Just made $5 this month by streaming video games~

just made $5 this month by streaming video games~

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you could make double that by sucking my big cock

You have to show your man tits for attention.

Gratz user, I hope you make some more

thats kinda really pathetic desu senpai

Made 632$ last month selling my educational lessons and activities on teachers pay teachers. Is a nice chunk of change every month on top of my teacher salary. Best of all is passive income. Maybe in the future if it will make me more than my actual job.

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was watching a virtual streamer like a week ago. as soon as I joined the stream some guy donated 1000 dollars. got kinda upset and left.

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You'd make more if you were to dress in cute clothes and show your butt :3

I made 50 bucks this month from Spotify/apple music streams


this iz veri originaliiioo

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post a vocaroo. i will then know if this is worth pursuing

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Are you a cute girl collecting simp money or a guy?

>tfw too afraid to try to cashin on simps

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>too afraid
you'll just get that one simp orbiter, imo.
the more psycho ones are a problem for the streamers with way way way bigger audience

should have said im too afraid to stream

Maybe your just ugly, don't be to hard on yourself.

just shove your feet into the camera l-lol

are these threads related in a original way

idk, people tell me im not, im just dont have the self esteem needed i guess

twitch foot cam. i wonder if this exists yet

heh heh hard on

Do people go around calling others ugly, It'll be useful if you no there's no hope to begin with.

thats one of my problems though, it would seem so meaningless and likely only make me even worse off

I think they already had to somewhat cram it into the TOS to stop it. Not like they really enforce the rules when it comes to anything else than offensive jokes.

put on a push up bra then and you'll be swimming in cash.

Do you at least have large breasts? Seems like a requirement for twitch.



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interesting how so many places love to enforce some arbitrary "rules of conduct" they barely define at all

theres a good amount of titty streamers out there, i dont think many of them get anything because they lack some sort of personality or audience engagement

they are very average imo

you could become a vtuber or whatever the fuck they're called, that uses a cute anime girl avatar.

>r9k jackbox stream
sounds comfy. has anyone attempted it yet?

Out of interest do you now where the 's pictures are from? Also It doesn't say its female.

You could try looking cute with like cat ears and an oversize hoodie or something, that seems like a market.

hm, i remember thinking about it back when facerig was first hitting the market. i dont think i have the skills to make it work though, hell i dont even know how to set up a stream to begin with...

remember those cat ear speaker headsets from some time ago? i really considered getting a pair just for the memes.
sounds cute though

Are you a particularly small person? It'll make it easier to pull of.

i wish. im tall and dirty-blonde

setting up a stream itself isn't that hard, but the devil is in the details really. and yeah going for a more comfy and cute aesthetic could work.

yea, id want it to be as professional as possible. it does look like anyone can place a webcam over a videogame

Can I orbit you? If you're cute I'll simp for you after a knowing you for a bit

Well that's not the best, though I suppose if you can use make up well you can still draw in the simps.

you can, but if you are too cringy dont expect anything

its mediocre at best, i never got into anything beyond the natural look since i never go out i never felt like i had a reason to

>you can, but if you are too cringy dont expect anything
I'm extremely cringy and don't expect anything to begin with do you have a contact?

You'll have to get a makeup artist with your simpbucks.

i have a discord, but i dont like posting publicly
are you one of those people who use a lot of *hugs and snuggles* asterisk?

one can dream


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>are you one of those people who use a lot of *hugs and snuggles* asterisk?
Nah I'm just a coomer, also Seneca#7141

Do you often meet people on hear who use asterisks like that?

please no bully

not a lot, i guess inadvertently because i dont socialize much in those circles, or at all

Good luck with your twitch streamer aspirations, are you currently a neet btw?

thank you, ill hopefully do it one day
i am

I see how are you getting neet bucks then?

im gonna lose them soon anyway, so im gonna be financially challenged until i run out of savings so i can apply for different neetbux

Ignore the rest and listen to me. Be proud of your accomplishments. Not every man is Aristotle or Einstein. Not every man will do a great work in his lifetime. To live a happy life, you must be proud of what work you do. The greatness then, comes from you. Good job Op.

There are different kinds of neetbux, you get money from mummy and daddy or something?

yea, currently im on student aid, but im gonna lose that because its only available for so long

But your not a student, how'd you get it? Also what country?

denmark. i can get it, for now, because im technically on sick leave

You've defrauded the great nation of denmark, is it comfy to live on?

i mean, i still have to pay taxes, which i feel is kinda redundant

its alright, havent lived anywhere else. people seem kinda hostile if you arent in their friend group though

My spidey senses are telling me your a manipulative person, am I off?

i dont think i am, i do have a problem with being both avoidant and dependent though

I'm curious about that, you'd think the wanting simp bux makes you a little manipulative in of itself.

i suppose, though as long as you arent leading people on i dont feel its manipulative? like i wouldnt pretend to be someones gf just to get money out of them

You sure about that, you know 5% of people donating make up 80% of the average revenue right, the money will draw you to it.

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yea i know about the whales
i cant say for sure, but i dont think id ever do that, i like to think i have at least some sort of moral compass

Honestly from my perspective you aren't good at showing it, do you have friends IRL?

how so?
no, they all either faded away or are online only

Should of let this thread die, i regret bumping it.

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1. You want money from simps, though you could just be lazy
2. Defrauding the government
3. As I suspected you don't have many normal friends
4. You speak of your impact on others in dis-personal manner
5. Your on R9k so your a little of in someway
I'm kinda similar desu so it's not that bad, Hows your relationship with your parents?

are you sure you regret it?