My oneitis sent me this. is she mad at me

usually we do homework together but our school suspended classes went pass fail because of the corona and she hasnt been texting me since the quarantine started.

ive still been texting her goodmorning and goodnight texts but she just leaves me on read

today she was at the beach (i guess ignoring the stay at home order) with some guy. i saw on her story and replied. i told her to stay at home because of covid and asked why she hadn't responded to me but had time to hang out with that guy.

well she responded with this video. i replayed and recorded because she was in a bikini. i fapped to it but afterwards i realized she said leave me the fuck alone, but i think that maybe its a joke because its in quotes? idk what do you guys think

Attached: Untitled (2).webm (640x1138, 552.34K)

normally i would think she doesnt want to talk to me but why would she put it in quotes?

Nice bait, though this level of autism is possible here.

She hates you. She's also a quarantine breaker and to be purged. Report her to government daddy

>is she mad at me

she might just be busy you dont know. why would it be in quotes nobody has an answer for me

Just call her a cunt and move on you dense fuck

should i text her to confront her

It means you're just a homework monkey you stupid fucking autist. Why am I even responding to this shit bait?

She's obviously interested in you OP, send her a dick pic and see how she reacts.

if you mean for keks to post on here? hell yeah, bro

I know these guys are all calling you autistic, and yeah it's obvious she doesn't want to talk to you, but I wouldn't understand wtf is going through her retard head with this either.
As whatever so wherever.

Jesus christ dude move on. You are beyond the point of no return, she does not like you, she will never like you. Cut your losses NOW.

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This is fake HOWEVER

There are men out there as dense as this dipshit OP claims to be.

Stop enabling and empowering women who clearly arent interested in you
>I cant tell if they arent or not
If they dont fuck you they arent interested. Idiot.

>4 BILLION women on the entire planet
>so emotionally charged about 1 girl, you make an entire anonymous thread about her

>she doesn't even like you
>literally no future prospects
>If they dont fuck you they arent interested
>they dont fuck you

So close

On the off chance this isn't bait. She's using you and right now you're not necessary.

ok. im gonna text her

Attached: 83923892832.webm (250x498, 1.39M)

Nobody really texts someone good morning and good night...right? This is bait?

make sure to confront her
post ur text before u send it so we can give u some pointers

I dont think it went well boys. How can I recover

Attached: 8B35DD29-26A1-48ED-879A-58B8DEB2832F.png (1125x2436, 1.15M)

is it still salvageable or did i fuck up

post rest of the message. Did you really not know snapchat have that feature? Or you did it while knowing. That's a CHAD move

You're too autistic to even be in r9k jesus

Just say ok I understand and never, ever, speak to her again. Ever ever ever you stupid fuck

It's now or never OP say it! SAY I LOVE YOU BIANCA1111


Attached: tenor[1].gif (360x346, 170.14K)

This has to be fake I don't believe that someone can be enough of a normalfag to use snapchat but also simultaneously be this fucking autistic

Well I did so well see how it goes

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the fact that they're both literally named bianca makes that all the more perfect

probably fake
funny anyway
thank you OP

Attached: sides.gif (400x398, 816.32K)

She's just playing koi bro, I think she likes you. Trust me they do this all the time, shes just playing hard to get.

user is either Chad deep inside or truly ignorance is bliss

prove this ain't fake nigger

i knew it sent for screenshots but i didnt know screen record
do you think so?
im not doing this you creepy incel have sex

call her bro see if she picks up

post her number we can be your wingmen

call her bro see if she picks up she likes u if she doesnt she reallly likes u and is playing hard 2 get

Drive out to boca and fuck her. You've got nothing else going on anyways.

This OP.
We know you. We know you're a good guy. Let us vouch for you.

>look im sorry for hurting you

yeah this has to be bait, you can't be this fucking beta and stupid dude jesus fucking lord.


Weird spiky faggot balls, 0/10

You're all a part of a cuck fetishist psyop for bumping this shitty thread. I believe every single one of you I have replied to, has a cuck fetish and is trying to use psyop/propaganda tactics.

It's funny dude chill out. Just like messing with people.

sick schizo post bro im just trying to help op crush puss

haha u funi u rply to evry1 in tread u r funi mayn

Where do I go from here. Should I send her my dick? I know dick size is everything and maybe Mog her ex or something

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Good idea. It's how I got my girlfriend.

U mad Bob?

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quiet schizo have sex

bro if you do youll go to jail

if you feel confident, then yeah go for it. it's a total chad move and girls love guys with loads of confidence

You're that dude who claimed to have drove out and fucked that Stacy a few days ago. I can tell, larping faggot

I think she's self conscious and doesn't want to show vulnerability.

Oh another larp thread made by the same Leah guy

Yeah send her a dick pic, but if you have an extra screen such as a laptop, another phone, etc send her a pic of your hard dick on a selfie of her

Attached: 1586167718343.png (458x440, 160.1K)

>Should I send her my dick?
yes, and then your mom. and then her boyfriend.

more proof that robots only want stacies

Ok b8, but no one is this much of a pathetic cuck, I'll give it 6/10

Eh, boring LARP, will say you tried though 4/10

you're a schizo. i can tell same fag

Tell her how you masturbate to her snapchat all the time. DO IT NOW

Attached: aggie.jpg (400x402, 50.49K)

>be attractive woman
>get some nerd to do my home work for me
>lead him on but don't do anything
>school gets cancelled
>don't need him anymore so ignore him
The message is pretty clear. The only reason she talked to you was so you would do her homework.

Well user we gotta confirm if this is a Larp or not, so post her number and the r9k analysts can run a few tests to confirm this is real

All your responses simply show you're all cuck fetishists.

Attached: s-d3b9ae3645291202ae201fe59aca5c289dad31ae.jpg (550x365, 261.53K)

cut yourself OP do it, carve her name on your arm trust me it's the ultimate mog

link her to this thread so she can see how much you care about her. she should read how much you care in your own words.

This or dick pic OP wake the fuck up before Chad takes her for a ride in his BMW

fucking ignore her forever, shes not interested in you and shes pretty stupid.

cut her name with a knife into your arm, dick pics are gay as fuck

Make sure to stop apologising, you need to seem like an omegachad in order to pull this off user. Give her a taste of domination.

put down the pipe, junior

tell her she's a worthless piece of shit and move on. your fuck fantasy with this slut isn't happening.