IMAGINE being Tahlia and being so dedicated to your STUPID ideas of being an anti-choice FORCE BIRTHER and a SLAVE to...

IMAGINE being Tahlia and being so dedicated to your STUPID ideas of being an anti-choice FORCE BIRTHER and a SLAVE to your husband who is a SHORT INCEL that you give up everything including your FAMILY who don't accept your BULLSHIT

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IMAGINE thinking like her and BELIEVING its a BAD THING to go to UNIVERSITY and just be SMART because of the fact that you were BORN BEING FEMALE

IMAGINE believing a SKYDADDY wants you to SERVE A MAN for the REST OF YOUR LIFE like she does. IMAGINE being ANTI-FEMINIST as a woman



Repost but:

>doesnt get along with her parents
>doesnt get along with her peers
>doesnt get along with incels but hangs around them constantly
>clashes with orbiters who are helpful and nice to her
>doesnt get along with people who are genuinely concerned for her welfare and try to help her
>doesnt get along with her husband as evidenced by her reddit posts

Time to isolate the common factor.

Sticking to her principles like that is pretty respectable, compared to most women who just follow whatever is in fashion at the time. Pity a woman like that is wasted on that narc faggot though.

that's just what happens when you're right wing in a marxist society

EXACTLY if maybe EVERYONE believes the OPPOSITE to you. THEN maybe your opinions are just WRONG. Maybe it is not ok to be a HANDMAID obsessed with staying a VIRGIN who got married at EIGHTEEN and spends all day shaming OTHER women for having ABORTIONS and not BREASTFEEDING. MAYBE that's why everyone in the wolrd can't STAND you TAHLIA. Nobody LIKES YOU


I like her

Lmao she cant even get along with her so-called fans and orbiters who share the same conservative views as her. Abandoning your family is so trad though amirite?

Your family who is forcing you to pursue a career and waste your life away.

>Abandoning your family is so trad though amirite?
if they're weird abusive degenerates its pretty justifiable

This. Daily reminder her parents would punish her by putting used period pads next to her face while she slept

with a little context most of those reflect badly on other parties far more than on her to be fair

You're the incel, you bitter envious retard.

Maybe men would like you too if you were a nice girl like Tahlia instead of a raging cunt. Your hatred of her clearly stems from envy.

Her husband used to be prominent in the incel community before they met tho

>Hmm I got my wife to drop all her male friends, but she keeps talking to these female friends when she could be pleasing me or cleaning the house
>What can I do about this...

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Her parents have a stable marriage and we only know what Tahlia told us about them. As someone prone to exaggeration, self pity and mental illness her account isnt exactly reliable or unbiased.

>has one friend (audrey) and is already seething over the fact audrey is receiving more attention than her
>has come to blows with everyone else in her life

All her orbiters are pro life and she still ended up arguing with/ghosting all of them. Really makes you think.

She's always been staunchly pro-life, she probably did that on her own accord. You shouldn't suggest things like that without proof because it discredits the very valid criticisms of his behavior and makes her call them conspiracy theories

pro-life but anti-brendino, because they are consistent in opposing immoral things

>doesnt get along with people who are genuinely concerned for her welfare and try to help her
This is the most annoying bit
There were quite a few people between the channel and /ag2/ that kept telling her to get off the internet for her own good. She will only listen to you if you shit on her

She's made her bed

Most boomers are pro life though.

>inventing drama where there is none
Typical T*hlia.

she was talking about her peers dumbass. If you really don't think most of her irl friends are prochoice in today's world you're delusional

>surrounded by dozens of people who care about you and want to help you
>cut them off at the behest of your narc e-bf who emotionally abuses you and couldn't even be bothered finding you somewhere to live when you were homeless

just imagine being t*hlia

That's a fair point, this is just conjecture, but if she's been hiding it in all this time I think something had to trigger this.

My wife is a stay at home wife and is against abortions. Pretty good life.

your wife is a SLAVE and that is an EVIL arrangement
She cuts off people for the DUMBEST reasons. I've spoken to people she has cut off and she stops talking to them if they SHITTALK her husband or even if they simply watch PORN or have had more than ONE sex partner. She cuts off ANYONE who is normal

>or even if they simply watch PORN
if you watch porn you are contributing to sex trafficking you cumbrain

>implying this daft cunt has any friends irl

Women should not have any rights. If they are to continue to exist in their current form then they should be married off by the father, they should be virgins until marriage, they should serve their husband and children, they should not go to university and they certainly do not have the right to kill the child they are carrying. However this is all just to deal with them at their current state, in reality if we want a better future they should be exterminated and replaced with artificial wombs and related technology.

me and the boys have an anti- Tahlia discord server if you want to join. We start rumors about her being slutty to give her breakdowns, we write creepy scat fanfiction about her and post it to places she might see, we document every autistic nazi thing she says.

Everything we can to punish this prude bitch, and it's a lot of fun but very exclusive so you'd have to give me a way to contact you first. We don't want any leaks

Being overly opinionated isnt very feminine or trad.

Hi Tahlia, nobody likes you

brendino seems to push her to burn bridges quite a lot, probably so she has nothing left in her country so she won't have any reason to think twice about leaving

what the fuck is wrong with you

People were forcing the university lifestyle on her though so in this context it's fair for her to be

>anti-nazi people are into writing literal shit porn

it checks out

I don't even know who this bitch is, but I can tell you whoever she is she doesn't actually believe those things

I am actually AWARE of this place and I have been for a long time, way back when they did the hungry jacks prank on her. I DON'T think it's productive because I want to CHANGE her mind, not further push her into her beliefs. AND if she thinks that we are against her she will KEEP thinking this way

stay mad nazi. I'm a proud tranny too.

Keep defending this nazi whore who made actual videos advocating fascism with no shame

Tahlia is just batshit insane

When did this place become reddit? Did leftpol and crystal cafe shut down for the day?

She had some really bad shit happen to her. I won't go into details for her privacy but considering what she's been through the stuff she does is very tame. She cries a lot and is very oversensitive but there's so many worse ways she could have turned out considering some of the stuff that happened

Well fascism and national socialism are good so why wouldn't we support someone supporting said ideologies

In the context of a trad society led by good men, no. But we don't live in a trad society led by good men.
>made actual videos advocating fascism with no shame
Very based. You should be gassed.



Who even is this bitch? I see you faggots talk about this one and someone named audrey, are they e celebs? Are you orbiters? What the fuck is going on here

>In the context of a trad society led by good men, no. But we don't live in a trad society led by good men.
in a similar manner getting married at 18 in a good society is trad but getting married at 18 in a degenerate society to a dude from the internet on the other side of the world is kinda retard tier

It's literally a schizophrenic and a tranny samefagging.

In this thread, yeah that's what I gathered but who are these girls? I see threads about them but today's the first time I've been bored enough to check one out

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

Minor ecelebs/ ex-ecelebs that have pretty right leaning views that this board gets triggered over

>thinking marxist is a buzzword

did you go to school?

If this is the kind of person who hates her, she must be doing something right.

Pro choice has a lot of very good and valid arguments in favour of it, not that Tahlia cares to address or even consider them.
The (valid) arguments for pro life are mainly philosophical abstractions that many people (including me) find uncompelling when held against the palpable harmful effects of pro life legislation.

It's very far from hurr durr evil satanists practicing human sacrifice, everyone who doesn't agree is a degenerate. That position is only good for circle jerking and attention whoring.

Most of this board is pol tier, the people who are against those views are not citizens of this board

>Pro choice has a lot of very good and valid arguments in favour of it
No it doesn't roastie

Exactly my point, lol. How come pro lifers are mostly simpletons?

nobody here except the tranny and the insane OP are triggered by her views lmao
people here think her """marriage""" is fucking retarded but not her political views

Your entire position is based on "but muh cummies", you have no room to talk.

Pro choice has no good arguments. It's just an excuse for whores to be even greater whores at the expense of life. No sane pro lifer wants abortion to be non existent, in cases of rape abortion should be utilized, if the child is identified to have a severe incurrable mental or physical disorder in the womb then abortion should be utilized. Abortion just for the sake of it is just a more degenerate form of contraception. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex it's as simple as that

Strange that it is the so called anti-degenerates that are constantly thinking about sex and see lewd insinuations in absolutely everything.

Tahlia said herself that she's constantly horny and instead of dealing with it in a productive way, she comes up with cope bullshit about children needing to get married so they can have sex with each other "without sin". Because doing the exact same thing without the sanction of an old pedophile would be immoral.
Very peculiar world view.

>If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex it's as simple as that


user, are you by any chance Jewish?

>No sane pro lifer wants abortion to be non existent, in cases of rape abortion should be utilized, if the child is identified to have a severe incurrable mental or physical disorder in the womb then abortion should be utilized.
That's not the kind of pro lifer Tahlia is.

>If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex it's as simple as that
So a child should be forced to grow up with trash parents and suffer a life of mental illness and pain to punish "whores"?

I swear, you are in every single Tahlia thread.
You seem like a schizo. Both you and the Tahlia bitch need help.

>So a child should be forced to grow up with trash parents and suffer a life of mental illness and pain to punish "whores"?

yeah wow dude good point just fucking kill them instead

>If your life is shit you should be murdered instead

>Both you and the Tahlia bitch need help.

>implying it isn't some Jekyll/Hyde dual personality thing

>So a child should be forced to grow up with trash parents and suffer a life of mental illness and pain to punish "whores"?
Yes, there are already millions of people who suffer in life. If as a society actually grow some balls and force degenerates to take responsibility then over time things will get better. The reason that mental illness is so high at the moment is do to the increased leniency on degenerate behavior. If we make contraception illegal and abortion something that's only allowed in very specific situations then we will be a step closer to righting the wrongs and making future lives better.

tl:dr you didn't have a problem with all the children suffering before do the support of degenerate actions, why do you now care about them if they suffer to end your degenerate practices?

Embryos lack the cognitive abilities that make them persons. It's better to have less suffering in the world. "Killing" in this case is not meaningfully different from preventing conception in the first place. A lot of "children" get aborted naturally when pregnancies don't start correctly.
Using words like "kill" is distraction from the core question of what values are more weighty in this consideration.

Empty appeal to emotion. Why is "murder" bad? Is it "murder" to not keep someone alive when they have never been conscious? What does "someone" mean in this context, and why should we use that definition? What about wider considerations of circumstances? Do you suggest everyone acts on their most primal instincts without rational analysis?

That evidently did not work in the past, since your desired state already existed and failed, by your own standards.

Protip: Tahlia creates all 'Tahlia' threads and samefags the shit out of them

People either hate her cause they are orbiters jealous of her husband or because of her based politics

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