobs
>Massive loss of revenue
>Massive public loans
>Loans that will never get repaid because of inevitable bankruptcies
>TRILLIONS of dollars in tax money given away increasing the deficit
>Decreased tax revenue for 2021 increasing deficit even more
>Inevitable shutdown of some airlines
>People avoiding public places for fear of getting infected
>Defaults on mortgages due to slow government response and loss of jobs
These things don't happen in a few weeks.

>Apoliticism is a vote for the worse candidate
Not if the better candidate wins

>Obama and his crazy obsession with drones did that.
ISIS did not start receding and losing territory until after Obama left office my dude.

Meanwhile China
>Is successfully doing a cultural revolution worldwide by killing off the boomers
>will get away with it without paying a dime
>has already contained the virus
>economy is recovering just fine without social disorder
>the world won't take america seriously after this
>will rise as the next global superpower
>singlehandedly BTFOing western imperialism
How is it possible to be this based?

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And they sure as hell don't stop in time for summer either

>The economy was going up during Obama's 2nd term. Trump was riding his wave.
Yeah, I'm sure it was just a huge coincidence that the biggest peaks in market confidence to occur under Obama were when Trump won the election and when Obama left office.

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I wish China wasn't our best bet at a post-money society

>has already contained the virus
Imagine believing this.

I'm referring to the majority of drone strikes we launch with shaky information regarding who we are killing and with no regard for possible civilian casualties. For the most part, combatting terrorism by hitting it with a sledgehammer has shown to be ineffective in the cases of al-Qaeda and the Taliban, as of now ISIS appears to be the exception, but that situation is still playing out.

Why wouldn't it be under control in China user?

Because the Chinese government is the only one saying it