I'm going to learn programming, going to start with C++. anything I should know before I start?

I'm going to learn programming, going to start with C++. anything I should know before I start?

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You need programming socks if you want to be any good.

Everything about pic related is entirely true.

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Learn bogosort

faggots are as good as indians when it comes to programming, fuck off and kys

What about an original indian faggot?

You're not.
Learn how to program before you get into manual memory management bullshit (this is where 90% of aspiring devs kill themselves). Use Python, I guess

fuck, I have a general idea of programming but I'm a complete beginner, why python though?

Python is one of the easiest languages you can use while still being actually productive.
Dynamically typed, garbage collector, uses an interpreter so it's portable across OS (if you program it with multiplatform libraries), etc.
C++ on the other hand, is a massive amount of bullshit to even start being productive. Use only for games.
For embedded, C is okay, but C is old fashioned and won't hold your hand

It doesn't matter what language you learn. Once you learn one object orientated programming language (c++, java, Python) then you can learn them all really easily as well as their pros and cons.

yeah, thats what I thought too, I'm just working on the fundamentals right now.

> It doesn't matter what language you learn.
My experience is the opposite, people get fucked by memory management and how close to the metal C++ is
> Once you learn one object orientated programming language (c++, java, Python)
C++ is general purpose, you can technically live without object oriented programming with it (but at that point just use C)
Java is forced OOP + GC
I wouldn't say they're the same at all
Though if he manages to learn C++, most languages will be a piece of cake after that

teachyourselfcs.com/ if you want more resources too, fren. An interest is the first step to greatness

this. I can't stress this enough from experience you'll get unfocused and not finish. That's why it is needed properly for the socks otherwise you are a doomed person to begin with

I have to learn a two months worth of course in 3 days FUCK

C (as in the language)

>C++ on the other hand, is a massive amount of bullshit to even start being productive. Use only for games.
>My experience is the opposite, people get fucked by memory management and how close to the metal C++ is
Whatever you do, don't listen to this user, what he said is so fucking retarded.

why is it retarded? orignally

Learn Javascript or Python depending on what you want to specialize in, those are the two languages in the most demand with the most job opportunities.

Don't bother, C++ is just Java but with more steps, which makes it good for very granular memory management, but you won't need that outside video games.

okay, what did you start with?

Java. It's the most popular language in existence and is the most currently learnt language in existence. Some might suggest python, since they like it, but python isn't a language that is ever used in a professional setting.

Java is OOP and strictly typed (Javascript allows you to make mistakes to save time, as well as having multiple ways to do things which is just confusing).

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-04-25-at-9.26.03-AM-490x237.png (490x237, 20.76K)

people always say that java is outdated and only indians use it, guess I'll give it a try.

It's old, and at this point people are taking JavaScript over Java as the standard due to it being easier to work on in cloud based micro-services architecture, but I would never recommend JavaScript as a first language due to how dynamic it is.

I started learning Java, thought it was all easy, switched to JavaScript, realised how hard to grasp it was due to it being dynamically typed, then moved back to Java again.

about the age thing though, most languages are. JavaScript came out in 1995, Java in 1998, C++ in 1985. They've all had massive work done on them though obviously. If you want newest release date for the sake of newest release date, use Ruby. It's used for testing existing applications mostly, and isn't that great overall.

nah, I just checked, I'll work my way up form Java, plus I'm just doing this as a hobby, nothing too serious

If you're doing this as a hobby, I'd even more so recommend Java, since you have the ability to do anything with it. Game creation, general utility applications (calculators, small apps to change file names etc), easy to understand output (Console and to file) and has a workable input (Scanner class).

>download a bunch of books
>read and watch a bunch of tutorials
>bang your head against the wall for a while until programs come out
>don't get too hung up over the language because you will use many

JS is not a programming language

soo... what is it then

javaSCRIPT is a SCRIPTING language

a scripting language is still a programming language, just because it isn't being compiled doesn't mean it isn't programing anymore.


I'm a CS student and I feel this is going to be useful. thanks user.

A program is compiled and executed. A script is interpreted.

>anything I should know before I start
programming is for brainlets, learn math.

Your focus should be to learn programming first and foremost. Get to grips with the basic concepts, boolean logic, variables, loops, conditions, that kind of stuff. When you have a good grasp on these things, then you can worry about which language to use.

Go with BufferedReader rather than Scanner.

Yeah, that is more optimal, but for someone who's learning, scanner allows user input in just 2 lines of very simple code and just reusing .nextLine(); for any further user input.

Ruby isnt used for new projects now, just maintaining ror apps. New languages that are more up and coming includ:
Elixer (Phoenix)

Learn math first

Poo in loo

Java feels too framework heavy for me. 90% of things can be done without even doing anything, the last 10% will be hell.

thank you for you very valuable opinion.

>framework heavy
Is there a way out of those careerwise?

> C++

Unless you plan to do comp sci shit, go for something more noob friendly. I would recomend python, or maybe ruby.

not really, every language i've worked on has been around 40% effort into framework related stuff only. It really helps cut down dev effort, but is a bitch to learn all of them.

JavaScript can be compiled with react native.

Op, if you want to learn don't be an idiot and start with C. Most programers start with Scheme or JS/Python.

did I teleport into the 80s?

Becoming a trap is scientifically proven to raise your coding ability by at least 30%

It's what most unis teach as my first langauge.

I don't like scheme, but that's what they do.

It doesn't compile Javascript it has an interpreter built in. It's called native because the UI and APIs are native

Python is used in GIS quite heavily nowadays. If you don't know it well enough to use it then GFL finding a job.

You're kinda splitting hairs though. No it doesn't compile the JavaScript itself, but it's still compiled and you end up with an executible and not a script.

Your original point was that it was not a programming language.


You can write object oriented C++, you can also write functional C++, does that make it a functional language? Fuck no! It's general purpose! Not object oriented, that's just a thing it can do.

Yeah stop being a fucking loser and do something cool

I'm not the person you replied to, also in the same vein you can bundle python as an exe.

Compiled means you don't need another program to run your code.

Mad cuz it was designed as oop c

>you can technically live without object oriented programming with it (but at that point just use C)
Retarded nigger. C doesn't have RAII or smart pointers or any of the other actual reasons to use C++ over C. It's not about OOP.

Nope it was designed to combine the speed of C with the ease of use of Simula because Bjarne found Simula too slow and C too obtuse. It was never meant as OO C.

With react native bundles as an apk...

It makes JavaScript compile.

What is the name of girl in OP pic?

Kai Koffee

>anything I should know before I start?
yeah, don't start with c++ you moron. python or javascript. thank me later.