Rejected for being a spic again

>rejected for being a spic again



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This land belongs to the natives you fatt faggot

Stop chasing white girls then, go for a qt hispanic girl

Soulcrushing words
>user you're a great guy, but i would never date a hispanic, let alone a dominican.
Why are white women like this? why was i born hispanic?

>for being a spic
Yah that's the reason, I'm puerto rican and I get plenty of action m8

eh hispanic girls if they're from here are probably looking for a white guy, maybe an asian

he's not gonna go to a less wealthy country with a poorer standard of living just because some faglord on the internet told him to.

Yah this didnt happen

Why are white boys so insecure they need to post fake shit like this

then he can enjoy never having sex lmao

Obviously a white girl will never tell you shes rejecting you for your race unless shes a redneck or something, she will make up some other shit, like your height or personality.

>Hispanic girls looking for an Asian

I only fuck white chicks and my current gf is white. I'm PR

op is just some white incel posting fake shit online to make himself feel better

Yah exactly, what white chick outside of rural Alabama would say it's because your brown before making up an excuse. Women dont even tell you the real reason 80% of the time anyways

Not a single woman born in this century would tell you this. Even if she was a huge racist she would still fear social stigma and tell you some generic shit.
user, obsessing for the color of your skin or your facial structure is stupid.
Besides, your problem in any case would be that you are ugly.
Nothing would change if instead of being a 3/10 spic you were a 3/10 gringo.

>hispanic qt looking for an asian

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my asian friend dated a hispanic girl

its ok user.
you could be a big bag of doughy Wonder Bread.
as a white guy, its so cringy to see how pathetic my other white friends turned out.
basically all children but with various degrees of addiction and financial ruin.

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Pretty based user. You should pump and dump white chicks then marry a cute Puerto Rican girl, and have sons so that they can do the same.

Mfw I told a girl I was getting close to that I was Hispanic and the she started spewing shit about how she's a Nazi and how we'd never get along

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Never gonna happen, defo get the urge sometimes when I see an especially attractive PR, like a primal urge calling me back home.

But my extended family has a lot of PR women my age and they are all batshit crazy, as well as their friends. They are definitely more fiery than whites but a white chick isnt gonna do some shit like my aunt did lighting her fiances car on fire.

Hispanic women are all crazy for the most part dude. If they arent crazy then they are ugly, no happy medium for the most part. I kinda like crazy chicks so I want to marry one though, white girls are so boring (and most of the time they dont age that well anyway)

hispanic gurls all look like boxes.

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Hispanic girls are the most curvy behind blacks what are you on about

Thanks OP. Sometimes things can seem shit, then I saw a guy I knew from school chewing the strings on his hoodie, drooling down his front. He's 32.

There really isnt anything more depressing in life watching childhood friends turn into dirtbags and loosers later in life. Atleast I havent experienced a more depressing sight.

I'm gonna have sex with her asshole I'm gonna have sex with her asshole I'm gonna have sex with her asshole
I'm gonna have sex with her asshole

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what curves

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>t. Googled unattractive Hispanic women for a cherry picked image

you think a weeaboo r9k fembot hispanic wouldn't date some kpop looking asian?

>you could be a big bag of doughy Wonder Bread.

what the fuck

That would be trouble. All the hot latinas go after white/black guys. If he were to stick to his own race he would probably end up being stuck with some goblina.

Nigga you don't belong here either lmao. Appreciate calling out OP though.

Hispanic women like masculine men because hispanics are a masculine race. Even if she thinks she wants a feminine uwu koreabu boyfriend like in the animes, she'll realize how unattractive it is for her after about a week.

odds are he was born here

Orale! Whos's that mamacita on the far right?

Latinas rarely go for black guys. They do date white guys a lot though

I had a mexican gf once and her ex was scandinavian white. Then she left me for an american white. I really think she was into that raceplay colonized shit or something. I wonder why she was even with me in the first place, probably some creepy racist shit too so she could laugh about it later with her white chads. I hate them all but I hate myself even more.

the curve of their fat rolls along their squat bodies

> walk into any walmart ever
> this

>Walking into walmart

I think that's the problem.


being generic, bland, mainstream, or distasteful in nature in order to appeal to wider, often mindless audiences.

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>>rejected for being a spic again

you post this exact phrase over and over agian. what the fuck are you trying to shill?

Why are you coping? White guys have it so easy.

Do middle eastern girls like latino guys

There's this one at work I have a crush on
She has orangey brown skin and kinda curly hair, a cute face, she was wearing a face mask yesterday and looked cute

It's over Enrique

All girls lust after BBC
Just look

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>add someone on discord
>we get along
>mention im a spic
>blocked next day
every single fucking time

>be spic
>white mom
>how did my dad do it?
>go to school
>never talk because im autistic
>people just assume i dont know english
>i overheard a fat fuck white guy mumble some shit like "spic doesnt know english"
>i lose my shit
>insult him and get in his face
>he starts backing away stuttering "gget away from me!"
>i tell him to fight
>he leaves
>became known as that "scary" spic during hs

feels nice to be the Puerto Rican

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you have to have fair skin and be tall

The fat white guy probably posts on here or Yas Forums


>was working in a restaurant as a dishwasher
>one busser is a dick and is also white
>always talking shit and making jokes about trump sending us back to mexico and "la migra" and all that shit
>makes me mad but I endure it
>gets told to help me wash dishes because we're 1 guy short one day
>literally didn't STFU the whole shift about "i have to work with the fucking mexicans" and talking in a stupid fake mexican accent because "hurrr i'm mexican now ayyyy xd xd"
>don't even care but other mexicans in the kitchen start getting annoyed
>see cruz (the big tatted mexican gangbanger works the fryer who's been in the pen) is getting mad and throwing shit around and giving mean looks our way
>tell him "bro, cruz is getting mad. don't do that anymore"
>he doesn't stop
>cruz keeps rattling shit over at his station really close to us
>"dude, shut up. you're making people mad with that shit..."
>white guy says what I just said but in the same stupid mexican accent
>cruz gets FUCKING MAD
>walks over to him and yells to his face "EY WHAT'S UP? YOU GONNA SHUT UP OR WHAT?"
>cruz keeps pushing him and telling him "WHASSUP? WASSUP?"
>other cooks grab him and take him outside
>white dude is fucking PALE and looking at everyone
>one of the mexican ladies tells him to go to the bathroom
>everyone comes back inside and he says NOTHING for the rest of the shift.

Anyway, cruz is back in the pen for drugs or some shit and the white kid quit a few months after that incident. I just thought it was funny lol

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top fucking kek

nice larp juan

He got what he deserved it could have been much worse

more greentexts??

We killed the fucking natives, faggot. End your life now.

No you didn't, disease killed 90%. The rest were weakened and lost because you had guns and numbers, plus the Aztecs were only defeated because white cowards allied with their enemy nations. Whites are stupid pussies, seriously. Read a book and learn how history actually went down.

But they are such a tiny tiny percentage of the overall population. If you just go by Yas Forums you would think Asians slay but there's a selection going on in the background.

>tfw spic with a fembot gf
feells gud

Mexicans aren't natives either

What the fuck are you doing wrong my dude. We are leading the interracial game. Sure blacks have the blacked meme but reality we both outnumber and out do blacks when it comes to white girl taking.
I'm a mexican and I've never dated a Mexican girl only richy white ones.
So how are you fucking it up.