Tag yourselves dumbfucks

tag yourselves dumbfucks

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I punched myself and it hurt, now what?

I'm 5 most days. I describe it like if brains had an idle animation, mine would be imagining a handgun in my mouth. It's my default thought.

>finding suicidal thoughts distressing

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>wanting to kill yourself is poggers epic, dude

8. I'm female so whenever I post anything about sadness or depression I get some. "hhehehhahhhahahahhehehehehhhoohohohoo women don't feel sadness" or "let's go shopping it'll make you feel better" or "depression isn't real take a walk in the woods" however I'd be glad if women can't feel real emotions or I could go shopping to find nice clothes for my funeral or something cute to make a rope to hang myself with If I die I want to be remebered as a happy-ish person and If I were to get mauled by a bear on that hike I'd be happy

probably 5 but i've been used to it for a while now
still have a sodium nitrite method bookmarked but don't plan on using it in the foreseeable future

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>noooo, stay alive no matter what goyim, wouldn't wanna diminish the GDP would we now?

>implying you have to wageslave to be alive

will to power --nietzsche

why live into old age as a castrated sheep

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Everyone can feel suicidal. My mom killed herself a few years back, and I guarantee it was not for attention. Fucked me up pretty bad, and I wish I could have done something.

Don't do it, cause you're just going to destroy those around you. I suppose if you don't really care about them, then go for it. Otherwise, get some help.

Humans existence is defined by our own absurd cosmic suffering. There's literally nothing after this, and there is no meaning. But, that's exactly what makes existence special. To laugh in the face of the absurd is to become the absurd hero. Suicide is, unfortunately, throwing all that away. What this means is that while existence is meaningless, that meaningless provides more freedom than any hollow imagined "meaning" ever could.

Don't do it. I wouldn't blame you if you did, but it is an unfortunate cop-out.

My mom killed herself aswell she was molested by her Step-Dad until she moved in with my dad and my grandmother hated her because of that. My dad died of cancer and we moved in with my grandmother. She was an omega cunt and pushed my mom over the edge. I moved out to get away from her. Nobody's been answering my calls except my cousin but he's only 14 and can offer no help. I'm pretty sure nobody cares except him. Things are pretty shitty right now

Ask yourself: are you strong for punching yourself so hard it hurt, or are you weak because it hurt when you punched yourself?

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I read this, and started to get really emotional, then "tag yourselves dumbfucks" killed the mood X3

How about you post tits and I'll rate them? That's bound to make you happy. And I'll give you a reason to live.

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I'd say I'm a 6. I was diagnosed with being depressed and having a death wish when I was 16. No one ever did anything about it, but I'm still here -- for some reason.

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6 on days where I feel good, 8 on bad days

Yeah, that's pretty fucked up - no denying that. Like I said, I wouldn't blame you for killing yourself (I don't blame anyone), but consider the impact first.

Firstly, I don't pretend to know your exact situation. What's your job? Do you have coworkers? If you do your suicide will, strangely enough, fuck at least some of them up. Even if nobody talks to you, very few people likely harbour actual ill will towards you. For some people, finding out would probably be decently traumatic. But, perhaps not - as I mentioned, I can't pretend to know your exact situation. Maybe everyone around is actually awful.

Then there's the matter of your cousin. If he is 14, then these are extremely formative years for him. That was how old I was when my mom offed herself. Obviously he probably doesn't have the emotional intelligence to deal with something like this. But he is going to have to deal with a whole lot more once he finds out you killed yourself. Suicide of a loved one forces you to grow up real fast, unfortunately. It's not fair to him, but once again I can't pretend to know the depths of your situation.

You're at a crossroads. The only relevant question (for anyone) is whether or not to commit suicide. Your trauma will either have to be dealt with if you live, or it can be passed onto others if you die. There is nothing meaningful about life, so I can't blame you. But if you continue on, you are the definition of an absurd hero - someone who was confronted with their own mortality and still chose life. Even if no one ever appreciates that, I do.

Most of the time for the past 12 years been between 7 and 8.

I know my coworkers might feel something but my boss hates me, and would probably be glad he doesn't have to pay me. Honestly I thought about how fucked up it would be for my cousin. I'll try to hold off the suicide for a while but It's hard not to think off it constantly and I still find myself planning how to die and I have a medical article on how to die painlessly saved to my computer. Sometimes if I'm happy I'll go down to 6 and on good days 5. I just wish things could instantly get better. My therapist offers no help either I'm thinking of finding a new one.

been lingering between 6 and 7, 8 on bad days.
suicidal since 14 so it feels natural now

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I would say 4 right now but in the past I was at 8 for quite some time

Was at 6 for about 3 years with blips of 8 in between.

4 atm hope to at least make it back to 3

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Even if your boss hates you, they'd have to be a next level asshole to actually want you dead. But regardless, they're an asshole, and they have a funny way of making life worse for everyone around them.

It's understandable to be thinking about it constantly. I did for a long while, but it got easier. I know when I was really deep in it I would hate to hear people who had no idea what I was going through say "it gets better", because they have no clue. So I'm not going to guarantee that, or try to comfort you with meaningless platitudes about cheering up.

I'm glad that you're holding off for now. It's very commendable and, cognizant or not, your cousin will appreciate it. You're sparing him from an uncomfortable reality that he shouldn't have to confront yet.

Get a new therapist, absolutely. They're professionals, and they should know that sometimes it just doesn't work. You need someone who actually wants to help you. If they're not doing that, definitely get a different one. A useless therapist is only marginally better than doing nothing.

usually i'm at a 4, but it spikes from time to time

Thanks user you'rev great at giving advice, anyway I'll try to find something to watch on Netflix and go to bed. Peace

Tits or GTFO, maybe then we will talk

Between 6 and 7, depends on the phase

8.5, 9 on rough. I think about shooting myself in the head almost every single day. I have been happy in the past so I know it's a possibility. Thing is, I don't think I deserve to be happy. More than that any efforts made would only ever lead to temporary reprieve. I am the type of person that will ruin every opportunity thrown at me and never make anything of himself. I hurt the people closest to me even when I try to do the right thing. The only thing that stop me from killing myself is that it would really hurt the people I love the most. Ironically it would be the ultimate selfish act. All I can day is not involve people and wait to die.

Penis or gtfo maybe then I'll kill myself

i feel like i'm usually between a 3 and a 5, although at my worst point in my life i was at 10

I'm 3 right now but every few months I just flip and hit 10 and end up in the hospital again.

If I showed you my penis, would you not kill yourself and come suck it instead? Or you can kill yourself if you want, just after the suck.

Suck it yourself I may be a science student but science on a subatomic level is beyond me and I wouldn't be able to find it

I've tried! I can't reach! And I'll have you know my cock is arguably somewhere within a respectable vicinity of what is allegedly considered to be ideal.

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Congratulations. You missed the entire point of Nietzsche's philosophy.

9. I've cleared everything out of my room so my parents don't have to, now I just need to order some heroin.

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>I'm a woman

Your life is easymode. You have access to hundreds, thousands if not more people willing to help. It doesn't even take you any effort, just go on Tinder and get a match with every swipe. Being a woman you could probably even cuck a psych into giving you free treatment. Get off r9k

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Probably 4 or 4.5

Imagine being so delusional that you think psychologist give free treatment based on if they get the succ most men aren't that stupid and if they are it'll probably be you in my experience as a trap incels are the easiest to control they'll talk mega crap about women but go simp if a dude pretending to be female online asks them for shit

Don't put gizmos face on that you swine he is a babey and if you disrespect the good lord gizzy

He gets wet and multiplies.

>medical article on how to die painlessly saved to my computer
Would you have a way of sharing it?

I'd say about a 6 and slowly approaching 7


this is dumb who made a scale out of suicide i'm anywhere on it depending on the day or even the hour and most of the time i don't even fit any cases you can want to die and not a be a gloomy boring doomer

I don't know why normies post stuff like this.
If you actually tell someone you're going to an hero, you'll more than likely be thrown in a padded room and be made even more miserable than you already are.

A nice 8.

I used to be at 8 but I'm at a steady 5 now and have been for a while

between one and three depending on the day

I reached the extreme point of procrastination and daydreaming when i daydream my ideal suicide, and what conditions would bring me to it, without never actually doing it.

So yeah i think i'm doing pretty good.

whats your discord


what? who the fuck actually works like this? Do people actually think about and plan their actions to the point where they can put a number on it? I think you're all lying or forcing yourself to be "depressed" so you can look different.

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4/5 most days, the worst it's ever been has been an 8. Never attempted but I've come close, I dont really think about killing myself anymore - more just running away from everything and disappearing from the world.

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Usually a 2-3, occasionally a 4.

This picture makes me sad his friend is nice and bear is nice too. I hope he got help

0. I'm not suicidal. However I am axe crazy.

Which one is "I feel completely worthless and have achieved nothing of value and only serve as a leech but won't follow through with offing because of fear of the unknown and not wanting to make my parents and brother feel sad"?

this spectrum scale is stupid, i'll accept three states: not suicidal, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal.

6 with an intermittent 7
>dont keep a gun at my place because I'm afraid I might use it on myself
>plague hits
>paranoid but caring dad comes to bring me my pistol
>removed the firing pin so that at least I'd need to calm down for a few minutes and put it back in
but in truth I'd rather make it look like an accident.

why die without leaving a mark on this world, post tits and they may circulate forever :)

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5. If my life continues to go down the number will rise

usualy I only drink alcohol and watch anime till i fall asleep

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