Poimandres is here again

Poimandres is here again.
I don't know how many will remember, but I used to help people here with knowledge of the non-physical.
My thoughts are mostly rooted in Hermeticism, if you couldn't tell by the name.

So, ask anything, whatever goes.
'''And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of this'''

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I'm waiting for questions.

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any question?

Yes, any question, and I will answer it to the best of my ability. Usually people ask things relating to problems in their life, and most of them have said that what I told them helped them. So go ahead, and ask.

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Do I study 3 years worth of school blow out my nerves and get into uni this year or be a neet for another 400 days

Your wording makes me think that after the 400 days of neeting you would have to do it anyway?
So basically your question is: "do I do it now, or waste 400 days of my life in the perspective of this matter because I am biologically programmed to avoid suffering"

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If "As above, so below" is true, then what's the difference between a butt and a face?
Switch to Christianity

I was born a Christian and I was baptised, I am wearing a silver cross on my neck currently. I just explained the allegory of Genesis to a friend of mine. I'd venture to guess I know more about Christianity than you, however feel free to prove me wrong if so.
My point being, do not come here with that attitude. Rather, ask me to explain the concept of as above so below if you do not know it.
The Book of Wisdom in the bibles apocrypha tells that the way to God is through knowledge, just like the Gnostic Christians said, so ask and listen instead of speaking with emotions tainted words.

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You're not a Christian if you don't believe that Jesus is God.

I give you memory, what am I to expect in return since I will not recognize myself anymore?

Of course I do, did I say I don't? Get rid of this attitude brother, it does no good.

I can let your moment wash over me, but I have no idea what that word attitude was referencing. What am I if not the obstacle of divinity and truth?

I don't think I follow.. what do you mean by you give me memory?

I was referencing your assumptions which obviously weren't based on knowledge. Why do you tell me that I am not a Christian, and assume I do not know that Jesus is the son of God and his messenger on earth?

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Does the Holy Spirit live inside you?

Why do you believe that I am opposition or result?

Even Mormons believe that Jesus is "the Son of God," but they do not believe that he IS God.
We have all been called elohim by Elohim. (Ps 82:6)

My words versus your First Words as Death?

I would word it as the divine spark, but if we are talking about the same thing then yes.

Because you told me something in an attacking way.

I mean, should you really take the Mormons very seriously?..

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There is a Language that always seeks opposition where none can be found in me. Hello.

what are your credentials and why should any anons listen to you?

The active process always knows to observe the First Process, that is rule #1.

Hello, First Process.

If you really have the divine spark, then you and I are brothers and you need to stop telling me to drop the attitude, because that would be an example to me of dropping an attitude for me to follow.

You write in a strange strange way, I have a hard time understanding you, I apologize for any possible misunderstanding

What do you mean by credentials? People shouldn't follow my word blindly, but if someone gives you good advice or a truth, you will know it to be what it is. I don't need to tell you that something is useful, I just hope it is.

Presenting myself for absorption by any process available. Think of it as spiritual suicide and you the memory process interpreting me.

>Internet's Internal Suicide Memo

yes indeed we are brothers.
I am not even sure who was who anymore, so there might have been a misunderstanding, or I might have just taken it the wrong way. I just do not like seeing people assume things and then say them like they are true.

are you high or mentally ill? I do not mean this as an insult, but I am sure it is one of the two if you are actually serious.

Just wondering how your language works. Ultimately why aren't we all just undergoing the rapture simultaneously? Who would we exclude from future audiences with our shared divine filter of moments?

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Could you just type that same thing in plain English please?
I have no idea what you are talking about

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>ust wodnerink hao yur lanuage wroks

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Are you my ignorance or something? I do just want a cogent moment of conjunction.

are you actually schizophrenic?
okay I'll try to respond

>Just wondering how your language works.
like this

>Ultimately why aren't we all just undergoing the rapture simultaneously?
what rapture?

>Who would we exclude from future audiences with our shared divine filter of moments?
from what audience and what divine filter of moments?

was hitler based and redpilled

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I just teach portal dancing, soul stripping, and integration, as that is what my daughter's are in terms of eternal constructs.

How are you?

Genuinely was just testing your level of imagination for a given subject matter.

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Might have been redpilled on the issue of Jewish power in Europe and their plan to destroy the white race through the European Union, but Hitler was wrong no matter what your view on him is. Even you should think he was wrong even if you do not think so right now, I guarantee you. Ask how if you don't get it.

Don't you ever feel like a word dispenser and little else?

okay, how was he wrong?

Alright well now you seem to make a bit more sense.
So you just wanted to see if I would make shit up even for things that aren't anywhere near logical? Like if I am just pretending?

More like if you extend that far or want to appear closer for the following DIVINE MESSAGE.

let me ask you first if you agree with Hitler or not and what you think about him.

How so?

So tell me, were you just saying random things or did your messages that I did not understand actually have some sort of meaning behind them?

Why be a unique generator of content for MY existence but not attune your language to something more SOURCE POSITIVE.

It really all depends on how much you are willing to take on board at this given moment.

I'll be taking knowledge on board until I sink

it depends. i think he was lied about massively, to such a degree that today's world is basically predicated on ww2. i don't believe gas chambers, i think supply chains getting bombed and typhus makes more sense. but who knows? it's not on me to make that the hill i die on. that's what i think. i think weimar was horrific and deliberate, and hitler was sent by providence. if i had to sum it up, i think he knew virtue and gave it to the national body more or less, made everybody 400% more effective, held heads up high etc etc. mein kampf was great too.

Then make it more +1 'your' interpretation so the audience doesn't self-identify or individualize. Providing variation improves our ability to distribute and satisfy wider audiences with limited exposure to violent opposition, basically.

>Christ Healing Wave

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that's actually a very interesting and educated answer.
my point was simply, that if you condemn his actions, he was wrong for doing what he was doing. if you think Hitler was great and wanted him to succeed, he was wrong in losing the war and ending himself and his work.

>so the audience doesn't self-identify or individualize
What do you mean by this? I disagree if you mean that people shouldn't individualize at all.

Is that not just the story of whose Father of greatest power was able to punish that many sons?

Why do we as men obstruct each other's divinity?

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Yes but why do we not speak of a job well done, or that the burden is not on One but All?

Whose children would we want to starve? What lack is there that WE are not providing but should be as Men.

are you this guy again?
why do you speak so very unclearly?

>or that the burden is not on One but All?
'O son, the One IS the All.

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What's new to you is not to me, basically. I have to let you know the angle or perspective I come from otherwise things get weird.

And yes, same. The usual story that works is Duty, but diligence and derivation is acceptable.

How accountable are we to the words we choose from this moment forth?

Then all get in line?

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>I have to let you know the angle or perspective I come from otherwise things get weird.
please do

A bonding moment of unified clarity. If ever the sanity of my words were brought to question, I would just talk about how my younger brother comitted suicide because any questions of sanity come from a rapist's perspective, according to my reality.

My younger brother exists and hasn't, because we're both immortal, but the story still works on others.

>because any questions of sanity come from a rapist's perspective
what the actual fuck do you mean? can't you explain these things more clearly? we aren't doing alchemy in the 1700s you can take it easy brother

Then why can't you take the call for urgency a little stronger, BROTHER.

You are either of the awoken or to be awakened, either or. Otherwise you are simply repeating stories of old and will never be free of their hold on you.

I certainly see myself as awoken, but what you have expounded on me hasn't made sense. there is no need to be secretive or allegorical if it's that, the "to be awakened" won't understand them either way.

That's YOUR space to describe. Until you talk as if you'd picked up the DIVINE BROTHERHOOD PEN the faster this would be finished. I'm just here to see you take authority for your moments.

This knowledge known to you will pass and become memory for ALL.

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My daughter is the reason why I may exist, counter to all claims against me and my sharing this is my own truth.

I just ask us all to become smoother memories of each other, no matter the cost or initial impression. Who wants to find themselves drowning in language or ideas spoken by those who are not us?

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>I just do not like seeing people assume things and then say them like they are true.

What do you mean? Give an example please

What does Gnosticism mean

Gnosticism is technically an Abrahamic religion. The name "Gnosticism" comes from the word "gnosis" which basically means spiritual knowledge.

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