If you're a white man you have no excuse to be an incel or not have a gf and you need to get the fuck off this board

If you're a white man you have no excuse to be an incel or not have a gf and you need to get the fuck off this board.

Just be white and talk to any non-white girl and she will have sex with you. They want babies with lighter skin and colored eyes.

Even if you're fat and ugly.

This is facts.

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doesn't work like that only chads get that
the top 10% of men of any race

Same applies to blacks. Honestly, the only people who can be robots are probably Indians and Asians.

She kinda looks like she can't even feel it. Lol.

she'l be feeling that load dripping down here cooter fag.

Cope. Black women crave white cocks. Stay mad black incel.

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He ain't hittin it, she ain't even throwin it back


Lol, imagine wanting to fuck white guys in the year 2020

unironically started talking to a non white chick, every day she'd talk about how much she hates white guys, I played it cool and didn't give her much attention trying as hard as possible to be Chad.

A week later she tells me she's got a fetish for white guys and now we've been dating for over a year. Shits good.

Wow, what disgusting small dick. Literally no color to it at all.

>Dating anyone with a fetish
Damn, I could understand fucking, but date? You fucked up.

Do whites really consider that big? It's like a 6 inch pencil dick. Fucking pathetic lmao

oh no
this is the first time I've really gotten someone to date me, how fugged am I?

Why would you want color on your dick you dumb nigger? God damn you are full of shit. That dick is bigger than yours. Prove me wrong.

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Chad is coming for your Shaniquas.

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>whitoid is a closet faggot trying to see colored dicks
What a surprise. Why are so many whites gay?

Bigger than Lebron's small ass penis

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Lol, a small feminine, PINK dick. Can't make this up.

Limp pencil dick. Lmao, you people are fucking pathetic. Also why do you have so many dicks saved, fucking faggot

You're the one who was complaining about the dick not having enough color you fag.

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Lol samefagging your dick pics now? What a neurotic homo

Ewww sex is an intimate act meant to be had with someone you love

Okay whatever you say shitposting baby penis Chink. I literally tower over every Asian male that comes in the store.

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Chinky is getting really butthurt by BWC

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You work in a store? How old are you? What a fucking loser lmao. You seriously cannot make this shit up

You just claim I'm asian now because you know blacks are superior to whites. What a fucking cuckold faggot

I want a black fembot gf really fucking bad

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>muh job
Compensating for a small penis Chinky?

I literally fuck black sissy bois up their sissy asses.

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If blacks are superior why is the UFC Heavyweight Champion a white man?

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Jon jones would fuck Stipe up. DC already did and he is old as fuck. Francis is overrated, he couldn't even beat fat ass Derrick Lewis.
You're a literal fucking faggot buddy

Jon Jones is a little steroid using eyepoking bitch. Greatest boxer in the world is white too. I've personally beaten 6 blacks in street fights when I lived in the inner city. Niggers aren't shit. And clearly niggers are faggots too since they're letting me rail them up the ass.

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You're not even fucking black you pathetic Asian faggot. You're an Asian faggot who dick rides niggers cause white men emasculate you so much and fuck your women. Prove me wrong you bat eating Chink freak.

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Fury is on roids and tries to cover it up.by paying off a farmer.
Stipe is on roids too, retard. They're all on roids. Also nice larp, you haven't beaten any blacks because if you did you wouldn't be such an insecure, mentally insane faggot.

Bruh you're ignoring the fact that 5 of the 7 current title holders aren't white.

Cope harder you pathetic Chink faggot. That story doesn't even get brought up anymore cause everyone knows it's bullshit. Even the time he allegedly took steroids was years before he fought Wilder so if Fury is illegitimate then so is Jon Jones.

None of the weight classes matter except Heavyweight since there are no weight classes in a street fight. And no Khabib is white. Being a Muslim doesn't make you not white.

Yeah, obviously jon Jones is a roid cheat. I already said, they all are. Doesn't mean Jon wouldn't kick Stipes half retarded ass.

Just post your ugly bat eating Chink face and stop larping as a nigger Chang. Nobody believes you Asian masculinity faggot. God damn Asian bitch boys are so pathetics. You really expect me to believe a nigger has the brain power to type out the shit you're typing?

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I think racemixing is immoral. If white women don't want me, and they don't, then that's just it for me.

He never said it was big, you are the one calling it that

Heavyweight doesn't even have any of the best fighters in the sport.

Bullshit you don't even know that. Jon Jones has gotten carried by the judges in multiple decision victories.

Thanks for calling me smart. I hope you find a way to deal with your insecurity and mental insanity. This is extreme coping and seething.

Yes it does. Put heavyweights vs none heavyweights in a street fight and see who wins. Heavyweight is the baddest man on the planet and everyone knows it. Weight classes are designed to make manlets feel better about their inferior genetics.

What fights? You clearly won the last 3 against Gus in their first fight, and destroyed him the second time. He also beat Dominic Reyes in the last 3 rounds, and was executing a game plan the first 2. You obviously don't know shit about fighting. Jon has destroyed every white hes gone up against. Gus is way smarter than Stipe, Jon would destroy Stipes retard ass.

Smarter than a nigger. That's like getting a medal at the special olympics. Post your hand and prove me wrong Chang. Pathetic little Mongoloid has t live vicariouslt through blacks. As if niggers don't fuck Asian women

Jones/Reyes was a tie

Stop acting like an armchair expert you pathetic chink. I guarantee you've never done a combat sport or been in a fight in your pathetic Mongoloid dicklet life.

imagine being this butthurt lmao

Fucking cope. Holy shit you're insane. Fucking hilarious lmao.

Holy fuck you're a pathetic Chink and literally no one wants to get close to you cause they think you're diseased. And the saddest part is you just let your own race get shit on cause all you do is dick ride black men who you worship.

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Daily reminder that white men are literally the strongest, tallest, most desired/attractive, most masculine, best conquerors, have largest dicks, and invented almost every thing that matters. We may even be fastest, but idk on that one if niggers still have us beat on it.

High school 100 meter record is owned by a white guy.

Bench record is held by a black. Whites are tied with west Africans for tallest. White women drool over black dick and its obvious. Whites are cuckolds. Whites are not masculine at all lmao, every soiboi and beta meme is a white. Best conquerors because you stole Asian/arab /indian inventions. Whites have small dicks, pretty sure the average for you guys is like 5.5 inches lmao. Jews and arabs invented everything that matters. East Asians have higher average IQs. Blacks are faster. Whites being superior is a fucking joke lmao

Just about everything you said there is false, cringe, and cope.

Theres pussy on the end of it, which is more than can be said about yours

Squat and deadlift records are held by whites. A black just broke the bench record but chances are a white guy will surpass him soon. You're a pathetic Chink bitch who is obsessed with spammimg lies about niggers being superior just because you're a chink manlet who is completely emasculated by white men. Fyi East Asian men have the smallest penises as well as less sensitivity to testosterone than other races and while blacks have slightly more testosterone than whites on average they also tend to have more estrogen which results in feminine features like hairless bodies, large lips and buttocks and a higher tendency towards homosexuality.

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It's not though lmao. You're the one coping. Must suck being a pathetic white.

holy cope

You can say whatever you want about asians, idgaf because I'm not Asian lol. Wow, good job, whites can squat more, what a feminine exercise lol. Whites have weak upper bodies. That's why they squat and deadlift, notice how they have to use a certain technique just to finish the deadlift? Blacks have way more test than whites, and more estrogen. We have more sex hormones and have denser bones and more lean body mass because of that. Also blacks look way more masculine than, wider skulls and noses, strong brow ridges and wide palates. Whites are feminine cuckolds and you seethe because of that.

It doesn't. 10% rule there aswell. The ones who do like you are the ones that fetishise you as some kind of ultra masculine gorilla. And when you don't live up to that stereotype you don't fit anyones kink

Average black dick is just over 5 inches as well according to actual measured studies. Blacks are less than half a centimeter larger than British whites while whites are several centimeters larger than Asians.
Not to mention Asian bitch even Swedecucks have significantly more testosterone than Mongoloids.

Found this pic of the average white mans body lmao

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>posts an unreliable and shitty study made by some coping whitoid
Lmao, cant make this shit up. Get credible sources you faggot

According to this study blacks have relatively similar amounts of testosterone but significantly more estrogen. White men are also half an inch taller than blacks on average in the US and significantly taller world wide. Average height in Northern Europe is about 5 10 in Sub Saharan Africa it's around 5 5 .

Literally no black man on earth talks like this, Chang. Stop racebaiting

Heres the masculinity and superiority of the handsome black skull

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Blacks have weaker brow ridges due to less Neanderthal admixture.

Found this pic of the average nigger's body

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Blacks have more DHT retard, that's what effects secondary sex characteristics. Also they had more test anyways, what a cope lmao. How long is it taking you to dig up these articles that support your narrative?

Steroid using bitch cheater with a small penis

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Btw African Americans on average are 20 to 25 percent white. Our DNA literally upgraded them

Then why are whites hairier when body hair is a direct result of DHT?

Lol he fucked up Chael sonnen, and Gustafsson