"You are the most unf*ckable repulsive creature, just sad. You are a simp, bro -- a simpleton -- simple minded. You are concerned about other people's relationship when you don't work on your own physical appearance and improve your ability to attract women."
Ethan stutters, his bodily shaking with anger, as he continues, "You are vile slime of a human, and nobody will ever want you because you are so pathetic."
>You are the most unf*ckable repulsive creature no shit >you don't work on your own physical appearance and improve your ability to attract women >"Omg its not your looks stop going to the gym and just approach girls!" > >You are concerned about other people's relationship Most incels arent.
Why is this the response from normies whenever someone says theyre a incel? Why do they assume incels are just angry guys who think they deserve sex when the mass majority of incels are just depressed bugfaces desperately trying to looksmax and already know pretty damn well theyre repulsive
Charles Bennett
>"I am a ugly guy, ive tried lifting, reading self help books, but I just cant attract girls, i am also autistic and suffer from mental illness, I guess i am an incel" >"KYS INCEL YOU ARE SCUM OF THE EARTH JUST FUCKING END IT!"
jews are hypecrites? man who would have thought that...
Levi James
>My post doesnt even express hatred >"ANGRY BITCH INCEL!" Seems youre the one whose angry faggot, die of corona
Jeremiah Reyes
>this fat ugly motherfucker with grey hair at 33 who's so pathetic he had to get some severely autistic Israeli mail order bride that he moved to Israel to marry is calling anyone unfuckale
Grayson Ross
yep, it's real and he was legitimately seething.
Adrian Davis
Die sexless and alone, violent asshole
Aiden Wood
Fuck off troll before I bend you over.
Liam Green
Download grindr and get TOPPED. Nobody ever loved you .
Carter Rogers
Nice projection degenerate, go wash your ass dirty abused faggot
I will call my African friends to cast a spell on you. Die slow and painful, you will suffer
Zachary Phillips
feeling lonely, maybe bored? do you get anxiety in public? get absolutely TOPPED if you want a better life
Jackson Taylor
No meming, is he inbred? Kinda gives off johnny knoxville vibes NGL
Brandon Rivera
he is a jewish man both ethnically and religiously
Brandon Barnes
>heh, idubbbbbz's girlfriend is showing her body for strangers online for money... doesn't sound like ideal relationship to me >YOU FUCKING INCEL LOSER FUCK YOU REEEEE WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE? IT'S HER BODY HER CHOICE, WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS t. Ethan
What the heck Ethan? It's true that some of dubbz's edgy underage fans are taking their hate comments too far, but I don't think making fun of someone being a cuck makes them into incel losers. If Ian is okay with being in that kind of relationship, more power to him.
Ayden Nguyen
I've seen dudes that look like dude in pic with girlfriends a lot of times
Hudson Hill
nice strawman the people that get those types of insults are the retarded blackpilled types that spend all of their time being a bunch of assholes on the internet
Bentley Collins
Lol no
>thinking this actually happens lol
Kevin Torres
>girlfriend sells noods online for dudes >can't make her to stop because obviously she's in charge of her own life and makes her own decisions >can't leave her either or else you'd be called misogynist, sexist, and close minded >still love her and spend every day hoping that she will soon stop selling nudes online and everything will go back to normal
Imagine being stuck in that kind of relationship. I don't know what they actually have going on and it might actually be a wholesome relationship for all I know.
Ethan Williams
>Noooo you can't make fun of le cuckerino noooo not my edgy unboxing boy noiii
Fuck icucccz, his call to fame is literally bullying people online and unleashing his underage fans on them. He even makes fun of people who try (and fail, admittedly) to create something with his "kickstarter crap" series. This whole debacle is the definition of poetic justice. If someone deserves to get shat on for being a cuck faggot, it's him.
Robert Barnes
this is what being beta with women does to you. it brings the worst out in men
This. Incels always like to go "were just le innocent bois who can't have sex!" When in reality most of them are complete dickheads online. Inb4 someone copes with "confirmation bias"
Cameron Edwards
what does it matter if they get fed up dealing with white knights online and get a little mean? you're not going to cope by saying women can sense online misogyny, are you? lmao
Asher Harris
cool whatever you stupid sexless pussy he's right though FUCK incels, all of you scumbags. bury yourselves in the ground and let the world go on and forget you. pieces of shit.
>spend years creating an online persona and making videos on internet drama >suddenly when the drama is about you everyone else cares too much and is immature
So that instead of hitting ctrl+c and ctrl+v he can just click the reply button I supposed.
Wyatt Richardson
>make exposed videos about how this prank channel is fake even though it's obvious and nobody really cares >his friend gets exposed for being a cuck >"DUDE YOU'RE SUCH A LOSER, WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE!" h3h3 is only defending idubbbz cause he knows if he plays buddy buddy with him he knows there won't be a content cop on h3h3's lackluster videos
Jose Brooks
Thanks. People like you give me the motivation to keep living. I live of your hatred. I won't give you the satisfaction of saying >one less incel on earth
Tyler Long
This is the dude saying people should work on their body?
He is a skiny-fat jew...
Landon Walker
>skinny-fat Try just regular fat
Jace Mitchell
>he knows there won't be a content cop on h3h3's lackluster videos
what videos exactly? the fat jew has done nothing but his isufferable podcast in the last 2 years
Jace Watson
>You are the most unf*ckable repulsive creature So he's saying that incels are correct? >You are a simp, bro -- a simpleton -- simple minded Thats not what "simp" means. >You are concerned about other people's relationship >when you don't work on your own physical appearance and improve your ability to attract women These two things don't have anything to do with each other
>"nice strawman" >proceeds to use just world fallacy
Isaiah Moore
>"No! You're not allowed to be unhappy about not getting laid! You should be happy about it!" >"If you're unhappy about it I'll say you're a misogynist and an asshole!"
John Murphy
But girls dont have to do any of that, why not the same words to them
Josiah Sanchez
Pretty much this, its tough being a male and not getting laid, it can destroy your confidence
Landon Kelly
privileged jew cuck have you seen how rich this faggots parents are >thank you mommy and daddy for flying me to isreal and buying me a gf and an apartment i love you guys this guy has been spoon fed his entire life
Jason Garcia
What do you mean? Girls put more time into their appearance than anyone. Every fucking thread like this there's one guy who's like "they can, so why can't I?", if you want what women have so badly, just become one because you're already a low-test manchild.
Nathaniel Edwards
>Girls put more time into their appearance than anyone Even the fat ones? Even the skinnyfat ones? Even the ones who just cake on makeup to deal with acne that also makes the said acne worse?
Tyler Smith
Whatever man I've seen this shit too many times to know you're gonna be a stubborn faggot and drop moot points like they mean anything completely blinded by your own bias and retardation, it's a waste of time, you're an overgrown child who can't accept that your failures are you own fault, and nothing is going to change that.
Eli Nguyen
>get told >"You're just stubborn! Im not even gonna reply!" Please answer my question. Do fat girls work on their appearance?
Eli White
Also ironic to call someone an overgrown child when you instantly resort to namecalling when you lose an argument.
t. samefag
Adrian Torres
Who cares what some Jew thinks? He should stick to stealing other people's content.
Xavier Hernandez
No, fat girls don't work on their appearance, they get everything handed to them and you couldn't get your dick wet at a water park. Bro, trying to get people to argue formally is what makes you retarded and childish. But again, it's a lost cause.
Levi Lopez
So you literally admit you are wrong? > Bro, trying to get people to argue formally is what makes you retarded and childish Namecalling isn't though? Lets just devolve this board into fucking Yas Forums or Yas Forums while were at it.
Ryan Ramirez
He's just lashing out at anyone because he's losing his audience. The youtube era of being a whiny bitch on the internet is dying out.
Isaiah Harris
You win the argument dude, I hope it's the highlight of your day.
Michael Hall
Who gives a fuck about this literal who Jew who gets popular on shitting on other people's retarded ideas when his channel in itself is a retarded idea, just like every other shitty mainstream Youtuber out there?
Jayden Scott
>"Y-You're pathetic for trying to argue properly and not just resorting to namecalling"