How do you stop simps from giving whores money?
How do you stop simps from giving whores money?
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The have to be put down, fucking little cunts.
tweet looks shoped
you can't. it reminds me of some of those game theory examples. protect and provide for womenz is deeply routed into male psychology
live in the woods away from civilization
We have to bring Hitler back. Simps need to be gassed.
yeah looking at it, it looks shopped.
even if its shopped, it's quite a realistic scenario.
Jesus christ being a thot is fucking easy mode to the max.
Lie on bed. Take photo of ass. Receive house and financial stability.
you think I care about whores getting money out of stupid peices of shite?
I made one and a half million from my fucking basement last year by investing with a shitty app
just use your fucking male brains and out earn these cunts so you won't be bothered
You don't. Just stop being a fag and it won't bother you so much.
>shitty pre-fab suburban home is your dream house
Housing market will crash soon
Honestly capital punishment is like the only way we can reverse things at this point, we're too far gone.
Kill all simps they're inexcusable and a plague to society
I don't know, but they're more of a problem than the whores.
>going on 30
>worked dead end job
>laid off because of corona
>no house
>cant afford one even if i had one
i dont blame anyone who becomes a psychopath after living like this
Stupid people deserve to be exploited. I see nothing wrong.
This. If you aren't spending your life exploiting the stupid and weak yourself you're doing it wrong.
>Work hard every single day of my life
>Parents poor as hell
>Still poor myself
>This woman gets a house at 22 by just taking pictures of herself
The world really sucks. What's the point
How fucking low are your ambitions that that's your dream house, women can't even fucking dream right
Ive got a few fucking ideas.
Feminism has completely ruined the world, women are born with an inherent value that men can never have you can work your hardest but you simply don't have the right biological parts
> women are born with an inherent value that men can never have
I think this only really is true for attractive women. I know some pretty average to poor women in work, and they have to wage slave just as hard as I do. It's these lucky thots that are blessed with good genetics that can get rich off their body. Either way it's complete bullshit and luck of the draw.
Bullshit. I fuck a fat chick that should in no way make money by selling pics of her body, but there are plenty of suckers who still buy her shit. I'm talking between 700-1000 on a weekend.
High trust societies can't operate if too many people openly advocate for this socially toxic mentality. You morons are preaching anti-social attitudes and it's going to ruin everything for everyone. Whatever vengeance is wrought upon you ny your peers is probably deserved.
That's because, like society gives money it's worth, men give women it's value. Women are born as nothing, and as nothing they die.
Sooo...she signed a mortgage that will have a lifetime longer than her looks ever will. Probably has a false sense of financial security because of how much she's taking in under the table and how young/dumb she is. Sure. This totally isn't a slow moving dumpster fire. Call me when she buys three more and starts renting them out at a profit.
Shit I haven't seen that pic in years
Wonder if that guy ever moved on
Hopefully he moved himself into the fucking grave
Holy shit, I read a reply from there, this bitch literally bought a house off of ONE video. She could've made a whole six figure salary if she tried.
Charm is such a goofy autist lol. What a guy
>cookie cutter home on .25 acre lot
>dream house
Who cares what others do with their money?
Just focus on getting yourself a wife and kids.
This is absolutely not a pre-fab home. Cookie cutter maybe, but not pre-fab
They're brother and sister, retard.
this. I'm not fuckin bothered.
You fuck her. You're part of the problem.
report the whore to the IRS
What's wrong with that? Lots of people like living in neighborhoods.
It'll be funny when her fans stop flocking to her and she can no longer afford to pay off her mortgage.
For what? Where did she say she wasnt paying taxes?
I doubt she actually bought it, she probably put a 5% down payment on it and won't be able to afford it when the simp money dries up like her uterus in a year.
What's funny about that? You might have a broken sense of humor.
and you might be a faggot.
who's to say?
Good comeback. Way to prove me right
I live in a neighborhood. I just dont live in a poor neighborhood so I have a 1.2 acre lot.
I fucking hate american females so damn much. For real.
Ok. I'm sure your parents house is very nice.
Dude that is fucking gross
It is. 6k square feet
Why would anyone do this? She's not even all that pretty ffs
Onlyfans is not simping, it's business and you pay for custom made porn pretty much.
What we need is to encourage simping if you want girls to stop acting like whores. I currently give a couple some tributes for doing well at uni and things like that.
sounds nice. can i come over user
Sure when the covid is over. Have a nice pool, hot tub and yard we can have a bbq
As I Brit it amazes me that anyone under 25 even GOT a mortgage.
When I used to work in property I remember them being laughed it.
And yet, they HAD the money and the steady job.
God we are such a wired country.
27 and unemployed. Don't have to worry about mortgages. Does that mean I win?
stop orbiting tahlia you retard. simp. beta. loser. thats you.
We make prostitutes legal.
This. These people who shame simps are don't have the intelligence to see how their behavior creates an unstable society. We should not take advantage of people who are mentally weak. We need to help them become stronger. If we allow them to be exploited, power struggles will only be amplified.
I have said this countless times and I will say it again. Women need to take the high road and turn down these favors. We are in an unstable system currently and expecting the exploited people to magically fight back is unrealistic. Those in power must relinquish their power or the power struggle will grow until violence inevitably erupts.
Unironically gas all simps and whores