Bf appreciation thread

talk about how much you love your boyfriend, femanons.

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i can't believe i was lucky enough to meet someone as perfect as him. i feel like i don't deserve him and i probably don't but i want to be good for him and i want to make him happy. he's so incredible and deserves the world and i hope somehow i can give it to him.
he's so cute and funny and just genuinely cool that every single time we talk, no matter how many months it's been, i still get butterflies and look forward to every conversation we have.
i'm so happy. i love him so much.

my boyfriend means everything to me. he is literally everything i could have asked for in a boyfriend and more. i didn't know i could get along with someone this well. he brings so much joy to my day to day life. he's so funny, easy to be around and nice (to me at least). he's super thoughtful and takes care of me even though he doesn't have to ;-; i want to spent the rest of my life with him and everyday i feel like we grow a little closer.

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I'm a femanon but I have a gf, so I will sit this one out

you can talk about your gf femanon

Absolutely worthless
what a bland piece of shit

Ok! She's super great and I'm honestly really enjoying being quarantined with her right now, because we just get to be comfy gfs and sit in our pajamas all day and make tasty food and take lots of baths together. She's struggling a little right now because all her classes have moved to online and she really hates trying to keep up with online classes, but I'm trying my best to be supportive, because I know she'd do the same for me!

>be in LDR with a guy I meet on /soc/
>he doesn't want to make it official
>just using me for emotional support
>meet a qt brown latino boy at uni
>we share lots of stuff in common, same music taste, same hobbies, 420 friendly etc
>couldn't be happier
>didn't know how starved I was for physical intimacy
>LDR bf eventually finds out and blocks me

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>no matter how many months it's been
Why do months pass between you two talking?

>no matter how many months its been

oops, i suppose i worded that wrong. i meant it more like, no matter how long we've known each other for, that feeling never goes away

im so lucky to have him i just cant wait to have his kids. hes white and neurotypical I really lucked out. People see him as so strong but I know he possesses a unique type of kindness. I vow to continue protecting him. Ive only been with him for 3 years but I really feel like my life began when we got together!

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wish I had one.
too bad men have standards..

What kind of standards are we talking about?

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[email protected]
If you don't mail me then you're the one with the high standards and you're guilty in the court of imageboard law.

can we have a petition to delete this board now? there's no need for it, hiromoot can get more ad revenue by the average poster on here by them concurrently visiting independent boards which are the majority themes of this very board(lgbt, soc, the porn fetish boards, b). there's fucking women and normies everywhere, this place has lost its essence, its not a refuge anymore, its painful coming here.

Anons I have an outie

I hope somebody posts about me in one of those threads one day.

I'll kiss it for hours on end after we are married

You are lying but thank you.
I hope we get married..hehe..

My bf is the greatest , he is so charming and sweet and tall and kind unlike the robot pieces of shit here. I am counting down the days he gets out of prison.

If you're virgin it's fine.
How tall?

This is comedy gold, thanks chief. Though you kinda sound like the typical nice guy.

>You are lying but thank you.
I promise I will, fembot. Until you can't take it any more.

get raped
you worthless bitch

kill yourselves (in minecraft)

five feet one user
does it really matter ?

I love him so much. He is the light of my life. Just look at him, isn't he beautiful? Pic related.

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You need to get out more gurl.

Shut up, real life men don't even come close, they are all shitty and its a massive pain in the ass to deal with.

Tell me about this boi then, he must be pretty impressive to beat irl benis.

>doesn't know pokemon
I am so tired of explaining everything to normies

I play Pokemon all the time it's literally some of my favourite games, though only the ones up to black and white cause poor. Anyway that's not what I meant

Real life guys are all shit and cancer and I would rather not. 2 dimensional character are low maintenance and will love you no matter what, for one.

Can't fuck if he's 2D though, other than that pretty accurate.

Well, I have sex toy and a pillow. You think I can't have sex with him? Of course I can.

You do you queen, Though can't imagine you haven't seen porn with other dudes.

I don't understand the point of porn. I have no emotional connection with the person on screen, so why should I enjoy it? It doesn't turn me on.

I want to be the shorter one, so kinda. Lots of other guys don't really care about that though, I'm sure you'd consider me too short anyways.

Well we have something in common, how does one develop a connection to a fictional character though?

my imaginary bf is by my side all the time. every time i eat i pretend i'm feeding him and every time i'm at my desk i pretend he has his head in my lap and i'm stroking his hair. i love him a lot and i spend almost all my time just pacing around thinking about him and touching him and always giving him hugs from behind. when it's time for bed i tend to spend two or three hours imagining kissing his hands or holding him close to my chest as i fall asleep. he's so sweet and lovely and the thought of him is the only thing that keeps me going.

>how does one develop a connection to a fictional character though?
Because you're a normal, you won't get it.

How unfortunate, though no one I've met considers me normal. Would be nice to understand this mentality though.

I have a wonderful gf. She understands me like no other, and it's always a blast talking to her. We have the same opinions, very similar intrests and even some of the same habits. I've missed her LOTS recently due to quarantine, but calling her is still enjoyable. tldr she is amazing and I love her

I dont even know where to start. Hes so fucking perfect I dont feel like I deserve him, he makes me happier than I have ever been. When I first met him, I got high all the time and still had significant underlying issues with anxiety and depression. but with him supporting me, I've stopped smoking pot (it can be fine for other people, but not for me), and my mental health has become significantly better.

Hes so attractive and kind, not to mention extremely intelligent. If he wasnt a NEET, I would be sure that some other girl might have taken him already. he makes me feel more safe and loved than anyone else ever could.

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Well its just the same it is with a real person.

I can't say I've ever loved a real person so that's probably my biggest issue with understanding it then. Though I would have thought unreciprocated affection might make this process more difficult.




Based, fuck roastoids and fuck SIMPs.

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Very based thot, long distance relationships are 100% for retards, got exactly what he deserved

Thank you for your service


Daily reminder that Yas Forums is for social outcasts only. Leave or you will be subjected to a fate far worse than an agonizing death.

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reminder that anyone who claims to be a male on r9k is lying. there are no guys on r9k

Bye bye slutoid. R9k is for men only.

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yeah "bro" totally haha

Whats the point of posting this, it's not like people are going to leave. As for why this place exists it's simply to make money. Posting all that literally achieves nothing. People come her to be a little less bored and you being a pathetic incel wont stop that.

Fuck off faggot, you complain here and yet there's a thousand threads about trannies and gays sucking cocks and vegans constantly shitting up the board. Suck start a shotgun tranny vegan faggot.

Remember you cant downvote here slutty.
>it's not like people are going to leave
Why are you here in the first place? Its not like Yas Forums is ever going to change.

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Trannies and faggots are not welcome either.





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>Why are you here in the first place?
To enjoy myself, it's fun messing with all the pathetic people on this site.

threads such as these are the pinnacle of the death of this board. all bio females are evil creatures that want to torture us

>To enjoy myself, it's fun messing with all the pathetic people on this site.

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I'm a dude, my dude. Gotta get a new reason to seethe.

>Oh shit
>Better say Im a guy

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No I'm actually a dude, why would you think I'm female. Like 95% of people here have benis.

I don't love him anymore. He's a cheating scumbag. I hope after I leave him no one ever touches his penis again and he cries every night missing me until he dies alone.

Get off my board bitch. This isnt FDS or lolcow where you get empathy for dating shit men. You should have settled for a beta. Now fuck off.

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I did settle for a beta, I met him here. He had never even held a woman's hand, is fat, unemployed and meme posts regularly.

Yas Forums isn't welcome either
Sounds kinda gay. I get that most women are evil, but I wanna find a gf and this is all I have.

Don't settle for a beta from here, really big mistake.

What the hell is FDS?

if you can't sympathise with what we just said then fuck off to reddit, simple as. because you're not one of us, a failed normie perhaps; find some delusional normie whore who thinks she isnt a "normie"(like all fem'bots' on here) thats on this 'le doomer' bandwagon pushed by reddit and stay away

please stop making it worse for us actual robots. because honestly, when this board turned prison gay with trannies it wasn't nearly as painful as women openly posting here and collecting orbiters.

>when this board turned prison gay with trannies it wasn't nearly as painful as women
Spotted the tranny chasing faggot. Go push your gay agenda elsewhere.