
Youtube links to live streams are advertising.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/dir//Locks Heath Park, Park Gate, Southampton/@50.8603465,-1.2632426,17.44z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x48746fa2ee1c5055:0x89ed67d40f12957e!2m2!1d-1.2631974!2d50.8612538

Once for us to know it's on is acceptable.
Don't be jelly, it's funny.

Feeling hungry all the time lads. Think I'm becoming a corona zombie. Or obese. One or the other.


>wait until you turn 16
>arrest you for posts you made when you were 13

You're a retard if you use your real name for anything.

nah theres nothing entertaining about poleys radio and its menagerie of paedos

come on then give us those quality posts youve been saving

I applied for Universal Credit last Friday and they said I should get a call back to book an appointment... I still haven't recieved a call and I am FUMING.


busy tho innit

if I hear another peep out of you lot

i like watching lets plays of horror games but i hate fucking playing them

that's better


I hope Boris isn't getting a private room, he should be on a ward with the others suffering, using his bluster and ruffly hair to cheer them up.

What about a lil 1?

>Puts headphones in and wanks silently to pictures of cartoon rabbits



Yeah true, but I got a text saying it needs to be sorted by the 9th so if they don't call me and let me sort it out, a cycle will repeat itself.

having facial hair is a good way to hide my weak/double chin and distract from my bald head

I don't like scary games, I even had to stop playing Metro 2033 halfway through and it was hard enough getting through the tunnels as it were.

wish i didnt live alone desu

Based and exactlythesameasmepilled, though I don't give a fuck about my hair, I shave it on purpose, I still look haired decently if I don't.

same reason i don't like online games. I love Mordhau but it's so stressful because everyone that plays it is a pro basically

Can I please just take this time to say FUCK TESCO

As a proud employee of Tesco this offends me, what's your problem with my masters?

What are all the people who spend their Fridays and Saturdays going to bars and clubs doing during the lockdown?

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I heard that only the boards on 4channel are going to be left. All the NSFW (orange) boards are getting the chop.
Where will we have /britfeel/?

I and a certain dog walker may have spoke within the 2m thing or something. Is it 2m or 2ft? said hello to his dog. threw his ball.

The banter is more flowing now than it was when everything was normal.

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They're all fucking cunts.
You'll see one day how pathetic you are, sucking on the teets of Tesco.

Shitty managers, shitty work hours, shit everything and the employee cards fall apart after a day.

I hope you're a student because Tesco would drop you without a care in the world.

Royal mail lad here. Got this email today. Might be a good time to call in sick before I get sick.

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Drinking pint cans infront of the telly

Sexting, probably.

shagging their bf/gf

I think they are having sex.

going to house parties and doing the same thing

imagine not having plump by your side having a tantrum because you havent answer to him within a few minute...

i miss being his friend, people would say it was abuse, but i say its friendship no

not friendship love ! plump ... thana miss you !

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this lockdown makes me feel less guilty about being a hermit and doing fuck all all day actually, so I feel pretty good about it

It's 6ft.

wat about the ones who go out "on the pull" every weekend and use the clubs and bars as a place to pick up "slags" to take home and shag?

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For me, its:
3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7

Most lads that go clubbing don't pull, you know lads. Clubbing is mostly lads awkwardly dancing, having a laugh with their mates and getting rejected by girls. Thought britfeel was more normie now?

The ones that are attractive enough to pull won't be having any trouble on Tinder tonight.

Well this thread seems fun, not sure where else I can post this but here we go:

I fucking love my life, I have a house wife that isn't ugly or fat which is a plus and she also makes me a cup of tea to drink before she sucks my cock.

why do you have this saved on your computer?

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Why isn't legal advice free?
If you need clarity on the law, surely there should be a free service to get it?

I or other 'park goers' didn't adhere to this rule. They all walked together talking the spreaders.

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pathetic how smartphones main selling point these days is their camera quality

cause legal shit is a bugger to learn so they want a reward. you could learn it yourself but it would take time, so instead you do whats convenient and pay someone who knows about it.

Oh look an outside gym. Why don't you get your overweight kike arse on it.

the law should be easy to learn and accessible to the laymen

Scary shit
Although I've posted some very edgy things on this website and still haven't been vanned...

Has there ever been a case of a chan user getting arrested for posts?

>law is so difficult to understand it requires 4+ years of study
>this only gives a good grasp of one area
>citizens are still expected to obey every law
good system

I don't want to be charged with breaking public gym equipment, I'm not a vandalist

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It is easy to learn if you're not fucking retarded.
When it comes to the law, fine print is important so sorry to you if it doesn't clearly state everything in one line.

Yeah plenty. Here's a tripfag from Yas Forums who used to LARP about being a Muslim.

>why do you have this saved on your computer?
You just know.

>Has there ever been a case of a chan user getting arrested for posts?

please you need to lurk more admins literally work with law enforcemenT

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which town is this?

looks really nice even though the park equipment is a bit run down

Studying it gives you the ability to specialise in an area and makes it easier to learn new areas.
The only difficulty is keeping up with new laws but that's not a probelm since you read about them if a case requires you to.
There are guides on how to read and understand the law.

>cause legal shit is a bugger to learn so they want a reward.
>It is easy to learn if you're not fucking retarded.
do you always argue for the sake of it or what?

Poley's Yas Forums posts got him in legal trouble as well, but they never found out about the webcam stuff.

*Seether edition

can they nick me for posting about niggers all day lad?

That's precisely why it isn't. It's intentionally tricky.

So easy it takes 6 years and costs around 30k.
Face it, it's a bloated and convoluted system.

Don't blame me, I'm all worked up because of Universal Credit.

I swear to heck. When Poley comes in and starts his comfy radio show I am going to report the seethers who try to spam false reports. No more seething ruining Britfeel!


Listen to this calming piece of music mate :^)

For a small consultation fee of only fifty pounds I will tell you.

I like biting my toe-nails. Only natural way to keep them short and you get them blunted rather than jagged and weird. Simple as that.

Ebin's here :]

Are you going to learn it for a career or for yourself in an individual situation?
If it's option 2 then it should be easy if you put the effort in.

FUCK housemate has started a new job and he's brought home a monitor, laptop, tons of accessories, and has set it up in the living room as his desk is too small

this fucker has to have multiple skype calls 40 hours a week and has deliberately chosen the "biggest shit because why not" and has now besieged our living room until this quarantine is over

fucking hate it already lads how can i mess with his skype calls, heavily dislike the cunt

your bait didn't really work out, did it, fella. here is a pity reply. you can sit in the corner with this bell end who also had shit bait

Everybody needs to know the law so they don't end up breaking it.
Ignorance of the law isn't an excuse.

After the massive success of social distancing, Britfeel will be starting a similar policy: seethe distancing. If you want to seethe, there must be at least three posts between the last seethe post and your seethe post. This will allow seethers to vent their anger while reducing the risk of others being infected with seethe by excessive seething.

alright i'll pay you tomorrow lad

What kind of law can you break without knowing?

It's in the Locks Heath Park, Park Gate, Southampton area.

At least that's what I got from google maps google.com/maps/dir//Locks Heath Park, Park Gate, Southampton/@50.8603465,-1.2632426,17.44z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x48746fa2ee1c5055:0x89ed67d40f12957e!2m2!1d-1.2631974!2d50.8612538

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The ads on Yas Forums have been very good, lately!

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>It is illegal to order or permit any servant to stand on the sill of any window to clean or paint it.

/britfeel/ radio starting at 8pm sharp


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