If you ever got bullied

You deserved it

From my experience - generally speaking - every kid who got severely bullied in school was or did things to deserve the amount of bullying they got. Whether they were autistic spazmoids, they sucked at everything, or they acted like faggots over mild banter, they were always very deserving of the amount of torment and shit they got from better kids

Basically, if you ever got bullied, there's a 9/10 chance you deserved it and should've learned from it

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And that's why we have school shootings, boys and girls.

I have disdain for OP

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This. You get what you deserve too normies. Expect more shooters. Shooters are a blessing really.

>kid gets mild teasing in school


He has a point to be fair, yes op is the big gay but parents more so than the child themselves need to prepare them for it and ideally make them likable enough that doesn't happen.

Maybe some people are just born retarded?

Both children and their parents are responsible for getting bullied. Bullying is just a way of social control and making the less socially competent either become competent, or get removed from the group. It's just biology

True, but does that make it right? Everything is "just biology"

>having cups of shit thrown at you
>"mild teasing"
Columbine was merciful.

>but does that make it right?
Maybe not always. For example, I don't think kids should be getting bullied for shit they can't change: such as their race, sexuality, ect. But kids do deserve to be bullied if they have undesirable personality or physical traits that can be changed. For example: if they're fat or they have shit social skills and no friends. Those things can be changed, unlike race or sexuality

>having cups of shit thrown at you

That's just OP's way to deal with the bullying he got when he was still a little spoiled shit. sorry OP hope you're better now.

I got bullied a little, but I stopped it by getting rid of my weaknesses my bullies were bullying me over
All you user's should've done the same back in school. If you're still getting bullied today, then you should try to fix any weaknesses your bullies are bullying you over. Don't let your bullies be better than you

And that's why shooters choose to try to remove people from the group. It's literally your own logic. It's normie logic to go shooting. Shooters are a blessing from God.

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Who's to say that the social norms are correct though, user? If there was 1 "normal" person and 9 "undesirables" then would it be okay for those 9 spergy kids to bully the normal kid into being a sperg?

>If there was 1 "normal" person and 9 "undesirables" then would it be okay for those 9 spergy kids to bully the normal kid into being a sperg?
No, because that still wouldn't mean 9/10 of the world's total population are spergs. Autists and spergs should learn to intergrate and assimilate to regular human society, or they should be left behind. Besides, that would never happen because the one "normal" person would be bullying all 9 of the spergs

>they have shit social skills and no friends
those tend to stem from physical, unchangeable aspects that are not accepted by others
you look good = you get treated well
you are ugly = you're gross and a loser, no one wants to associate with you

It's like when a young thot goes out to the club with her ass hanging out then gets mad when she gets groped. The way she dresses isn't a free pass(this may not go over here well). Sure booty shorts don't say "rape me" on them explicitly and the result isn't fair but that doesn't solve the problem. Goes for anyone being victimized, first and foremost you're naive/weak and allow yourself to be victimized is the problem.

Normies aren't fucking murdering spergs. Being bullied and teased isn't the same fucking thing as being shot to fucking death
Get over your fucking selves. Jesus Christ. You all have such a victim complex over Chad bullying you and Stacy rejecting you in Highschool

ugh 3 days no sleep here come the typos and terrible sentence structure, my bad.

>you look good = you get treated well
>you are ugly = you're gross and a loser, no one wants to associate with you

you act good = you get treated well
you act ugly = you're gross and a loser, no one wants to associate with you

Normies aren't as focused on looks as you are

Regular human society is overrated desu, you have to integrate into it in order to succeed in life but your slave mentality is gross and I hope you never reproduce desu, no offense.

"Student Nathan Vanderau witnessed a cup of human feces being thrown at Eric and Dylan."
-Investigative Reports: Columbine: Understanding Why. A&E. 2002

You seem a bit uneducated.
The brain doesn't differentiate pain. Emotional pain or distress activates the same part of the brain as physical pain or distress.
Physiologically, bullying and teasing are almost the same as hitting and assaulting

People like you deserve to get shot by Corona. Society is what's wrong. Not spergs. How do I know this? The earth tells me. A human can't even identify the fact that it needs to take care of the thing it lives on (which is also living) than it needs to drop dead. And it will. Which is what's happening now. Swallow that pill. Coper.


You make no sense retard.

You all need to seriously get over yourselves. You have genuine mental issues if you believe throwing a cup of shit is equal to a mass shooting. See a therapist, now

>you act ugly
this level of delusion can not be real
sorry for responding to you, I didn't know you were baiting

Club culture is a cancer and a disgrace to Allah's creation. You are scum and deserve to subsist on a diet of shit.

The fact that society is most populated by people like you who actively disregard science and instead opt for "like, what just feels right bro" makes me happy that things will always be the way the are amd will likely get worse. One day you wont be able to ignore how poor the quality of life has gotten, and even if you cant associate your own behavior, you'll still feel negatively. And that's something to take solace in.

You can't please everybody. I guess just put the kid in Tae Kwon Do. Kicking someone in the stomach if they come at you works.

Hate will only result in hate, young padawan.

I never said psycholoical bullying wasn't painful, that's precisly why bullies bully and psychologically torment their victims. If it didn't work, then there wouldn't be bullying

OP is operating under the premise that bullies are good people underneath, and are just trying to help weak/weird kids out, when that's just false. Op is retarded.

I don't support mass shootings, but the fact you think it's perfectly fine for kids to get shit thrown at them makes you a really bad person user. You should feel bad.

Wow you got so mad at me for just posting a fact that I literally got off Wikipedia
Shit-flinger confirmed

Spergs make up 1% of the world's population. Yet, they get treated like they're way more than that, especially in countries such as the UK, where they constantly pander to weak autists by having "autism hours" and "autism friendly" cinema's and shit (I'm not kidding, the UK is that cucked)
My point is, spergs should have to adapt to the world, the world shouldn't have to adapt to spergs just because they're weak and pathetic

it's just natural selection bro
why are you so mad?

when i got bullied, i just took care of my bully

used to pick on me for reading in the library during breaks, he was following me to another class and we were alone so I grabbed his neck with one hand and slammed the back of his head into the wall and told him to fuck off.

never got bullied again

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Can you cite that? What about psychological trauma that comes from being beat up and made helpless and the physical pain along with it? Not saying you don't know what you're talking about but it seems unlikely they are so easily comparable.
I hate clubbing kek, As-Salaam-Alaikum.

I never said throwing shit at someone was a good thing, stop putting words in my mouth faggot. I'm just saying getting shit thrown at you and attempting a mass shooting aren't equally as terrible. One is clearly way worse than the other

>OP is operating under the premise that bullies are good people underneath
Not from reading the OP, no. He's saying that the bullying is motivated, not that it's some holy act with only good intentions.

Might as well remove wheelchair ramps while we're at it, those leglets should have to climb the stairs! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Spoken like a real spoiled brat. Just because no one ever did anything bad to you because you were blessed with whatever privileges you have doesn't mean every human is like that. Again, if humans can't identify each other as humans or the earth as a living being than society is full of cruelty. Enough to justify way more shootings than what's currently occuring. I accept that fact. Which means I've 'gotten over myself' a whole lot fucking better than you have.

Really it is that spergers would be absolutely fine living their own lives but normalshits will always find some way to shit on them when they're board.
Point-in-case, the idea that normalshit high schoolers will see a person they think is dangerous and goad them into acting dangerously

Is it really so hard to just leave someone alone. Even if they are weird, chances are they aren't bothering anyone. I dont understand why people have a genuine desire to bully others. I have never looked at a single person in my life and said to myself "he deserves to be bullied, so I will go do that to him". I understand if they are bothering you, go for it, but if they are just minding their own business why go out of your way to hurt someone? I wish people were more kind to each other.

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I think you deserve to be fed shit, and if you have a problem with that, well fuck you you deserve it for not having good enough social skills!

>I hate clubbing kek
At least we can agree on something.

>Hahaha, yeah get bullied nerd fuck you

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What do you do when society has no hope of changing?
There's a reason why we have the second amendment, Anonymous. When there is no more hope of having civil talk, you have to take back your power. Columbine is just a microcosm of the greater coming day of the rope.

There is no bad and ugly, there is only the truth.
Just because a herd of retards thinks something is ugly or bad, that doesnt make it true or a good decision.

Chad user. I did the same thing with someone who was bullying me, but way worse
The first time I beat him up, he never bullied me again, but that didn't stop me from chasing after him to beat him up again. This went on for a few months. I'd see my former bully, and I'd chase after him to beat him up again. Sometimes he'd manage to escape and run away from me with piss down his pants, but other times I would catch him and beat the shit out of him. This ended when he moved to another school because I would not stop beating him up
Excessive? Probably, but it certainly deterred him from talking shit about me

Why do normies hit it when you flip their logic on them?

It's more to do with shitty parenting than bullying. It's not biology at all, it's not normal to prey on the weak when you're a human being. It's little normie cunts being raised with the idea they can do anything they want

I was bullied from time to time. It's not like I was some gigachad back in school. I got my fair share of bullying, like most kids in my school. The difference is I put the stop to the bullying I recieved into my own hands without shooting up my school or bitching about my bullies 5 years later on Yas Forums or Tumblr or some shit

Normies don't think, they conform to whatever is popular.

Something you robot should consider is that it is also painful for a normie to have to evaluate a logical statement that contradicts their groupthink.

This post sums it up the best.

Get bullied. And you realize the mode of communication that humans WANT is violence. Most shooting. Victims literally ask for it. Excluding the elpaso shooter. I'm annoyed by him because he's racist but I give him hella props for talking about environmentalism in his manifesto. So that one is a lose/win type of deal. The guys who did schools knew what they were doing though. Good for them for doing it.

Lmao. This. One hundred percent.

I wish it was mandatory that everyone goes to school with a gun. The result would be everyone being more productive, spergs don't have to worry about normie bullies anymore and they can study in peace and normies would be forced to actually do something for once in their life other than shit on other people so they can have a higher status.

Oh, I see. So when you tell people the logical truth, you should post photos of kittens, cookies, and rainbows to make it go down easier.
Have some of column C.

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Normies in my experience hate looking in the mirror. When you give them the truth they slap it out of your hand and go "I cant hear you". Everytime. Bullying is always fucked. Getting abused just because the bully wants a chuckle doesnt help anything. I remember this autistic kid in my highschool was bullied so bad he tried to take his own life because he genuinely believed he was a piece of shit, funny thing was the people that bullied him tried to raise awareness for bullying. This world is fucked, it's full of people who dont want to look at themselves. What a good way to lead an empty life.

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"Deserving" is such a normie concept. They like to play the judge and executioner, even if it's objectively the wrong thing to do, if your goal is to make our society a better place.

Maybe they self-police as well, so they need to let their frustration out on somebody else?

Maybe conforming to what's popular is how humans survived over the years? If you get excluded from the group, you have a way higher chance of getting mauled by a tiger, which is why human's are social creatures that follow trends and don't do shit that'll cause them to get rejected

If OP wants to argue the fact that bullying is biology, violence in self defense is biology too.

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Just do some google searches.
Research has seemed to demonstrate that most of the areas active in both physical and psychological pain are shared, meaning that do your brain, pain is mostly just pain

Yea the logical truth is when you get bullied the people bullying you deserve to be shot. They are telling that to you themselves as they bully you. They are saying that what they think is strong is violence. We all want to be strong right? Might as well one up them in the violence department.

Yes first we'd have to be oonga boonga cavemen for that to apply. We're in a modern society now, if you can't think for fucking two seconds and realise, "maybe i should leave this kid with a shit life alone" then yeah society is really fucked.

Of yourse you're a leftie. All lefties on average tend to be ugly retards that vote for left-wing policies to get back at the Chad's who "ruined" their lives back in Highschool
That would also explain why autists always vote left, depite supposedly having an "extreme-male brain"...

Yes and since most of society is a competition you can see why shooters think they will be the best if they get a high kill count.

>when you dont care how you make others feel or affect their quality of life
>others should care how they make you feel or affect your quality of life
Sounds like good logic but wouldn't that lead to people shooting people in public eventually?
Or do you think logically what you're saying makes sense?

Why do you start projecting when you realise how retarded you are?

Just because the kid is a weirdo sperg with no friends because he's a weirdo sperg, doesn't automatically mean his life is shit and he lives in a shithole with shithole parents

I voted for Trump because I want my gun rights in order to shoot people.

It's not even about that, they start seeing the world as an enemy. If you make someone feel like an enemy they'll fight back. How is this fucking hard to understand? The columbine bullies talking to the news reporters smuggly saying they did nothing wrong but infact they are the people who poured gas over the fire

yeah he totally deserved it, usually bullies just pick up on people who wont fight back, im glad you messed with him user, probably stopped other defenseless people from getting picked on by him.

Exactly, Anonymous. We are civilized gentlemen living in the 21st century. The general consensus to date is that the world's problems can still be solved through focusing energy on diplomacy and friendship rather than violence and hatred. If it were not the case, there is more than enough munitions to destroy the world.

Doesn't mean you have to make his life shit either.

I dont see how shooting people in public is bad. Some people should be shot.

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This is a nice photo, thank you user.

Lol, the world is indeed fucked. Human psychology is warped and contradictory.

This post is perfect. I couldn't have described the mentality of the normie better than you have just self-described it yourself. You have the mind of a caveman.

No they fucking don't. Unless your bullies shot your parents or went on a mass shooting themselves, they do not deserve to be shot just because they teased your infinitely pathetic ass. Chances are, if they're teasing you, it's because you deserve it and you need to become stronger, more competent and less pathetic. If you can't, then don't expect a good life

Based stacy putting beta male in his place

I don't agree with you at all OP, and honestly doesn't surprise me if you weren't trolling since many normies actually think this way.

I used to be the stereotypical quiet kid at school and i was bullied all the time.
Even kids and girls bullied me. I never fought back or respond, which emboldened them more.
Until one day I just had enough. I think it was puberty finally kicking in or whatever but i just became less timid and more angry/assertive. Joined my HS wrestling team and beat the shit out of one of my bullies in front the whole school. No one ever bothered me again after that.

Every shooter really just wants to impress their bullies. They learned everything they know from their bullies. Minus Adam lanza. He chose children because in his mind he was saving them from a life of pain and molestation like what he went through.

>if we torture this sperg it will make him stronger XD
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.

Nobody is making his life shit. The sperg is making his life shit by not attemting to socialise or even improve their social skills
Why is that such a hard concept for you to grasp anyway? Social skills are skills which can be improved, just like any skill. Even if you have a social disorder, you can still improve what little social skills you have. It might be a little harder, but it's still very much possible

They don't want to impress their bullies, they want to inflict the same pain on their bullies that their bullies inflicted on them. Why do you get so mad that incels have the power to off normies?