Be me, femanon

>Be me, femanon
>Born to a 16 year old and her 25 year old gym teacher
>Dad looses his job
>Starts hitting and threatening my mother
>Guy spouts out stupid ass incel shit
>The man can barely read and started doing meth once a weekend
>Turn twelve
>Dad thinks I'm old enough for it to be ok for him to be attracted to me
>Dad becomes sexually abusive
>Teacher notices I'm bruised and notifies cps
>Teacher ends up adopting me
>Decide to be a teacher
>Get rejected from 4 colle
>Work shitty hotel job to pay for college
>See piss , cum . blood , vomit , shit, and even child porn about every day
>Finally finish school
>Get a job at a shitty small town school
>Spend my twenties dealing with assholes and homework
>Go to this website because it was funny in 2014
>Read almost every post
>All of these posts sound like they are written by children or seriously immature
>Most of these post are about being single/hating women
>I really wonder why

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Nice thread OP. No really, I mean it.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hu
rtful and degrading comments, but tht ain't what l'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting

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ok? cool? but uh, no one cares...

I'm not a newfag I've been here since 2014

I know 90% of this website is either unattractive men who bruise their dick by beating it so much and are shitty people incapable of being nice to unattractive girl and won't settle for less than a 10/10 virgin because they consider her a 4/10 and think she's their level

As one of the most prolific women hate posters here, sorry

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Don't forget the 7/10's who think they're 1/10 because they want 25/10 or the straight up pedos and homicidal people

you dont know anything about me. youre quick to assume the worst about half the population yet are unwilling to accept any criticism about your side of the aisle. youre unintelligent and simple minded, fix yourself before complaining about others simpleton.

>thinking this is a Yas Forums problem

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Cope. Most guys here are normal people with normal goals. And yes, wanting a partner with same BMI as you is normal

I wish people would stop using the "incels are picky" meme seriously. It has never been true and never will be.

What a horrbily unattractive thing to announce to everyone.

My step mom would get high on pills then get drunk and molested me

I wasnt a baby I manned up and molested her when i was 15 while she was sober than fought my dad and got kicked out. Anyways your story is tragic go sell pics of your pussy to the old men who would have done what your father did.

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>Muh pedos and homicidal people
This kinda biggotry is a perfect example of why I hate women

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Okay so... you're obviously a fucked up and mentally ill go get help you sound like trailer trash

I love the fact that you took a small chunk of my post to call me a bigot even though you were aslo going to be bigoted lol

How do I know your mom is also your sister and somehow your cousin kys you methead kkk nazi

There is a lot of cp and that stuff at hotels? Maybe that's why my mom liked to take me there! !!! Goddamn it.

But I think you had it worse than me.

I am not surprised at all with the people in this place. I spent most of my life around dad, I am quite used to what's the word? Misogynism. I don't really care about it so much.

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Unintelligible yankee cum stain go watch your mom get fucked by a nigger.

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Some people just cant be the best parents they can be and that's life

Nobody cares about your melodramatic sob story foid. Saged.

Yeah pedophile conventions are small and hard to detect since pedos come in all shapes and sizes and genders there are alot more people willing to sell their kids to porn than we think

"Yankee" atleast I don't fuck my dads wife methass

I wonder how often you masturbate to your father you disgusting whore

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I only masturbate to your father after our steamy hot affair behind you'r back because you were to busy fucking your mom for her to notice

Mfw her students probably use this website and are kekking at what isolation did to their teacher

>dad choke slams me
>I choke slam his whore
>might slam the back of your throat with my dick

Sorry I didnt let my manlet father bully me or my brothers, because he used to be a drug dealer in the 90s and sorry if an abusive crack whore got tossed around a little. She might of deserved it for giving my little sister fetal alcohol syndrome.

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I'm sorry I'm not larping as a trailer trash rapist and how do I know you're a kid (OP) confirm his age

>sell their kids to porn than we think

I am now seriously considering to murder her. But then I'd have to go to prison. Also could I make killing her as painful as her life is right now? Maybe with time it would become more painful. Guess I'll hold back murder plans for now.

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"back of my throat" do you mean my canines dicklet

Shut the fuck up. I don't care about your fucking problems you dumb whore.

your mom fucked chad and let me guess you are fucking chads aswell and will inflict the same suffering on your shitty kids if you choose to have any. roasties are trash

Born 2000 so ya im still a kid Naw I dont fuck dogs you freak

I mean It's hard to do it without shit like sleeping pills kids are really strong and can scream loudly and it's hard to transport a dead body through a hotel if the kid dies

My canine teeth the teeth in the front of my mouth seems like you're the freak if you molest sleeping women

I'm infertile............................. Did you have fun masturbating to a woman who looks nothing like me fucking you???

>I got molested first
>I havent touched anyone else

Getting even is not wrong you vapid hole

2014 is newfag lmao, been here since 04

Image being a looser and debating another looser for not being as much as a looser as you

2014 is newfag as fuck user

>getting offended by 16 year olds online
While you are correct that most of the posts here are clearly by underaged people or at the very least people with the same mentality, it's your fault for caring about their opinions in the slightest.

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I honestly just want to see what the think when called on their bullshit

That does not make me feel much better.

She got tons of that stuff. I got little memories from those times. All things link together bit too perfectly. I am speechless.

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Might I ask why your sharing this? Though I'm going to guess your in a bad mood and just wanted to argue with people to blow of steam.
Also fun fact, since a lot of bitcoin was used for purchasing CP in the early does now there are tonnes of millionaire pedophiles, have fun with that.

imagine being a 2014 newfag and calling yourself not a newfag

I din't mean to make you feel worse user sorry

WAhhhhhhhh, im abuSeD.

My LiFe ISS sooo hard wAAhhh

leT mE Make FUn of LosErS on Yas Forums.

Nice blog


You sound like a 13 year old only proving my point

Bros, is 2008 newfag?

i mean i dont hate women per say
i may hate what the average woman has become in recent years, but i understand that like how i had little control at the end of the day in the kinds of influences, experiences, and traumas i was exposed to as a child, so to does the average woman have little control of her own coming of age stimuli.
we're all swimming in a sea of shit, and some people are more frustrated at the stink than others.
we're all just victims of more successful people's money making schemes.
nothing one can really do about it but pick up an semblance of humanity we have left and move on. I hope you can find peace eventually, user.

Do you honestly thing a bunch of virgin nerds shitposting in a corner of the internet are similar to the legit monster you had for a father?

You like sucking cock, yes? You gargle multiple penises daily, yes? Why must suck dick with such vigor and ferocity?

You like to simp, yes? You desire empty validation from moist holes, right? Your mother never loved you, yes? You know she will not fuck you, yes?

That's hot
Original post

Your mom was attracted to a man that would hit her. This is actually a common phenomenon.
What does that tell you?

I can tell you are a moron and I will not answer you. Life hack: only absolute dumbasses are condescending, and use big boy words. Whenever I hear or read "This is actually a common phenomenon." outside of a scientific paper I know the person is stupid, real smart people are quiet and use normal words. And you obviously aren't a scientist. Also people can overlook red flags asshole. I'm pretty sure have 2 more degrees than you fuck off. tl;dr you are an asshole and 16 year olds make dumb relationship choices.

guess I struck a nerve
don't criticize someone for having a better vocabulary than you ever again, it makes you sound stupid

>a poem

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No you didn't I just hate assholes like you and don't call me stupid I kno you're an uneducated asshole trying to backtalk me because I'm female. Dads do the same thing 24/7 and don't hit me with that misandry bullshit. I can tell when people are acting that way because I'm a woman or because they're an asshole in general general assholes talk like cunts and and are usually fake rich and think they're better than me because they make a higher salary sexist people always talk slowly to me but speed up when a man walks by

I see you've noticed the penis cloud art a photoshopped in there

Well, if any of us was mature or well adjusted, we wouldn't be browsing Yas Forums now would we? Where do you think we are OP?

This is the trashy sex/drug bathroom in every big, old school of the internet th one where that one girl overdosed or that guy beat his girlfriend in you know? Where the drug dealer hangs out or where loners eat lunch. Not just my school right?