
Britfeel anti - nonce edition.

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First for sniffing farts under my bed cover

gonna set the hammock up in the garden and have an afternoon kip in the sun

haha love a bit of sun and premature aging me lad

Well OP, you're more spiteful a man than me. That being said I think I shall post here moving forward, would rather not associate with Amer's nonce thread if I can help it

so is this the good thread? have I been posting in the shit thread?

yeah I'm going for the leathery, melanoma riddled skin look

You'll notice the other thread has nearly been up for 24 hours. It's the thread of notorious cunny hunter Moni aka Poleaboo aka Amer. Time and time again he's tried to force it and time and time again it's been rejected. Don't know about you lad, but I shant be posting in a nonce thread.

i believe it is immoral to see cheese pizza posted and to not report it
and im someone that never reports things

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Yes. This one is for comfy lad posting. As Britfeel was intended.

Oh, based. I will continue to post in here for the time being. Loving coming back to /britfeel/ when I'm on leave desu.

Savage mate, all my postal dealers are still running packs, might order me some more temezapam. Or some modafininil, or oxy, or coke, or BHO. Anything I want really, it is the future after all.
orgigigi, moving thread.

Look at how they seethe

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I'm too old for this dark web shit.
I just get it off my mate.
I like going round his bit, buying ket then watching old skateboard videos with him.
He still has all his video magazines from back in the day. (For those that dont know, vid mags were basically hour long skate brand adverts with an interview or other puff piece placed in between and we paid 8 quid for the pleasure.)

*bribes the local pikey lads to throw house bricks at the other thread*

>bribes them
Lad, a gay paki who dresses in burds gear, I'll do it for free.

Good morning lads, hope we've all remembered to brush our teeth this morning! Doing a bit of content writing at the moment, my first step towards getting a portfolio started. I'll be like BN without the larping!

I don't use dark web mate, I use telegram text channels. It's like whatsapp for drugs, some people still use BTC but it's not too hard to do!

That does sound pretty sick though desu, had a lad in uni I would get K off and we'd always do some, melt into a sofa and shoot the shit about music/try and jam tunes whist out eyeballs wobbled out of our head.

It is pretty chill.

Hes also still got old clay and jackass DVDs too.

>tfw keep saying well hit the park again but never do.
It's weird wanna go skate for a laugh but dont want to be called a nonce.

*sends the Flying Frogs - a crack team of Apu kamikaze pilots, out to wreak heavoc on the nonce thread*

That sounds like some proper nice throwback material mate, used to love skating but was shite at it. Had kickflips, bigspins and varials down (and all that comes with them) and could drop in but not much else

I'd hit the park with you user, even if I mangled my leg in a sports injury last year

This thread is Tim approved

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Third user here, I was fucking awful and all. Good at half pipes and ramps but shit at things like ollies and kickflips. I was also decent at downhill skating, like proper lethal hills, when a lot of the lads in my group were wetters and too scared to.

>sports injury
What you do lad?

only 165 days until autumn my friends

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Finishing the last of my Vietnam book I bought in a chazza shop. Man those yanks were fucking evil

Seems like you could coach me on the ramps and I could get you doing some flips, used to love bombing long-boards and hill riding as well.

Broke my leg in 3 places at once mountain biking, been a bit iffy since but could have gone a lot worse.

>kickflips and drop ins
All you needed to seduce the stinking goth girls that hang out at my park as a kid.

Bombing hills is great. Genuinely miss doing that shit too.

Why do you think I learned those specifically, transcended the normal kickflip into a varial and was trying to go for the big TRE FLIP but packed it in after a while, people just stopped going skate park.

>pass out midnight
>Wake up 4am
>can't sleep
>around the time i need to be up, suddenly tired


Ah this has got me all nostalgic now lads, /britfeel/ skater gang when? Looking at my elbows and knees I've still got the scars from bailing on my board. Miracle I was never run over tbqh

Got a little cut near my adams apple, not sure how I got it but it stings a bit

My dad loves name history, I've watched so many docs with him as a kid its nuts.
Sounds rough lad. I've only ever broken my arm (riding my pusher at the park as a kid) my nose (twice, once in a fight and once going down a set of stairs laying down on my board) and my finger (punching a guy outside a pub).

someone tried to steal it in your sleep

/britfeel/ skater meet?

I've still got scars on me shins from popping the board too high, can remember the distinct pain of pulled muscles after fully botching a trick and almost doing the splits. That or a board rolling right back into your Achilles tendon. The amount of non-helmet riding I did I'm surprised my skull isn't a bloody watermelon at this point.

Yeah it was grim, 10 weeks non weight bearing and then had to have my movement restricted with a brace whilst my kneecap was still healing after my tibia/fibula was healed up. 10 odd pins in my leg now, it's a cool talking point. Could have ended up with a permanent limp but trained hard and now I'm fine. Smashed out a 40k offroad bike ride before the lockdown no issue, all red trails.

Yeah I love Vietnam too. North Vietnamese were absolutely fucking based. A lot of rightist pol tards can't comprehend that for the North, it wasn't about communism at all, they barely gave a shit. It was about autonomy from colonisers

That was my problem too. The lads started to go out more often, skate less them for some reason a large amount moved into mma.

I'd be up for this. Fuck nonce meet ups. Real /britfeel/ should meet up, bomb ket, bomb hills.

Just did a really fragrant fart. Is this what girl farts smell like?

Everyone just started smoking weed and packing into pubs, I guess such is the way when everyone grows up. I moved off to London shortly after, wish I got involved with the skate scene there so much.

I'll be starting BJJ after the quarantine, why do skaters seem to graduate to martial arts? Couple lads I used to skate with compete in MMA now.

I think it's just the adrenaline and extreme sports of it all.

I did muay thai for a bit. It was intense. Surprised I never got any real injuries from it.

BJJ is good. My mate has been doing it for years. He told me a lot of people come in with no experience of martial arts and says they dont realise how intense it is. Hopefully you know what you're in for.

Do any of you have any advice for getting into the habit of doing some actual learning? I have the usual attention problems where I'll slowly peter out with something after a week. I want to learn /g/ stuff.

Oh yeah mate, It looks like it could really do a number on me, been following a few different BJJ communities and there seems to be a fine line between friendly competition and straight up causing your opponent to black out.

Can't wait to grapple and flip, or be grappled and flipped. It's all about getting good in the end.

Set an hour aside a day, stick to it.
I used to go hard into something for like a month then lose interest. But doing less actually helped me learn and enjoy more.

Glad you asked user, been struggling with this myself. Have managed to overcome my shit attention span with some techniques. Starting small is a good idea. 30 minutes a day is a good place to start, be it coding, reading/writing, practicing an instrument etc. Also, remove any distractions, like your phone for example. Get it into your head that the following time is to be used for learning ONLY. Little but often, is the best routine for learning in my opinion.

You've got to want to have a genuine passion to learn. That's what drives me. I'm obsessed with knowledge - I HAVE to know things, I have to be informed. That's what drives me lads

>p-p-please big brother agents I only hovered over out of curiosity!! I was a good citizen and reported after a couple minutes!

You're right in assuming that I go all in at once, it's true. Doing less is probably better for remembering things too. It's just hard for me to ignore other shit and I end up alt-tabbing out of what I'm doing to just have a quick look at something and then 5 mins have already passed before I know it.

For me it's just a hobby, I hope if I stick with something it helps me gain that passion.

hehe nonces xd going to split the thread like a spiteful mong hehe
Haha nonces Haha loool nonce nonce nonce xd xd xd

Get bent seether

Think I'm gonna make me bed, have a baff and get right back into it with a fresh vape cart.


any good british folk singers people can recommend?

Considered starting stick posting but I don't particularly want to get doxxed again.
That was pretty uncool and uncomfy lads


I have an important announcement...

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we miss the stick posting though

how is pumpkins my garden, insect fren

Define folk


Just learnt this lads. Top comfy points if can identify the song

I don't really miss the community though. Full of lots of bitter and angry people who can't stand to people be successful. It's sad. Why would I want to contribute to that? I thought I could help people and make them happy. Instead they invade my privacy and posted pictures of me.
It's not nice :( sorry to go on a bit of a rant
Pumpkin is doing wonderfully. No shedding yet but I've had a huge population boom. 9 stickies were born last night!

Kek. You get doxxed Tubs? How'd that happen? Warned you about oversharing but you wouldnt listen

Glad to hear Pumpkins is doing well, what's the average life span? How's the gardening coming along? I planted some fruit and veg yesterday, chanced some of it on us not having any more frost before the end of May as the weather forecast for the next two weeks is surprisingly warm

I didn't pay much attention to what went on so I don't know how it happened but I don't think you're naive enough be unaware of what can happen when you don't take protecting your identity seriously on the web. That said nobody will do anything outside of /britfeel/.