Fembot thread

Fembots. When you look at stuff like this don't you ever feel ashamed on behalf of your gender? Your dignity is so cheap that you sell it for an $800 porn shoot.

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Do you ever feel ashamed for your gender when on Yas Forums? No?

That's what I thought.

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pretty sure most of the bitches on facial abuse, ghetto gaggers, etc are literal crack whores trying to get a fix. only exception i know is that girl who posted on /cgl/ that actually signed up and did a scene. no clu how anyone could do this disgusting shit

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girls are incapable of using the internet

To be fair, it's not like the guys are conducting themselves any better.

I have a random fren on normiebook who is proud? of doing porn and having an onlyfans account
Ofc she is from the USA and I never saw her irl or even contacted her but you can kinda see the degradation when scrolling back through the pfps and other photos.

Idk about this, if you look at fetish threads on here it seems like a lot of the girls here like the sort of degrading stuff the facialabuse guys do to girls.

They're not, but feminists have convinced millions of young women that being a slut in porn is "empowering" and "liberating" and to those of us who are not brainwashed that by that evil ideology, it's hard and troublesome to watch this all from a distance.
I don't watch it anymore because I've watched so much of it and porn bores me now, I'd rather have sex myself instead of watching other people doing it.

lel of course not? are you out there seething because some guys do cock and ball torture or simp? people who actually really care about gender are always pathetic faggots, be it feminists or incels

Glad someone else here understands modern feminism is nothing but "I want to be a slut but not be called a slut".

Why are you pretending to be a woman on the internet?
you have brain damage

l wasn't pretending to be anything. My gender is irrelevant to the post.

Care to elaborate what type of brain damage I have?

Watching porn makes it really difficult for me to respect women. I'm not saying this to troll. I mean, I really find it difficult to respect women after seeing what they do in porn. Especially white wimmenz.

$800 for a 4 hour shoot? $200 an hour? If i was a fembot, i'd be all over that

Maybe stop being part of the problem then?

Robots, do you ever feel ashamed that your gender at the literal niggers of the sexes and commit almost all rapes, murders and child molestation?

No. Because women love violent, abusive men. Women love men who deal drugs. Women love men who destroy communities. Women love predatory men. Women love men who are grizzly serial killers.

This stuff reflects worse on the men than the women imo. Women are children, they cannot be held responsible for their decisions, men on the other hand claim to have the moral high ground, honor and integrity yet commit the most inhumane acts to other humans and jerk off to it too. It really makes me feel disgust for the male gender as a whole.

i want to feel ashamed over that, but then i realize most of the rapists, murderers, and child molesters have loving girlfriends and wives.

and men love all this disgusting porn so what is your point?

Do you feel personal shame when you see findom faggots pouring money on girls with nothing but disdain for them?
I don't let stuff like the OP image affect me, because it isn't me. The only thing we have in common is biology.

Wasnt there something like mia khalifa got 1200 total for everything? Arent they underpaid now? My memory is very vague about this, enlighten me if you care enough to research it

What women? Trash tier garbage women? Yeah obviously because trash belongs with trash. And dating a criminal still isnt as bad as being a criminal. What about the 90% of women who dont date drug dealers or criminals or fetishize serial killers? And you know female murderers like Jodi Arias have thousands of orbiters and get hundreds of marriage proposals a month right? Men would be killing each other even if there were no women around, you are overemotional reactionary egotistical niggers.

>And dating a criminal still isnt as bad as being a criminal
lmao, you dated a criminal didn't you?

I agree you shouldn't be held to account for it. But my point is more that women should slut shame other women. You stopped doing that because feminists said slut shaming was wrong and now the end result is that you're all expected to put out on the first date and do anal by the third because nobody is ostracizing sluts like they used to. That used to be your job, as the women of a society, to shame and ostracize women who behaved like trash. Instead you elevated them.

Doing it to a woman is less shameful than receiving it.

Men are the ones who defend female pedophiles and are lining up to marry a woman who slaughtered her boyfriend. But okay, keep being biased because it suits your agenda.

I would fuck the living shit out of a woman criminal and let her rob me.

Nope, but explain to me how dating a criminal is as bad as being one. Most women who date criminals try to steer them away from that path, not encourage them. I thought burgers dont believe in guilt by association? Are you really implying men only commit crime to get pussy? Because that is bullshit and wouldnt explain why gay serial killers are so vicious and sadistic.

Sharing the same genitals doent make me feel embarrassed at all. I don't believe in dignity.

>Men are the ones who defend female pedophiles and are lining up to marry a woman who slaughtered her boyfriend
that only happens when the woman is hot. women seem to fall in love with some ugly scary looking guys just because they are violent criminals

Glad to see mental illness isnt just a female phenomenon.

Women have a better biological excuse to be attracted to psychopaths. Those are the type of men who historically would have been better providers since they would kill any threats and steal from others to feed their own clan. Still doesnt make it right, but context is important.

Why do you not believe in dignity?

>end result is that you're all expected to put out on the first date and do anal by the third

So? I'd just say no. You act like not dating is a prison sentence. Theres painting, embroidery, yoga, so many hobbies you can do on your own.

It's almost impossible to "shame" other women without coming across as bitchy and insecure. I'm not interested enough in other people to go out of my way to tell them what I think anyway. As long as I can keep to myself then I'm fine.

Based artistic user

Mental illness is a part of Yas Forums culture

Same, what other women do is none of my business. I used to be a right wing conservacuck but now im libertarian since I realized trying to force people to stop doing dumb degenerate shit is useless.

Most women want a man. Most women are now expected to do vile and disgusting things in bed. They're expected to put out extremely early. Why? Because sluts aren't shamed anymore.

see, i have actually known a decent amount of criminal scumbags in my life. a lot of my friends i grew up with turned into drug dealers. they always had good looking girlfriends that grew up in the fucking suburbs. women are obsessed with danger, risk and drama. you all love it, it makes your pussy wet. you all say you want to steer them away from danger, but that is a lie you tell yourselves to absolve yourself of your own responsibility.
i saw all this shit, you can't bullshit me with it. in the end the women that are into this violent criminal bullshit are just as horrible as the criminals themselves, because the women are giving those criminals affirmation for their lifestyle.

It was never taught to me growing up so it just seems like a meme. If you want to do porn and get money I don't see how I'm supposed to feel anything from it. I wouldnt even be naked in front of a doctor if it went live or death but I could care less if everyone else does it.

I'm so disappointed in all of you. Even more disappointed than your father is.

>I used to be a right wing conservacuck
Not that person but you reminded me of my edgy Yas Forums phase

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This guy gets it. Drug dealers get you whores wet and you know it. And then you wonder why you get raped, while also fantasizing about rape...

That isn't really true. There is a big difference between doing porn and being comfortable and open with your own sexuality. If you like sex there is no reason to be ashamed of it.

What do you want us to do? Go after random women and shame them for what they do in their bedroom? You'll just look crazy if you do stuff like that. I find it gross, same as when men do it, but it isn't MY issue to solve. Especially when trying to do is just going to draw ire to me. It's not worth it. Sorry.

the whole thug thing is the only example i can think of that gives some proof to the meme of women liking your personality. yea sure that works, but you just have to be a risky fucking psychopathic criminal for them to take notice

Just say you are trailer trash and go then?

And ofc women love risk takers and violent men, those are masculine traits. Maybe stop being a pathetic failed ghettolite simp?

Drug dealers get junkie women. Is that something you want? Do you want a woman with meth mouth?

>hurr durr if you date a drug dealer or murderer you are guilty by association

Found the retard.

Why do you also construct these false dichotomies? You know full well even the most extreme people on here aren't against enjoying sex. They're against sluts and whores. At least own what you are, ie a slutty girl who sleeps around, rather than trying to position it as "enjoying sex". Monogamous people who don't have three score partners also enjoy sex you dumb cunt.

I'd tell you to go and get raped but you'd likely cum from it.

I don't care. I want to normalize paid relationships and become a brothel owner. Happy relationships wont get me there.

I think even there ugly and disgusting dealers don't get much action. Although you're right. It's funny that the only aspect of the "women like personality" meme that has some truth to it is if your personality is that of a violent psychopathic criminal.

Women are born to be beaten and abused. Their natural state is submission and Stockholm syndrome.

This. When was the last time you saw a white middle class law school grad Stacy dating a spic drug dealer or methhead pedophile? Only trash dates trash and its usually poor Mexican whores looking for cash or nigger women. These guys are cherrypicking retards lmao.

My father is dead. If he were alive I'd convince him that I was a lesbian.

it's funny when women do this kind of thing once a guy shoves in your face how disgusting your taste is. go read your rape fiction, wait im sorry, i meant your empowering bdsm smut. worthless whores
and no, i grew up and live in a wealthy new england area and all the friends i grew up with were white

You're a cunt and a whore. And your dad hates you even more than we do.

have you ever wondered if this worldview is why you are incel?

>w-we are against sluts and whores!

Ok moralfag. Just because your dick is small and you cant compete with Chad.

>They're against sluts and whores.
To be fair the people on this board call you a slut if you slept with one guy and that guy isn't them. Also, why is your basis for feminism what dude on this board want?

Oh no not daderino

>Women love violent men

It's almost like we shouldn't allow women to have any titular power at all in society...

>implying we care what any non Chad men think of us

Oh dear, have sex sweaty lole.

The whole of civilization is built on war and bloodshed, with men perpetuating 99% of it.

You have had many many sexual partners. Deep down you know they used you. This hurts you.

Depends on what your relationship with that guy was. A long term relationship you thought would lead to something committed towards marriage? No. That doesn't make you a slut.

Third wave feminism is about justifying women's disgusting sexual proclivities. Nothing more.

have you ever wondered why we laugh when women get abused by their psychopath boyfriend?

ok incel
(quadruply unoriginal)

women have given birth to 100% of every murderer, war monger, child molester, serial killer, war criminal, torturer, drug dealer, etc. explain yourselves?

War on behalf of your group, to win territory or resources, is different than selling poison to your own people and making them even more degenerate. A military government would make your dealer ex eat lead for a reason, cunt.

>have you ever wondered why we laugh when women get abused by their psychopath boyfriend?
because you arent having sex?
and men fathered 100% of those women. checkmate faggot.

Not really user..


But Chad thinks you're a whore too.

You laugh in public then cry yourself to sleep because you will always be too ugly to get raped by Chad. Deep down all incels have a homoerotic hyperfixation on Chads and the reason you hate women is because they get to fuck Chad and you dont lol.

>and men fathered 100% of those women. checkmate faggot.

did these men hold the woman down, rape her, and impregnate her? for the vast majority of the time, no, he did not.

what? what is that even supposed to mean

I love when Chad calls me a whore. Nothing gets me wetter. Stay seething.

women choose who they fuck and have kids with

But user I do slut shame other women. That's why my mother and sister dislike me so much.

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>Third wave feminism is about justifying women's disgusting sexual proclivities. Nothing more.
The fact you said nothing more proves to me you know nothing about it. Why do men get to have all these disguesting sexual proclivities, while women can only be slutty with their husbands?

You don't just want Chad to fuck you. You want him to commit. But he won't. Chad is not going to commit to some 4/10 "femanon" who lists "cosplay" and "video games" among her hobbies lul. You are a toilet for Chad. Nothing more.