Post images that describe how the past month has been for you

>post images that describe how the past month has been for you.

Attached: IMG_20200217_191805.jpg (537x713, 58.93K)

what happened to pic related user desu

Literally me for as long as I can remember.

thanks I needed that and I don't have much but I guess this one

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i wonder what power electronics musician that is

>also this pic is very accurate for this month

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literally me these two months

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Pretty uneventful


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same as it ever originally was

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I can't even suicide as all the fucking gun shops are closed or sold out

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wow!! dude!! a whole month like that!! wow jeez what a toughie

lost 6 grand on options

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>enough normies on r9k that they're bitching about being forced to NEET

>Normies on suicide watch
>Was already on disability bux so didnt miss out on anything
>never go outside and have no friends
>Have a home gym
>Realise the whole thing is a just a nothing burger and will rescind in a couple of months
>Literally no change tomy life other than normies offing themselves
>Have an essential job, military reserves which I can back to and start getting a full time time wage.

Feels good desu

Lol eat shit normies

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I've been drinking nonstop because I actually can't stop cringing at myself

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is there a cure bro?

thinking... thinking... i'm always thinking... no matter what happens, i'll always be thinking...
thinking till the end of time itself...

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Shit posting is a fine art

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So what are you thinking about?

Feeling pretty good even though I'm sort of in limbo and the whole world is on pause. I've been getting out and enjoying the spring weather by myself. Only thing that bums me out is that I'd been going to the gym for two weeks but can't now, all I have to work out with is one 12lb dumbbell and it's not even mine but my brother's. Been generally chilling out like most people here, I've been doing better about getting out more but I was a full neet for long enough that I've easily settled back into it, very comfy.

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Original comment required.
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.

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The same thing I've been since always

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I kek'd
original post

I'm smiling, but at what cost.

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hahaha this reminds me I should be checking Yas Forums more often lately to see all the spergs in panic mode


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Haven't done anything productive in the last 7 Months.

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need motivation to complete uni courses

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I actually made this 5 years ago and never had the chance to post it until now

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lost and drifting

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This, except it's already been years without salvation

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Neck yourself faggot zoomer. Wtf has this website come to?

its a really nice place for bad circumstances

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Pretty meh. Same as it has been for the past couple years, except I can't eat out anymore.

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meh, it's the same as before for me, i barely go outside

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Was doing well and improving but then something changed and now I don't know what to do.

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Eh. Not much has really changed.

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Started out shit but managed to do a little better than before.

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A pretty surreal situation these past few weeks. I've gone back chilling to my parents'. Feels pretty nice

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This whole fucking year sucks donkey dick.

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>This whole fucking year sucks donkey dick.
it only gets worse, user.

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Sort of like this only with a bit of extra loneliness sprinkled on top.

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Up to five times a day

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It never gets easier. Corona hasn't changed my life one bit. I never go out, only to smoke.

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'bout cock

This image describes how most of my life has been for me including the last month.

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pretty much like this here picture which I am posting right now

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i could post a lot but this is the average feeling

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for the past two years my best and only friend has gradually been more distant and I realised I have no one else

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it's been shit came close to killing myself but the pills didnt work I just woke up in pain and recovered.

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Same as always but now I spend some time with my family cause we are quarantined together.

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Glad I fell for the tinder meme

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Are you rolling in tinder pussy now?

Is it always going to be like this?

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Bored bitches that would otherwise never give guys like us the time of day are now doing it since dick doesnt matter. Have some game and get numbers, make arrangements to meet up after the covid shit dies down or somehow convicne them to come quarantine at your place for a few days. It's easy bro

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Sounds easy, I've never done anything like that before since I prefer face-to-face interaction but that is out of the question now.
Maybe I'll try it but it does make me feel a bit anxious.

I wish I had the .gif of getting TOPPED

They say your living space is a manifestation of how you feel right?

This is wehat my bedrooms turned into, out of view is all the rotting food and beer cans everywhere

Ignore the high saturation and vibrance its windwos that does it the footage isnt that bad in video editing programs

Attached: room.jpg (3613x1845, 1.75M)

BROOOOO You cut the best part of the video the girl SHOWING HER STINKY FEET

Everytime I see a blonde runner I'm reminded of my ex even when they look nothing like her. Fuck's sake.

At least I have no way of contacting her now.

Get some better cider.

Thatchers gold is my life blood