ITT losers post positives about themselves to improve mental state. I ll go first

ITT losers post positives about themselves to improve mental state. I ll go first
>130+ IQ
>big penis
>not going bald
>will never be poor
That s pretty much it for me but it s enough to go on right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>high paying job
>advanced degree from top school
>slowly losing weight and getting in shape
>not a virgin

>Universe give me gifts a lot I have family of alters lol
>Pretty smart

Not sure what else. I am sure there's more.

This thread is only for losers in need of a boost user

>I have family of alters lol

I have a bunch of split personalities they are my family :p

>pretty smart
>summer internship at a good tech company
>6 feet
>6.5 inch dick

Ohh alternates. Never heard that word before. Based schizo. That sounds ultimately unfulfilling though ngl. Real thing is always better! Strive for a family... you can make one.

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I went from being a neet shut in with GAD who was scared of everything, to having a full time job, my own car, and now a pretty girl has a crush on me. I look back on who I used to be, and I cannot believe I got to the point I'm at. Nobody in real life cares but some people here know what its like to be a true shut in and how hard it is to change. Just proud I can be a functioning person.

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Proud of you user. This gives me hope that I too can make it.

Btw pic related helped me a lot to break out of neetdom

I truly appreciate you saying that, trust me making it is not as hard as you think, just making that initial jump is the hardest part. I believe in you fren

>my therapist said that i am definitely above average intelligence
>incredibly self aware about most of my flaws
>i am very empathic even to people that wouldnt do the same for me
>Have a job till my semester in winter begins

>thick beard hair
>5in pubes
>7.5in x 6in peen
>decent income for area

How do I escape? I am a non-functioning manchild who can t gain his independence from his mom making him meals and doing his laundry. I try year after year but I use the analogy that I m like a puppy too afraid to jump in the water. Big wuss I am, and I overthink my way into paralysis. I had a bad college experience and feel somewhat traumatized by the real world. I m not confident that I can make it. What s the crucial step to get out of this?

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>5in pubes

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Have degree
Not going bald

That's it, I fail in pretty much every other category. NEET, KHV, poor as fuck, wizard in >1 year, manlet, fat, etc. etc.

>5in pubes
Imagine the smell

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>job that I enjoy
>semi-decent musician/visual artist
>lots of friends

life ain't so bad if you only look at the good stuff

In order of most to least positive
>130 IQ
>penis is within 5 percentiles of the ideal long-term partner length and girth
>balanced in agreeableness
>score autistically high in verbal memory on humanbenchmark
>people say I have a good head of hair
>often get asked if I'm a writer
>considerate of others
>have a job
>someone made an UD entry about my e-Chad days
>family has money
>unreasonably loyal

Can't do it mate. Every positive comes with a big disclaimer.

Girthchad, youre me, but what is this?
>someone made an UD entry about my e-Chad days

i get you there, but pretty much everything comes with a big disclaimer. you can't really appreciate the good times if you don't have the bad ones as well

Post the positives and leave out the disclaimers anyway I basically didn't want to change until I hit rock bottom and decided then to research how to get over anxiety. I found that exposure therapy is literally the only way to get over it without meds (which I tried and they gave bad side effects). Website I linked was a big help, I bought the guys books and they were the catalyst for a complete shift in how I percieved fear as a whole. Maybe it won't be as life changing for others but that really is what helped me. Learning how to let go and trust God or the universe or whatever you want to call it was also a new idea for me that helped a lot. Reading the bible and some medieval literature helped but I was already into that. Read Alan watts and about buddhism, watched some sam harris videos. All this combined into a new way to look at fear that allowed me to realize it is literally just an uncomfortable feeling that doesnt have to rule your life. I am far away from being cured, but the relief I feel is incredible. See, your brain knows at all times that you are hiding from something or putting something off, like getting a job, and it will give a constant anxious feeling 24/7 that doesn't go away until you conquer this fear. And when you do, it was like a knot was untied in my brain and I could think more clearly, I could sleep better, I was a little happier, it was dropping a weight I had been carrying my whole life. This goes for all fears that you have been hiding from. For me it was working, driving, talking on the phone, talking to girls, at one point even leaving the house. You have to realize, fear is just a feeling.

>married 6 years
>3 year old son
>high paying job, good job security, essential worker
>own house in full
>multiple vehicles

sounds pretty good as long as I ignore that I'm a social outcast and I can't make a friend to save my life, online or irl.

Sounds like you're sorted then. What's your problem?

Will do for you guys. Won't make me feel any better.

>have friends again
>have a career I enjoy
>achieved quite a bit since embracing the underachieving drop out stereotype
>have some savings
>might be able to move out again soon

27 with no career or relationship experience and therefore no true foundation of confidence. I am That s encouraging.

That s awesome. Friends and enjoyable career are the basis of the good life. You need to force your brain into thinking this way even though it seems unnatural.

>decently tall
>white with light eyes
>have good hair
>run a business within a large company
>have about $7m saved

Crazy as hell and constantly look for ways to sabotage it. Almost fired for sexual harassment. Brought my side piece to holiday party another time. Will probably risk take until I kill myself

They're 'friends' that barely ever talk to me unless I initiate something. I'm going to get tired of it.

The careers in its infancy and it could very well all go tits up as a result of the incoming recession.

What I meant is I went to chat rooms when I was a teenager and girls were obsessed with me. I later found out one of them actually put me on Urban Dictionary. Made me feel kinda' good. Won't stop me from dying a virgin, but it was something.

How to be an e-chad and where were you finding these e-thots?

there are no positives anymore.

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Damn son where d you get so much? I guess risk tolerance pays off huh?
>Brought my side piece to holiday party another time
Why is this remarkable or worth mentioning?

>The careers in its infancy and it could very well all go tits up as a result of the incoming recession
At least you have a nonzero career. 0 to 1 is the hard part, 1 to 2 is comparatively easy, even if you get laid off you know what productivity feels like.
>They're 'friends' that barely ever talk to me unless I initiate something. I'm going to get tired of it.
That s everyone s friends lol

Based memer

I can't think of a single positive, sorry.

>Decent Height
>Can do Social stuff somewhat
>Few friends I really like and care about
>Can play the Guitar kinda

That's about it.

Try harder 2625172

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Friends are honestly the main thing

I'm 187cm

That's all

In no particular order
>Supportive family
>a job (maybe not for long, but I'm still grateful)
>4.0 GPA and $2,500+ in scholarships
>Internet access
>Finally got some friends.
sucks that I can't see them during quarantine, but at least I figured out how to get friends.
>6.4" dick. Not amazing, but not bad.
>Can draw and play the trumpet decently

I have my own condo that my mom and dad bought me in 2018. I have a steady job, full time 40 hours a week. I got a Mac book air for my 27th birthday.

>Not horribly ugly
>Not a virgin
>Good job with good pay
>STEM degree from top University
>Parents are worth millions
>6 ft tall
>Normal dick (except for HPV)

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>How to be an e-chad
Honestly, some of them thought I was black. I was kind of a wigger back then. Well, a little. But I also had a Blink-182 thing going on. I was just a dumbass. If I had to encapsulate everything into a single person as an example, it'd be Jason Mewes (Jay, from Jay & Silent Bob). What I've experienced growing up is that everyone wants Chad and Stacey, but if you're an outcast, you grow an affection to people who fundamentally aren't like you. Thus, when it comes to nerds, alt kids, and the like, a surprising number of them like brown people. My Puerto Rican friend slayed white scene girl pussy, Gavin McInnes fucked a million girls and married a Native American.
>where were you finding these e-thots?
1. It should be said the Internet's changed a lot and I don't know what half the words you kids use are. We had cyber sex back then, but it wasn't like what you see on AlbinoBlackSheep, it was roleplaying - but we were roleplaying ourselves (or, our ideal selves). I don't know if that's a thing anymore.

2. It's not like they were sending nudes or anything. Except for maybe one girl. 99% of us kept the real world and our world separate. That's why I like Yas Forums. I don't like the normalization of the Internet making it feel indistinguishable from reality.

3. They were just anime chat rooms.

I don't seem to have any now that i think about it, it's quite sad, i m sober for about 5 months from alcohol and drugs i guess that's the only good thing

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>good hair
>above average penis
>somewhat fit

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I don't do drugs, but I didn't list that as a positive, because honestly, wouldn't I be better off doing them?

That's what i thought when i started, the only joy in my life was while i was drunk or high, i couldn't experience anything being sober,The misery of addiction outweighed the highs. It's one thing to party because you want to have fun, another thing to need a chemical to keep you from getting sick.i was skipping work, was in the verge of becoming homeless and end up 3 days in jail,some people can control but they will everyone will lose their control the more they get addicted, i was a junkie and alcoholic for 8 years

6'4", borderline cute, big dick, good cook, good sense of style, intelligent, degree with a fair bit of job security & upwards mobility

>mfw I can't think one good thought about myself

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>Can draw and play the trumpet decently
Patrician spotted

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>shit skin
> skinny fat
> poor
> small penis

Everyone here has a good life, wtf?

You HAVE to come up with at least 2.

Ok your body isn t anything to write home about, but are there any intangibles you have that make you superior to the average pleb?

>quitting drugs
>quitting alcohol
That's two, i can't think of any, i could say i had a job but i was fired

>there any intangibles you have that make you superior to the average pleb?

I guess there is nothing

> fired from job, boss said I was not born to work
> play same game for several years and still bad at it

it's all so frustrating

>142 IQ
>Autistic, Einstein level of Grey Matter in my brain
>Not going bald
>May be poor, but don't care because I can kill myself
>Realized life is ultimately satanic and vile, morality is built from a life unwaveringly built of murder, grateful no women are attracted to me because of this
>Better than everyone I meet in real life despite being only 130 IQ for white males
>Stock market genius, putting down 18k in hudbay minerals stock that will be 36k before the year ends
>Have air rifle I can kill animals with and get high

I may have nothing in real life that a common person has, but I've got extreme capability in my hand forever.

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That sounds slightly better than the last 8 years of my life, where all I've done is work a minimum wage job. Is playing video games and jerking off better than getting wasted?

I never feel happier about myself when I list positives about myself. Some times it makes me feel worse, that this is all there is, and that i'm not able to force myself to just be content with it.

Self improvement is going no where, I always injure myself self through exercise, get sick, and embarass myself trying to socialize.

I just want to fucking die. There's a god damn killer virus going around and I can't even manage to get it despite violating quarantine.

Tbh i had fun if i said i wasn't having fun playing wow, runescape and snorting coke, meth and getting drunk i m lying but i got addicted i suppose if toy don't get addicted and could control its alright but that's the problem you will build tolerance and will end up doing more and more, i was at one point where i couldn't enjoy my games sober to play i had to get high so it's probably because of this that i fucked up my life also im already 28 years old and it's time for me to stop fucking up my life im not young anymore