mbutty thread
yet another intuitive circlejerk edition

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Why are "INTP" women like this?

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What was made for ENTP cock?

>always played paladin classes in games
this graph is way too accurate

ENTP mouths

haha i'm INTP and when my ENFP friend and i played wow together i was the rogue and he was the mage x

Is there any personality type more based than the INTP?
>objectively the smartest, makes the INTJ insecure
>doesn't rely on external information, can figure out everything through introspection alone
>immune to manipulation due to fundamental understanding of the reasons behind everything
>completely and utterly free, not a slave rat to society
>decides own path in life, not influenced by anything

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>list of intellectual garbage
Looks intp to me.

>prefer voice chat over text chat
she sounds like me and i'm INTP, i think it might have something to do with how over text you can't discern from my vocal intonations that what i'm saying is just a joke and i'm not actually reprehensible

probably istp
intp is pretty gay to be honest
im curious what your definition of based is

Nah, INFJs are based. That Fe-Ti with Ni running in the background can make more use of people and things than INTPs can dream of. An INFJ and ENTP at their peak can take over the world.

lmao I remember this bitch. i don't think anyone on /soc/ actually likes her

Thanks for reminding me
>can masturbate to anything he chooses, not restricted to heterosexuality

How do ESTP chads cope with ISTP giga-chads?

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Foolish INFJ, what is the reason behind making use of things and people? You may be capable of performing actions but you do not understand why you perform them, submit to the wise INTP and let us guide you

don't forget INTPs are also the funniest type, just give them a bit of cocaine and they'll outshine the wiliest ENTP when it comes to banter

copied from a reply to her:

>"anyone out there, don't bother adding her. she won't even bother chatting with you unless you put in 100% of the effort in the conversation right off the bat, even then, she'll pick you apart from your very first message.
>TLDR; she's uptight and high maintenance

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There is no better type. An INTP with developed Fe can unleash the ENTJ within.

An INTP was in charge of the game I really liked but he ruined it with his endless experimental curiosities, his penchant for misguided theories and over thinking/controlling the details of the game design until it wasn't fun anymore. Fuck you for ruining my game.

Why make life harder than it is.

>t. ISTP-A

Yeah she's a complete narcissist, also ugly as fuck too. I know too many INTP women just like that and they always whine to me about why their life is so bad

>immune to manipulation
wrong,i am an ENTJ and i used to manipulate my intp friend all the time when he was ignoring me.

>INXX make up for most of anons that visit MBTI threads because they're the most insecure and need to affirm their beliefs.
Change my mind

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inxx types are the ones who visit Yas Forums as a whole faggot. esxx types are too busy watching netflix or having sex.

Why don't you want to respond? I get it, you think my earlier posts were stupid, but the questions I asked you are irrelevant to them, move on. This is another discussion.
I'm not totally unreceptive to the idea that my judgment might've not been objective, because introspection is difficult, but at least back your assertions with something I can work with, since I'm genuinely curious and not shitposting.

that kind of crude name-calling is unbecoming of our type, brother

sorry, i didn't mean it like that. faggot is a term of endearment for me. but yeah, introverted intuitives make up a large part of forums, not just here but reddit too.

>objectively the smartest, makes the INTJ insecure
INTJs have Te, why would the give a shit about being ''smart''?
>doesn't rely on external information, can figure out everything through introspection alone
This sounds more like Ni, which INTPs dont have.
>immune to manipulation due to fundamental understanding of the reasons behind everything
Not being manipulated has to do with how much you rely on an F function. So sure
>completely and utterly free, not a slave rat to society
You have Fe inferior. You are basically societys bitch. Its Fi people that are free from society.
>decides own path in life, not influenced by anything
Si makes you scared of trying new things. You wont go for certain things, because they'll put you out of your comfort zone.
You have Fe, so you're secretly insecure about what others think of you. You wont go for something if it leads to you being a social outcast.

The most based type is ISFP:
>Can effortlessly get close to people. Can make even the thoughest ExTJs their bitches.
>Friendly, but could beat you up if they wanted to.
>Sees the secrets behind the world, expresses this is explosive music and art
>Dosent give a shit what anyone thinks, they're their own person
>Suprisingly knows how the mechanisms of the laws of society works. You ever cross them, theyll bring an army of lawyers to rape you, that is if they dont do it themselfs.
>Looks the best
>Dresses the best

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how do i develop my Fe

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>What was made for ENTP cock?

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You don't want Fe. It feels like a curse

Huh? Dude, Fe-Ti with Ni questions everything about people and things on a deep level. Ti-Ne just keeps you questioning things over and over again. Kinda cringe if you ask me.

>tfw you are an INTP who is bad at math

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based and ISFP-pilled

subhuman lole

My sensoid fren, there is a large amount of cope in this post and many incorrect assumptions, Ti-Si allows for the best introspection among all types, you have never tasted the sweet nectar that is Ti-Si

Why can't people...you know... get along...?
user, please tell me the world isn't like that..
*sniffles* iwi

Yikes an Fe-dom. It gets worse trust me.

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ENFP is objectively the most based type, people sleep on it because of sjw stereotypes. Ne - Te pairing is very strong. Fi is better than Ti because you don't over think like the INTP's fatal flaw. ENFP is iron man.

Don't you guys think the world would be better if we had less expectations of other people? Wouldn't it be nice?
Also the world isn't that bad, not that I know of.

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You may be able to zoom into the deep specifics of anything but because of this, you are unable to step back and look at the bigger picture, you will never find truth by looking at one plant, you have to look at the forest

Is there any personality type less based than the INFP?
>the most neurotic and insecure
>uses own introverted feelings to maneuver about the world, the most unreliable function
>isn't as altruistic as the extroverted feeling types
>isn't as artistically inclined as the enfp / isfp
>fi-si loop of eternal despair
>prone to floundering in life due to procrastination and indecisiveness
>objectively the most useless personality type
>female infps are sjws
>male infps are the quintessential suicidal loser
there is nothing worse than us change my mind.

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Expectations keep things at bay, y'know? It brings a sense of security knowing people can do their shit right. They can be good and bad, but expectations are really needed.

Don't forget
>won't stop littering the world with sappy over sentimental literature

>*smashes fist in your trachea*

Even the sensor version of y'all are more based. Sad ain't it?

this too

I think its pretty funny how worthless and pathetic you all are, your only value is to make other types laugh. INFPs brings out the sadist in me, i want to watch them suffer even if they did nothing to deserve it, it makes me all hot and bothered

what's wrong with ISFJs

It feels like we're more judgmental than normal, but I'm speaking from a social perspective not a economical one.
I'm not asking everyone to be hypergamous but just to be friends...
>tfw bullied for being too shy
>tfw outcast when no one would stand up for me
>tfw walk home alone, never invited to any parties

I want to fix some of these and make them more accurate or condense them into a core. I like these a lot I'll make more later mayb

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ISTP are honourary intuitives, they are player controlled blacksmiths

thats just the evolutionary disgust in you. infps are totally worthless, so you want to be rid of them so they don't further proliferate, but the joke is on you because we destroy ourselves before anyone gets the chance to more often than not.

Guys, the last time I took a test (long time ago) I got INFJ instead of ENTP. I don't have the attention span to check it now. I"m scared; what if I devolved from ENTP?

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Bro I honestly wanted your opinion, why do you ghost me like this...

Why tf would my autistic ass be an assassin?

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>so you want to be rid of them so they don't further proliferate, but the joke is on you because we destroy ourselves before anyone gets the chance to more often than not
I think you are completely misunderstanding me, i don't hate you guys at all. I fully understand that you are soft and nice people but that just makes your suffering all the tastier ya know? I would never want you to die to prolong your suffering as long as possible, of course you still aren't allowed to reproduce

Lets make this official.


woops wrong reply

I feel like I relate to Cleric more than Summoner. Then again, I- ...how did I play Skyrim?
Atronachs are p cool tho; big team battle yay!

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infps don't even want to be infps so i'm calling it now

Behold, my OTP.

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>either get INTP or ISTP, though more often NTP
>just want my own little corner with some peace and quiet, ideally with enough space to make a shooting range and perhaps be able to swim and fish and all that
>most of my actual career interests do not have that much to do with the meme that is modern academia
Someone redpill me on the USDA Forest Service or other similar things, as I have been heavily contemplating on pursuing a career there. Already spent some time in the Navy so I know just how those kinds of things operate.

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I only don't want to be ISTP but honestly INFP sounds p cute AF tho. Would cuddle with the warmth of 1,000 suns. And suds.