For me it's chiaki

for me it's chiaki

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Stop posting yourself. You're boring to talk to. You're an attentionwhore with no personality. Any response will just be you larping as an orbiter.

I'm sure this girl doesnt need to larp for orbiters. She's pretty cute and above average attractiveness, so she probably has at least 2 paypigs

>tfw you will never hold down chiaki by her wrists and lock eyes with her as you breed her

Me too op

I don't get why everyone hates her so much.

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was that the tranner??

So uh, how many of you have spoken, or are currently speaking to her?

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No, Lily isn't trans, I don't know about the pig on the right though.

No. You're thinking of Willow

OP you are intentionally posting unflattering photos of Tahlia (right) in comparison to other women to trigger her BDD. It's clear as day and pretty scummy

she clearly edits her photos/uses a filter. stfu user, i dont orbit either of them but this shit is just fucking obvious

Lily is pretty chill, but she does tend to drop off the face of the earth mid conversation and then text back like a day later.

Next time she does it I'll just hold a mock funeral for her on here as a joke.

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For me, it's katie.

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Tahlia looks so ugly compared to her holy shit.

Right one looks like Slimer from Ghostbusters.

GTFO you ugly self posting whore stop trying to force yourself to become the next Marky

Whatever you say. It's just chiaki posting the worst pictures of other girls to make herself look desirable in comparison

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She's only cute because she's young. I would pump her full of cum 3 times a day but in 10 years she's gonna be bad.

For me it's Erica ofc

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She posted her discord everywhere. Go figure

Nice try retard. She's way cuter than Marky anyways.

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Alas that's true of all girls.

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She's the girl on the right. Just more clear camera quality

The problem with Lily/Chiaki is how she misleads people into thinking she's 18+. That's pretty fucking evil desu.

Who are these girls you retards are obsessed with?

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She recently un-added me on discord and I can't seem to send a new friend request, am I blocked? Or did she delete her account?

I don't really know what's going on but I'd like to at least know.

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how old is she really?

She gave me a (you) once

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Most but not all.
Chiaki actually has good genetics, facial structure and body fat distribution. She'll still look good through her 20s and early 30s.
All tahlia has is her youth and nothing else to back it up. She's going to age like milk.

I know and she's only cute because she's young.

She's cute nonetheless.

Whats your discord? I can ask her for you. She still has me added

>she does tend to drop off the face of the earth mid conversation and then text back like a day later
thats because she doesnt actually care about talking to you and is responding because she doesnt want to make you angry and lose an orbiter

I'm not an orbiter, I'm just someone who used to talk to her.

An age where you shouldn't be talking to her.

still doesnt stop her from viewing you as one

oh i don't talk to her, i find all the posting annoying
just curious how old she is

Hey, are you going to add my discord or what?

For me? Its Audrey.

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Probably why I'm blocked I guess. Seems like she's not at all who she said she was.

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Aud is a true reflection of the Aryan master race.

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I wonder if Lily gets bullied at school. Girls like that (the cute types) get it pretty bad.

she has brown hair, very dark eyes, and is barely white. how is she aryan? she isnt even a nazi either

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>he thinks aryan means blonde hair and blue eyes

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Aryan is a state of mind.

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kasper has a brown male's dna living in them lol @ u

kasper had a racemixxed threesome

audrey looks mexican, look at that dark skin. and dark eyes. hitler would have her in the camps, alongside all the slavs.

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hitler didnt know shit about race, retard

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Audrey is med. Meds are white but mexicans did unfortunately descend from meds going on to racemix. Tahlia's husband is also med. Does Tahlia have a thing for meds?

actually her natural hair color is blonde and her natural eye color is blue but she dyes it and wears contacts

Shes a med goddess. Hitler got assraped by slavs.

look at her fucking skin... She looks like she's from fucking paraguay. Maybe that's why she loves mexicans so much, and sends nudes to guys from argentina. also

pick one
how about niether
>nonwhite mexican

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Chiaki is really cute though. She's not the stunning/voluptuous type but I just love the way she looks.

Still looks subhuman and looks even MORE like slimer there lol.

This. Technically all non fat 18 year olds are attractive simply for the fact they are 18. Tahlia is going to look fucking horrible when she gets past 21.

Shes from florida shes tan

yeah theres a word for that its called being a pedo

>Id climb down the built in wooden ladder (just pieces of 2x4s on part of inside of the barn, on like one of the wall areas, but these 2x4s wouldnt be strictly rectangular, like the corners would of been smoothed down) and id yell "SUUEEEE IIEEEEE SUEEEE IEEEEEE" and id hear "fat tahlia" oinking behind her down. Id kick past some of the straw and broken cement and flip up the metal latch and pull it right to open up both the top and bottom of her stall door. "Je-sus christ" id exclaim, it would be like a blast of warm air just hit both my face and nostrils. (i forgot to mention i'd still be naked expect for my briefs and id be wearing an unbuttoned (thus opened to see my chest) flannel shit) - the smell of her just sleeping in the straw would be AMAZING. It would just be her natural oder, her natural pheromone; her body sweat, bit of dirt, oh my god, I would be diamonds for this ghost buster's "Slimer" looking bitch. Australian ass "trad" girl; degraded. Such an innocent looking face, smile, and freckles; all religated to being my livestock. To sleeping on a fucking dirt and straw barn floor, having her tubes tied so i could constantly cum in her. All her dresses, soaps, teas, would be audreys. What a fucking disgusting worthless whore.

I said she's cute. Theres nothing wrong with that. I call my sister cute. Doesn't imply anything. Stop projecting your sick fantasies.

a pedo and into incest...just wow man

Avery looking pretty good lately.

Sunny looks so fucking good here, id endlessly fuck her

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Post proof desu~~~~

anyone know why sunny got these horrible lip injections?

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thats her tongue brah, its covering her bottom lip