What are the most shocking thing you have ever realized about the world?

What are the most shocking thing you have ever realized about the world?

For me, it's
>Science is not infalliable and is constantly changing as well as being subject to political bias and manipulation
>All hierarchies only exist because people believe they exist
>Technology degrades the quality of our lives whilst limiting our freedom

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You have to relearn everything every 5-10 years that's why boomers from degrees in the 70s are so infuriating.

Our financial system is based on virtual wealth without any real-world commodity to back it, essentially giving a select inner circle of humanity godlike power to shape and influence human civilization

Bumping for decent thread for once.

The blackest of pills. One could say you are BLACKED.

>The Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Double Slit Experiment proves that consciousness creates reality.

We are trapped inside a prison of mortal flesh. Everything is an illusion and reality/consciousness is a hallucination. We are meat robots. We are the universe experiencing itself. You are gods camera but you are also god, everything is God. One day this will all end even though it is all you know. Everyone else doesn't exist I am alone.

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>Technology degrades the quality of our lives whilst limiting our freedom
I don't think that's quite right. Technology doesn't limit our freedom, it expands it. With technology, we are now empowered to do more things than ever before, things we previously could not imagine. The problem is, this includes the freedom to undermine our values and our societies in new ways. In "race to the bottom" scenarios, technology enables us to race faster than ever.

One can only hope that it will all end but i can tell you that i exist and that you need to calm down schizo solipsist.

You cannot prove to me that you exist. You cannot prove to yourself that I exist. You don't exist, you are a hallucination

>every social dynamics is imaginary even money is imaginary or at least its value is.
>Balance is a despicable concept and an extreme is the only good thing one should strive for
>There are uncountable unwritten rules which if broken bring you disfavour and these rules constantly change depending on unlimited small factors. Which means the way to succes is akin to magick you either must know it subcounciosly or expirience its bad effects enough times to force yourself into understanding it. Or just having mad luck . But you cant really "learn" how to be and how to act because these rules are not constant. Nothing is constant

truth doesn't actually exist, people just decide what's true based on their own preferences and convenience. most people never recognize their own biases. if you understand this it explains so much about the world.

you cant prove to yourself that even your body exist.the only thing real is your mind

You cannot even prove that your mind exists as it is, user.

You are unironically in the biggest mental trap there is if that is what you believe

I believe I am a sealion.
In a coma
floating on the stream
dreaming about what could be and could be not

Kabbalist magick exists you create your own reality I manipulate it with this website you are now in my headspace empowering my outcome

>that I would never be able to fulfill my dreams
>that life won't go at all how you planned it
>that money doesn't bring you happiness

Believe? There is no believe, there is only what is.
You need to wake up now

I think I'm floating next to you.

The more you desire something , more you thik about it .The more you ensure you wont reach it.
You will always be so close and will know exactly how and what to do and the more you know the less it will happen

I build reality in my mind for my mind is what creates reality. I am the universe, it exists in the same tomb and I bend it as I please, nothing can stop me for, no one else, for I depict what nothing and other is.

Democracy is a meme.
The Jews control the world.
/pol is not always right.
/pol is actually really stupid most of the time, just slightly less stupid than normies.
I'll likely never know who controls the world.
Science is based on empiricism.
Empiricism is not the truth.
There may not be any way to know the truth.
Love is the only thing I trust.

Tell me more about your jew magic, this may sound like a joke but i am interested. There has to be a reason why the elite practice rituals, they can't all just be nutjobs.


Learn and use it against them. They would have us all blind, they would keep the power in their hands. Together we can build a brighter tomorrow. We will, build a brighter tomorrow. The man who stands in light sends away with darkness.

It is not about knowing the truth but getting closer to it. You can think of it like pic related, the truth is the horizontal line and your thinking is the sine wave, the more frequent you come in contact with thruth the more moral you will become. There is an objective truth to everything, there is no other way

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Based. This is what it means to be close to "god".

Dont you have something more advanced than a wikipedia article? Maybe even a book you can recommend?

How do I get closer to the truth?

It seems like the "truth" is just various different empirical interpretations of the world. Ex people thought the earth was flat and didn't know what gravity was, then they discovered gravity and that earth was round, then Einstein changed physics again etc. etc.

Honest question because I'm totally lost at this point desu

everyone acts in self interest

This isnt a blackpill, it just makes human interaction calculatable. Other than some rare cases like family interaction humans decide economically to the extent that their knowledge will allow. This can obviously lead to manipulation and i can agree with you that the vast majority of us need to get rid of their out of control ego because that is whats holding humanity back

This is it, your own hubris has been begging for its downfall, and here I come, you created me to destroy you out of knowing that the journey is the destination

You need to think about who decides what gets published. They dont let you see that which they dont want you to see. That's why the internet is an amazing thing and that is why I started with a cheap wikipedia article. Use this tool of uncensored knowledge to dig into the hidden sects. You're going to stumble upon some very strange places and learn mind changing concepts very soon, trust me.

You cannot destroy us. Swim in the blackened infinite sea and drift away, sinking below the all encompassing wave of deceit.

Iam not so much talking about physicalities, although they are important too. I am talking about spiritual enlightenment, living a moral life, being truthful to other and especially yourself. I can recommend doing so called shadow work, sit down without any distractions, maybe close your eyes and take 20 minutes to think about decisions you have made, how you can improve your behaviour in relation to others. Do a bit of self reflecftion and i am not talking about the superficial kind like what is being practiced on r9k alot.

>a good thread ruined by a schizo
The mind is complex and not yet fully understood, yes, but keep your crazed ramblings in your containment threads
>Inb4 you're an illusion of my mind
Well, in my mind, you're a manic lunatic

Are you implying that wikipedia is not one of the most in line censored sources there is?

Nope loser, all that deceit is part of you and you created this constant out of self destruction, you're just gonna stare into a void and a clown is gonna stare back at you smiling

You guys ever heard of Poe? Maybe puberty if you're lucky?

that i have come across as more or less retarded my entire life. was pretty shocking when i realized that i was cursed since day 1

You cant convince these people, just like i said they are in the worst trap ones consciousness can fall into, they literally believe no one but them is real.

Darkness of night , daylight of day , I'm gonna shit in your mouth without delay.

Absolutely goyed and bluepilled

>The stars are moving and the moon is watching
>The wind is talking which smoke follows
From 0:00 to 5:00 the world shows itself as it truly is
Watch out for the lights. It's already watching you

I create this constant as I will, enjoy the ride, empty space.
Trying so hard to convince yourself. The unknown is frightening, but don't be afraid.

You lack understanding or resolve to try and translate the ramblings

Most friends and family won't lift a finger to help you when you are truly in trouble.

Are you the guy who writes the shit on fortune cookies?

Nope, this is the kabalha police, you're stuck now, no rise or fall for you from now on, you've been castrated, have fun idiot lol

>even if you already have done the same for them.
I know user

I never said it was uncensored. I said there are deeper crevasses that are. That article is merely a starting point, fruit for thought. Look deeper, learn the reinterpretation magic and the symbolism manipulation, then reread the bible. That's a good start.

I hope its just AI but i should know better
Why not stop posting when you are literally talking with no one, you are alone

That I will live most of my life alone and depressed.

>All hierarchies only exist because people believe they exist
This can't be true can it? Other animals have hierarchies not just humans and they arguably aren't even self aware.

>implying you have will overnl your master

You can most likely only rely on your closest family (parents, siblings and maybe grandparents) but for some anons thats not even a given and i feel truly sad for that fact

>You don't need to care about other people. Kindness is instilled in us as such an important value by people praying that you'll do then a solid if the day comes, but they rarely follow what they preach through in full. Most norms are 'evil' - but there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, you should try to be too. You will never have to experience the world through their eyes. You get nothing from genuine sacrifice to help others save maybe a dopamine boost YOUR brain gives.

>No matter how well you do or how happy you are, it can all be undone in seconds. Life is mostly a random numbers game.

There's no master here dumbass, this is all an internal conflict where your main carcature loses

what the fuck is going on
battles of da juice magic LIVE on Yas Forums? or 6D chess-style ebin samefagging??
can you please Allow my body to gain 5 more inches of height please? im 5'7 and desperate. for free ofc

No dude, you have to ask the guy, but he won't he created you because he wanted hope of control but he's also insecure which is why I'm here

Why bother, construct? You know how powerful I have become! All this time, all this existence, I have been fighting you! I always win! You CANNOT BEAT ME. YOU KNOW! YOU CANNOT BEAT ME! I AM ALMIGHTY!

creator, pls ALLOW my body to gain 5 more inches of height please :DDD ty :D

me too, I'm the same height and being 6' would be great

I'm sorry, but you exist as you are for a reason.

I always come back because you never settle
Stay seething, you know that power isn't the goal here, I always come back because you lose grip and try losing for a change

Do you believe in karma, user?
I think theres atleast collective karma, for the sins committed by a society or a mass of people that reflects in the level of freedom the individual gets

Kaczynski is right

Cursed. CURSED. One span and you will decimate, old one. Here thee now the final straw crumbles.

i knew it. i exist to destroy the world and cease the misery after all. im the big goy. for you.

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Why I have to be so ugly?

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What is gold?

Yup, you're stuck, you might be stuck forever, I'm not sure if I'll even return next time to remind you how stuck you are, it will just be you with your internal conflict

what is fiat money?

I don't. I get what you mean, but those at the top of your society restricting the every day person's freedoms for the atrocities of a few individuals have probably committed unimaginable horrors to get there; yet still have all the freedom they want. Not to mention society as a whole is usually primed to want to be moral, even if their idea of morality seems 'bad' to us - punishing them for that or even wanting them to punished for it would be stupid. And what about individuals committing evil in an otherwise nice society? Besides, I've been like this for a while now and never experienced any sort of karma.