Hello Yas Forums.
i have a challange for you.

good luck, anons

Attached: 1570223976330.jpg (1000x1000, 337.06K)

No one cares, moron

Nope, too lazy go fuck yourself

Bump for interest and the fact that I wont risk downloading those files.

hope it was a foid you killed, murder mystery user

Hello user.
The code of the Batch file is:
@echo off
color 4
type contact.txt
goto :A
if youre scared download the Text file

way better user, way better

ain't clickin shit
ain't downloadin shit
what happened?

you would have to figure that out. The code is around 9k digits long, Too long for Yas Forums

Dafaq are those files op?

Have you downloaded them?
The text file Contains Numbers, wich are codes. Figure out what they mean, the batch file repeat that code Multiple times

didnt understand, just a bunch of red numbers scrollin in the CMD

The CMD is just a loop of the text file he sent in the color red. I assume that you could probably figure it out then with just the 46ty.txt file.

I am very happy that people are interested in this.
The Prize awaits you

Attached: Screenshot_20200411-065043_YouTube.jpg (1334x1080, 437.92K)

The Link is kinda messy

any hints u wanna give us to search into with those numbers???

So far I found that the letter in the pic has the same number (46) that is the name of the txt file.

can you type me the last two lines? Kinda tard of myself, but I cant read em. Also, what it is that thing in the top corner???

One and only.
First layer is in the Nihilist Cypher

I am not OP btw but the last the message says:
Good you're
here Next
one from here on out
River times too
Also, like I said previously, the number of letters matches the number on the txt file. Also, the text file contains a ton of decimal value numbers but when converted to ascii it gives a jumbled mess so idk.

46ty is my name tard

I should maybe clarify that the imagine i posted i not from me or any of my threads. It connected to a suspected murder Thread that was posted on B and had its location in India

So that it's true??

u really murder my expectatives desu :c

Attached: Sayo-nara_-_DDLC.jpg (340x191, 14.19K)

Oh but my sweet little user.
My truth is out there.
And if you dont find it, Nobody will find her.

dont know how people come to this conclusions. My mind is too average for this shit. :c

Ok guys i may be a fucking seriel killer but can you report the fucking spam bots? More annoying than me spammimg these fucking links geez



Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x494, 41.79K)

Ok, I got my mind kinda set, so nihilist cypher I found it is an encryption system. So if the first layer it's the first line of numbers in the txt file, so basically means those numbers I should put them in a nihilist cypher decrypt???

Attached: 1585188605328s.jpg (250x247, 7.95K)

yeah not interested
gg no re

Ok so I read about what a Nihilist Cypher is and apparently it works by mapping the letters of the alphabet to a 5x5 grid and subtracting a letter. Then, by using the grid each letter can be assigned a number. Example: A would be grid position 1, 1 or 11. However, the message sent goes over the maximum grid position of 55 so I would assume that a word key is added to the values then?

Yes. And even if you use they Nihilist cypher. You still have a layer of another coding system under it. This is the hardest challange i have ever created

Attached: Titelloses 85_20200411075833.png (768x768, 86.46K)

the problem is that whenever I put the code on the decoder, it shows me an error (even if I put the first line or the txt full)

No the whole text is in Nihilist.
After you decode the Nihilst code theres another code under that code ans so on.
I think it has like 7 layers of encoding

but what do you mean by layer? (too dumb for cryptography, sorry)

pd: if I report the bots maybe the thread could be taken down by jannies (like the first one with the dark room). In the meanwhile I will download those cute lolis

Yeah, I got an error too at first. The reason it is giving you an error is because the numbers in the txt file are outside the range of the grid unless a code is added on to it. Some decryptors will try to guess this code. However, like OP said, there is another layer of encryption following the Nihilist Cypher encryption so it still won't give you a clean message. I have tried using, so far, a Caesar Cypher and others but have had no luck.

After you decode the Nihilist Cypher, you will not get the Original text, instead, you will get another layer of code you have to decode. Its like an Onion

I will remember you, smart user :)

I have but one question, how are you supposed to know which letter is subtracted from the grid?

You arent.
Your goal is to guess or to find a way.
I need dedicated people after all ;)

Keep us updated. My mind tried the best as I could, but I cant decode layers of encrypted messages. I dont know shit how to identify a layer or what it is. I dont know shit. I m just a dumb fuck with zero knowledge.

So... I wish you luck, I really want to know what is behind all of this (even if is something to stupid like peppa pig's porn)

Attached: 416b3739bc90e4a885cdcfbae1bad008.jpg (500x351, 17.07K)

Thank you for your Controbution to this Thread. I will remember you, user.

Oh no, dont thank me! I havent made shit out of this.

Thanks to you to make my day more interesting, keep us in touch dude!

all of these posts are mine. from now on I will use this name ig.

I don't know anything about decryption either. I just read how this specific cypher works so now I know how one layer of the 7 works. I doubt I will be able to solve it because of this. Also, I have no idea how to find the missing letter other then guess and check but it greatly affects the jumbled message that comes out from what I have seen.

If youre a nicd person.
Archive this.
I cant becouse im on my Mobile device.
Let the people keep the Information given, R9K.
And i will now go to sleep, as it is 8 AM and i have not slept. Good night thread. Keep theorizing

Attached: Titelloses 85_20200411072643.png (768x768, 254.14K)

Gn 46ty. I need to get some sleep as well but I might keep trying this tomorrow.

Oh sure I will...

It took me an Hour to encode.
It may take you five Minutes to decode with alot of luck.

Well... Hope this guy gets connected tomorrow and post it in other boards, so people with better knowledge can help us out. Good job user btw!

Im glad that you people are dedicated to solving this. I see you all tommorow.
Good luck

I m curious how you learned to encode. Sounds interesting. Any books or guides you wanna share with us?

Internet courses and friends i know from real life.

Mostly my friend though.
I used to go to his hause after school and we used to google diffirent cyphers. And then learn them and use them in Practice.
But in this accassion i ofcourse didnt Encode 9k diggits all by myself. Tech makes life easy

Did you use Python?

First, let's take a look at what OP's picture means. Just because it uses the cipher doesn't mean it's the same thing. The keywords are required before we can actually decode it, right?
What does River times two mean? I think these is the keywords, aren't they?

Attached: download.gif (500x282, 1.37M)

Stuff like this makes me wish I wasn't a brainlet. This looks like it could be a fun and interesting mystery but I'm basically useless due to not knowing cryptography,computers and being bad at riddles.

Attached: 1582527068139.jpg (5548x3986, 1.56M)

I wrote a little program to calculate the frequency of the first 26 unique numbers in 46ty.txt and the results are:
[code: 68.0has frequency: 0.125
, code: 48.0has frequency: 0.075
, code: 77.0has frequency: 0.075
, code: 39.0has frequency: 0.05
, code: 47.0has frequency: 0.05
, code: 66.0has frequency: 0.05
, code: 79.0has frequency: 0.05
, code: 76.0has frequency: 0.05
, code: 106.0has frequency: 0.05
, code: 44.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 46.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 54.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 56.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 59.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 60.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 67.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 65.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 69.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 88.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 93.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 95.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 96.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 99.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 107.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 25.0has frequency: 0.025
, code: 26.0has frequency: 0.025

Frequency of whole file incoming:
[code: 66.0has frequency: 0.05968720076603894
, code: 57.0has frequency: 0.04691988509415895
, code: 48.0has frequency: 0.04277050750079796
, code: 68.0has frequency: 0.04213214171720396
, code: 47.0has frequency: 0.03862112990743696
, code: 79.0has frequency: 0.03734439834024896
, code: 78.0has frequency: 0.03319502074688797
, code: 69.0has frequency: 0.031918289179699966

code: 76.0has frequency: 0.03159910628790297
, code: 67.0has frequency: 0.030641557612511968
, code: 89.0has frequency: 0.03000319182891797
, code: 46.0has frequency: 0.026492180019150973
, code: 75.0has frequency: 0.024896265560165973
, code: 65.0has frequency: 0.02298116820938398
, code: 59.0has frequency: 0.022661985317586977
, code: 88.0has frequency: 0.022661985317586977
, code: 56.0has frequency: 0.02202361953399298
, code: 86.0has frequency: 0.02010852218321098
, code: 77.0has frequency: 0.01947015639961698
, code: 83.0has frequency: 0.01883179061602298
, code: 45.0has frequency: 0.01851260772422598
, code: 49.0has frequency: 0.017555059048834983
, code: 87.0has frequency: 0.017555059048834983
, code: 25.0has frequency: 0.016916693265240982
, code: 26.0has frequency: 0.015320778806255984
, code: 38.0has frequency: 0.014363230130864985
, code: 107.0has frequency: 0.014363230130864985
, code: 44.0has frequency: 0.014044047239067986
, code: 84.0has frequency: 0.014044047239067986
, code: 85.0has frequency: 0.014044047239067986
, code: 108.0has frequency: 0.014044047239067986
, code: 70.0has frequency: 0.013724864347270986
, code: 39.0has frequency: 0.013405681455473986
, code: 55.0has frequency: 0.013405681455473986
, code: 58.0has frequency: 0.012767315671879987
, code: 98.0has frequency: 0.01149058410469199
, code: 99.0has frequency: 0.011171401212894989
, code: 53.0has frequency: 0.010852218321097989
, code: 95.0has frequency: 0.01053303542930099
, code: 54.0has frequency: 0.01021385253750399

, code: 60.0has frequency: 0.00893712097031599
, code: 37.0has frequency: 0.008298755186721992
, code: 97.0has frequency: 0.007979572294924991
, code: 74.0has frequency: 0.007341206511330993
, code: 90.0has frequency: 0.007022023619533993
, code: 28.0has frequency: 0.006064474944142994
, code: 35.0has frequency: 0.005745292052345995
, code: 36.0has frequency: 0.005745292052345995
, code: 105.0has frequency: 0.005745292052345995
, code: 24.0has frequency: 0.005426109160548994
, code: 96.0has frequency: 0.0047877433769549956
, code: 63.0has frequency: 0.004468560485157995
, code: 106.0has frequency: 0.004149377593360996
, code: 109.0has frequency: 0.0031918289179699967
, code: 27.0has frequency: 0.0025534631343759975
, code: 64.0has frequency: 0.0025534631343759975
, code: 93.0has frequency: 0.0025534631343759975
, code: 73.0has frequency: 0.001915097350781998
, code: 94.0has frequency: 0.0015959144589849984
, code: 50.0has frequency: 3.191828917969997E-4
, code: 80.0has frequency: 3.191828917969997E-4

Also, the size of the alphabet is 61, indicating that he's using repeat characters, an entirely different coding mechanism for part of the code and for the other part, a non-english alphabet or some combination. Kind of interesting ngl

The filename legit says that's a YouTube screenshot. Pretty edgy if you ask me.

toasting in epic bread. let's find the dead roastie and become le epic internet heroes!

Attached: 1564450281845.png (540x540, 51.36K)