Innie appreciation thread

Roasties need not apply. Here we admire the beuaty of the only true female form. Any who don't measure up are not real women.

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I have an innie puss and I'm so proud of it

how is that even real? I have never seen anything like it. Is there any lips inside? Open it up. show more.

I have an innie boipuss.
Does that count?

nothing would get that woman more excited than watching chad break open your skull with a hammer

watching people suffer is like a drug for them

the lips grow when they are aroused

Get off my board cuntoid, no one cares about you.
Kill yourself tranny faggot.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. 4 replies and they already seething.

Whats the matter baby, you cant compete?

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chad couldn't do it if his life depended on it and neither could you, little bitch. i will brutally slaughter you like a hog and sleep like a baby.

I bet you would like it if I shove my innie pussy into that noisy mouth of yours and make you suck on it like the little bitch you are

I unironically dumped my girlfriend because I found her vagina too ugly to look at. Anytime she got naked I had to deliberately try to avoid looking at it because I'd lose an erection.

I will NEVER date a female that doesn't have an innie.

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No thanks I dont want herpes.

>not original lol

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Youre not alone bloke. I dated a chick a couple of weeks then decided to fuck. When I pulled down her panties from behind and saw how far her labia hanged I was almost sick. I didnt actually think it could be real. We were drunk so i pretend to be sick, ran to the toilet then climbed out the window and legged it back home. Makes me cringe thinking about it.

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really? Like enough to stick out? This is amazing. im so high right now.

you stupid high test retards


>being high test
>Bad thing

>being that much of a faggot
Go post your boipussy on /lgbt/

>We were drunk so i pretend to be sick, ran to the toilet then climbed out the window and legged it back home
top kek

Help a retard out, what does AWALT mean?

bald innies are best pusy

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All Women Are Like That.

Cope harder roastie
>Wanting a tight, virginal, bald pussy
>Being gay
Pick one cuntoid

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Innie or outie, pussy just isn't very attractive to me. At best it doesn't turn me off, and at worst it's disgusting, Anyone else feel this way? Why do female genitals look so unaesthetic?

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Is it bad that I really want this, does it make me a simp?

>tight and virginal
>posts literal whores


I mean maybe you could be into femdom?

Not really, just really like the idea seems nice to try. Don't really have any particular fetishes.

Well wanting to get degraded like that seems like femdom to me

It's more that I want to try it, there are other things I'd want to try of a different nature, just seems like a unique experience.

>Literal whores

Their pussies look better than yours LOL

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To be fair this does kinda put a spanner in the whole roastie idea though.

Anyone who posts their pussy is a whore, you are worshiping a bunch of sluts. Disgusting.

Innies are roasties too reatard.
The format of the pussy is largely due to genetic factors.

What's degrading about licking pussy

dont need one to point out the ridiculousness of that statement. I'd rather have a normal girl with a bit of a roast than a washed up herpes ridden porn star.

Doubt even he thinks that. He just keeps making these threads as he is under the impression that hordes of women post here and will be offended, when in reality they know can always find some to be attracted to them regardless of pussy type

because you havent had sex og

Im gona let you in on a ltitle secret normie. No one here actually beleives that lots of sex makes womens pussies turn into roasties, desu we dont care either way. The point is it gets roasties triggered easily. It reveals a deep seeded insecurity all females have and that they cant change about themselves. They may have the most perfect exterior but deep down all females know and fear that their ultimately judgement will come when a man pulls their underwear off for the first time.

All that aside roasted pussies are just disgusting to look at. Im happy for you tp screncap this and use it in further innie threads as 'proof' that even robots dont believe promiscuity causes large labias. Wont change shit.

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not only that, but he is posting porn stars. As if taking photos of yourself wasnt whorish enough

i guess there are two ways of eating pussy, the normal one and the fendom way

>you are worshiping a bunch of sluts
No actually Im just triggering you. These women are trash whores all the same but at least their pussies look schmick.
>dont need one to point out the ridiculousness of that statement
Because there is none.

This is all the same cuntoid

you are overreacting a bit user, we are all dudes here most probably

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only two of those.
And I wasn't hiding it either. come on now. surely you have been here long enough to differentiate between posts.

I already no that but there's a small portion of the most autistic incels that actually believe this shit, I've been to uni and experienced that shit and have a rough idea of how woman work but there still one retard who seem's to ironically believe it.

One of those cuntoids was me chief, am dude.

I've heard even normie men with girlfriends and children describe a pussy as looking "used" in reality it really just looked like a bog standard outie pussy. This view is not unique to this board at all, and many do believe it strongly.

I guess its possible for there to be more than one retarded cuntoid to not know how to use capital letters and grammar. Tell me is it some sort of solidarity thing between lolcow or FDS where youse type everything in lower case?
>I already no that but there's a small portion of the most autistic incels that actually believe this shit,
And what are you gona do about it, laucnh a moral crusade to 'educate' Men on female anatomy and teach them to ;respect wahmen? Fuck off.

Nah don't really care, I just use them for entertainment.

They just ooze fertility. I really dont know how or why they use chicks with ugly pussies in porn.

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not everyone is autistic enough to care about grammar online. Or to make the same woman hating thread constantly. The very few women here receive intense validation whenever they reveal themselves so I doubt they are worrying to much over this.

Unironically have sex.

for me a perfect innie does not compensate for an asshole like chewed up gum

None of these are very fast cars with 200hp

Imagine being this picky about pussy when you can't even get a woman to talk to you. kek.

Plz don't be mean it's all I have.

>not everyone is autistic enough to care about grammar online
Not smart enough you mean
>Or to make the same woman hating thread constantly.
If you dont like leave r9k. Seriously your like a jew on a NATSOC website getting upset they arent welcome.

Have post marital sex.

I'm sorry user, my roastie vagina is all I have.

same girl? this is an original comment now.

>You cant even talk to women teehee
>*spits semen*

No I just dont talk to whores.

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Get off my board axe wound.

I just love the look of pussy in general, innie or outie doesn't really matter. innie looks neater/tighter, but outies are more visually complex. both have their upsides

/sp/ shares its best

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But, I want a pussy for my own, where get one.

Imagine seething this hard because your cunt looks like a bulldog eating porridge.

>posting pics of your own mother
Bold move.

Why would any cunt in their right mind take a photo from that angle and be proud of it?

That chick is also a certified pyscho too. Bashed her teenage nephew and her husband on her wedding day. Cant handle her test.

Bro you got my posts in there, I'm a dude and I'm not even supporting any of it.

The vagina ate her brain

innine innie plush and sinnie

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>[refer to the picture]


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