Why are white people so mean on the internet?

why are white people so mean on the internet?

no one has ever called me a nigger irl... why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=white people&src=typed_query

because theyre cowards and they have to put up a front

You have no clue how lucky you blacks are. Go to twitter.com/search?q=white people&src=typed_query and scroll for a few minutes. Now imagine they were talking about you. That's how it feels to be white in America.

>taking Yas Forums shitposts seriously
How fucking new are you?
I wouldn't call you that unless you're shit talking whites in which case I'd dish it back out. But I'll say that anons who just want to bitch about nonwhites are cringe. We're all subhumans here far as I'm concerned

for me, i'm just a bored LARPer that enjoys being racist and also bandwagoning with other racist comments. literally just pretending to be racist out of boredom.

They would go to jail, that's a hate crime

its not my fault tho, i didnt choose to be born black

Because they figure you would pull out your 9 and start shooting.

hey maybe you're one of the good ones i dunno

Because a lot of white people don't want to have their lives destroyed by the (((media))) when they finally call out negative shit in black culture. Simplify put, we don't want to be fired from our job and be financially in ruin.

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well i didnt chose to be surrounded by black people

>Simplify put, we don't want to be fired from our job and be financially in ruin.

You did though, you could just move

You should read comments on worldstar hiphop. They fuckin hate crackas. Another difference is nigs straight up hate me in real life too, so it's not just confined to the net. You get the added benefit that IR cuckolding benefits you pretty greatly.

>why are white people so mean on the internet?
How do you know they're white?
>You should read comments on worldstar hiphop. They fuckin hate crackas.
How do you know they're black?

>Muh white victimhood

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>why are white people so mean on the internet?

whitey is mad because we fuck their women.

So if I searched nigger on 4plebs would that refute you?

Its almost like whites cause most of the problems in the world

No. This is a fringe website. For a real comparison compare that to "cracker" on WSHH. Dumb fuck

Because the odds are they'll resort to chimping out and attacking you if you upset them.

>This is a fringe website
No it's not. Yas Forums is populated with normalfags. It's not fringe anymore.

On the internet, everyone is a nigger. They might as well be saying "fellow"

I like to over emplify all the thing I don't like about red people and parisiens. Just because I'm bored and find it funny.
I'm not racist IRL.
I do find jews fucking anoying but they're white and retarded so it's ok.

>he equates twitter, academia, journalism, movies, TV, and the entire country to an edgy knitting website where everyone is anonymous
>he equates the phrase "white people" to "nigger"
Good IQ.

What you see on twitter is predominately legitimate criticism of whites and white supremacy. What you see here are whites practically plotting genocide against nonwhites. Whites are responsible for over 80% of all racially and religiously motivated crimes so trying to equate racist shit said by white to mean words said against whites is retarded. Pick up a history book, whitey is the bad guy.

>Pick up a history book, whitey is the bad guy.
Who owned the transatlantic slave trade? Who owned the largest amount of slaves per capita? What ethnicity has enslaved the most people throughout history?

>>he equates twitter, academia, journalism, movies, TV, and the entire country to an edgy knitting website where everyone is anonymous
Yes. There is now a lot of crossover between Twitter and Yas Forums. Boards with flags reveal multiple countries dislike blacks. Academia and Journalism written by SJWs who people are less and less seriously every day.
>he equates the phrase "white people" to "nigger"
As if searching black people would change anything

>He gets his history off Yas Forums
Based retard

Don't worry.
I'll call you a nigger irl, if i meet you.

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>stupid ass crackas need to be shot for wearing dreads
>legitimate criticism
Very cool, Darius.

I almost never go to that shithole but if that's there it's not surprising.

Would you rather white people act like Chinese and just straight up show you how subhuman you are with no remorse? Stop whining you stupid nignog and be grateful that these online bantz is all you have to deal with.

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By multiple countries you mean the 2 people from each country that browse Yas Forums, not the whole countries. And even then the microscopic amount of people that do actually hate blacks are justified in doing so, considering what blacks say about us and all of the crime that they commit.
Academia is taken seriously by the people who make decisions, no one who actually matters will reject academic "facts".

>no one has ever called me a nigger irl...
if i see your smelly ass i'll be sure to call you a nigger

White people love you and want to suck your cock, shut up.

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i would say it to your face, if you chimp out though in return you'd get a hollow point right through your skull.

>By multiple countries you mean the 2 people from each country that browse Yas Forums, not the whole countries
No, I meant whole countries. Yas Forums is one of the most active boards here first off. They've also demonstrated multiple times that hating blacks isn't close to being unpopular.
>And even then the microscopic amount of people that do actually hate blacks are justified in doing so
Damage control already?
>Academia is taken seriously by the people who make decisions, no one who actually matters will reject academic "facts"
They accept those facts, not believe in them
>youtube views as an argument

I've noticed that even when you ask a white to say nigger they will get visibly uncomfortable and have trouble

Pretty sure it's because you're not a nigger, you're black. Big difference between the two. Also, online it's an easy insult.

It's almost as if whites had exploited and abused non whites for centuries and had to reap what they've sewn

White created and invented just about everything around you that's positive, to be fair

>Whites are responsible for over 80% of all racially motivated crimes

verifiably false

The jews ran most of the slave trade. Just sayin. Greetings from Yas Forums!!!

>White created and invented just about everything around you that's positive
of course
you can't racebait dead nonwhites

Of course they did. Why wouldn't they?
>Cheap labour
>The most dangerous thing they could find there was malaria
>The negroes only defended themselves by throwing their own shit at the colonists
I can't feel sorry for them when they were so unbelieveably retarded despite having the same time to develop more advanced societal structures like the white man.

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>Why wouldn't they?
Hiring members of their own race to pick the cotton would have been far more efficient and there was no reason to not genocide every nonwhite person they came across
Nonwhites still exist because whites are demons at their core who feed off of Blacked and Bleached and all forms of racebait. Whites get satisfied sexually from bombing some gooks and having arabs slaughter white girls. Whites had Hitler murdered because he wanted to put an end to the madness that was multiculturalism.

Black people do the same shit.

>theres only so much you can rob and steal and intimidate and monkey out before people start to fucking hate you
Last time I checked niggers weren't running the investment banks. Stop charging the cape and charge the matador for once.

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>why are white people so mean on the internet?
Not only them. Everyone is rude on anonymous places when they feel like it. It's a way to vent.
>no one has ever called me a nigger irl... why?
In american culture its very badly seen to say nigger. So since this imageboard is full of contrarian, they just like to spam this word to feel rebellious and strong.
But then, you see poltards who truly believe their fat NEET ass to be superior (or just cope) and only say it here because, like , they're cowards.

>Insult someone
>Get mad when they beat down your insolent mouth
Color me surprised.
I don't see the obsession about saying nigger (as american society is fucked up and sick anyways) but you can't be rude to someone and not expect retribution.

other than Yas Forums trolls, when have white people ever been mean to you on social media?
however there's loads of evidence of people actually being mean to white people on the internet

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depends. people call each other nigger on Yas Forums regardless of race (honestly seems tryhard to me not sure why they refuse to use nigga like everyone else) but sometimes its insecure whiteoids that just want to make you feel worse for being brown than they feel for being a failure to their "white" race. just ignore it my nigga because like you said they arent saying it to your face so its nothing to lose sleep over

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Holy shit this is purely disgusting. How can so many people's hearts be corrupted by hatred?

Or get your teeth knocked out of your skull be honest

I btfo jews and roasties everyday on r9k, i only get blacks if theyre being uppity

Post your address or what?

I would love it because it would give me an excuse to break your jaw and kick holes in your stomach and walk away like I know nothing about it.

Will you fuck his girlfriend and cum inside of her too? Will you??

Or because you are a coward who can not fight and do not want to be beaten to death.

No black person is a nigger but I do not hold back. And have not had a single white dude call me a nigger to my face rather I know him or not in any situation. But online is the only place I have to deal with you cowards it has gotten to the point where I have paid someone to track people down so I can pull their card. I am going to start recording it. Funny thing is I never had to lay a finger on them because they would usually back down claim they were just trolling or pretend it was not them but you are welcome to prove me wrong. Send your location and make this easy for the both of us because I am going to talk to you face to face.

Can anyone explain why the post I replied to and both posts that replied to me are dead? Thanks.

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you're on Yas Forums user, a lot of people here are just racist because of their bitter life. But there are also a lot of anons who will call you nigger without wanting to be mean just for fun. Like you can post your hand on Yas Forums holding FF7 and someone would respond "epic jrpg nigra" I would not consider this a racial slur but yeah there are some people here who just hate every single black person on earth, that's just sad.