Normalfag bingo thread. post yours

normalfag bingo thread. post yours

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and template here

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I think Im pretty normalfag

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I'm such a normalfag hehe, forgot to mark one.

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Shit I forgot to X out not on welfare

This template is retarded

insecured normal?

There are some that I get but
>sports fan
>LGBT make valid points
>clothes are less than a year old
>never watched anime
Like these are retarded

It's strange. I can hold a conversation just fine, but only if it's small talk.

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Aaahh so close

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So close no matter how far I almost made bros

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basically, only normal with regards to finances/career.

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Don't care much about life.

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i guess this means im not a normalfag :^)

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nothing else to mark here

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Done quite a few of these, I'm only 20 though so a lot of these things are also not really realistically feasible.

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normalfag lost all meaning, most who post here now would be considered normalfag a few years ago

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how do i know if i'm normal based on that

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ir was close

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I'm semi normo

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at least I'm not a virgin hahahah

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why tf was i deleted first time?????

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huh, guess I'm more normal then I thought

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kill the robot the robot is cancer the robot does not contribute anything of value to this board

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too bad you're gay

I only got into mma 2 years ago but I followed it religiously at this point, I was never into any sport before that.

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yeah i know go ahead yeah i know

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I'm just a mega sperg who has no idea how to communicate with females. Intercourse was with escorts only, never had a gf.

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No bingo, so I'm still good imo ?

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wizzard i guess

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wow 24 whole hours?

was molested though so idk if it really counts

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forgot to cross out middle one

how have the majority itt been diagnosed with mental illness

i really wanna fuck somebody

why would we even be on here if we hadnt lmfao

Might be one of the few who have never watched anime

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Normie as fuck y'all

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The masturbation one is half a point because I haven't cum since last Saturday because it's Holy Week but I'm at my limit and today I've been reading some incest stories on Yas Forums.

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yeah some weeks

Mine is empty, normies

cyborg/failed Chad checking in, some of these are ambiguous tho
>dont follow normie sports here in aus, only MotoGP and NHL, dont even know how to play AFL let alone whats going on
>xc running in high school is not a normie sport
>social gathering thing might not be ticked even by normies due to COVID-19, same with the job one hours mightve been cut for some
>clothes one doesnt make sense, I have a Prada suit from 2011 that's been meticulously cared for and some of my dad's old suits from 20 years ago that also haven't aged, clothes dont need to be new to be normie

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Ah, I was so close

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do i not belong here bros?

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Im surprised that i didnt get bingo

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Yeah, I'm kind of a normalfag. I browse Yas Forums as a phoneposter but I almost never post.

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Depends, if ADHD counts as a mental disorder, then i'm not. I personally don't count it as one. For some reason i just get bored of idle chitchat, and that has always resulted in me botching all chances of getting laid.

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You guys are fucking weird. Most shit on that list isnt even normalfag shit, its functional human being shit

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scuffed template.

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>thinks he's a functional human being
>doesn't have over $10k in savings
my fucking sides just went into orbit

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functional human being shit is normalfag shit

im confused how to play do icross off things that apply to me or that dont?

cross off what applies to you user

>equating saving and spending your money wisely to being a normie

no, that's just called not being a complete retard

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>thinking money is determinate of being a functional human being
my sides just went into orbit

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Almost got bingo

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>thinking gathering resources that are essential to basic survival and comfort is determinate of being a functional human being

haha yeah what a crazy and irrelevant concept am I right

purple is my favourite colour

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wtf so many normies in this thread

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Naw, not much normalcy to offer.

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looks like I'm doing a better than I actually am

1. I'm getting psych evaluated next week, probably prescribed meds
2. Only been intimate with one girl who dated me for almost 2 months before telling me I had issues and blocking all my contacts

It's looking like the start of a slippery slope. I've never been anything but a loser.

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so close.

Does Yas Forums still hate cyborgs?

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I'm more normie than expected.

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