
Stay Home
Protect Britfeel
Save Lives

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Other urls found in this thread:


What do you lads think of racism? What is racism? Can it be good? Can it be bad?

elo babyies

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even on britfeel im a loner

David Ike for PM

I think people need to realise there's a difference between actual racism and just not liking people from certain countries

i've been edging like a madman

>own several t shirts with New york written on them
>never even been to yank land

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if coronavirus ends up killing like 200,000+ people over 70 then will house prices decrease long term?

When the fuck will the chaos begin lads? This happening isn't even a happening. It's slow and boring as fuck. Ree

This thread was made first and has more posts

comfy youtube channel this: youtube.com/watch?v=PNHIuyE4eTQ

I hope your parents and grandparents die. That will be a happening for you

>seething hard because poley's nonce thread has been denied twice in a row


yet you don't have ANY pakistani friends. you're detestable even to them.

lad we've been through this before, not happening fella

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>got a t shirt with a harley on it
>never owned a bike

kinell lads am I in trouble?

That's a nonce thread lad. Only nonces go there.

>was made first
erm, by a nonce? no thanks lad, no thanks

>thread created by a sex offender
no thanks

Nonce thread

>own some band t shirts
>im not in the band

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>own mainly sporty clothes

*kicks football through the other threads window*


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No. They will go up to make up for lost profits.
insert Ian Watkins joke

We had this happen a few years ago

No one could be arsed to make a thread, then 3 people decide to make one and start fighting over which one is best

Really triggers outer Yas Forums

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>No. They will go up to make up for lost profits.
t. someone who doesn't understand the concept of supply and demand.

Wot vidya are u playin?

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You're about 5 years too late there pal. They are dead and I couldn't give a fuck. Apart from my mum, but I don't live with her and she is a cunt

tbqh leaving a fresh thread and making your own because you object to the poster who made the original is exactly the sort of petty behaviour I really enjoy. fuck your dead thread amer

uncharted 4 atm lad it's good fun

>Really triggers outer Yas Forums
Who gives a flying bulls cock about those nonces and incels

I dunno lad, can't be arsed with any of them at the moment and I have too much free time, even after shopping, working out and doing various stuff, need a good game, minecraft would do but I can't be arsed with that either

too fucking right lad *spits on outer-r9k while flinging a brick at Amer's nonce thread*

Driving lorries lad

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>haven't cut my hair in a while due to barbers all being closed
>noticed I look quite pretty with long hair
h-have I started to transition lads?

Wish we had a Britfeel civil war and expelled all the trips and nonces

looks like this thread wins

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Utawarerumono, it's break time right now so I'm going to raid the fridge, hope mummy doesn't catch me.

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>own a t-shirt
>I don't wear t-shirts
get on my level

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this shit is getting ridiculous

I started a new run of Fallout 4, not sure if I can be bothered to play it much longer though. I've replayed NV like 4 times but I'm already bored with this and I've only just got to Diamond City

Thread VIP's?



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football manager, because I can do it easily while I work
shall be playing some hearthstone later on, but I doubt I'll enjoy it

This thread seems more comfy because no tripfags

>hide thread
>problem solved
only people complaining are whiny manbabies who have some autistic personal beef with the UK

Cringe. You should join the other thread mate.

how have my gardening friends been getting on in their gardens? planted some nice food and plants? turned over your compost? repaired that raised bed post? stole some eggs from your chickens?

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>out of office?
>daily tasks?
>new vidya?
>TRPG sessions?

Yep, time for a comfy week off.

you might just suit long hair lad, some blokes can pull it off quite well

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Just bought the Spyro remastered trilogy, loving it so far, proper reminds me of being a kid again. Might see if theres any other games discounted on the Xbox store

be a long haired twink instead fren

don't listen to
Just fucking buzz it you fanny.

This old fella is pretty good on the decks lads


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Yeah im close to uninstalling it now. I do like it but its quite repetitive and faffy

You only buzz your hair if you're balding

I find TES/FO games have a very short shelf life after the initial run-through, after fucking around with mods for a while I get bored of it and can't bear to play it for very long ever again.

>not wanting the ultimate feeling of not having to bother with head hair anymore

it's truly the greatest feeling

turned over the soil and put some compost down ready for the wildflowers next month

cod warzone because I'm a normie

yeah same but for some reason I don't mind replaying NV, can't quite work out what it has that the other games lack to give it that replayability factor

I haven't had my ears lowered either, I might just get my mum to cut it, she did my brothers and it looks fine. She did it a few years ago though and it looked like she cut it with a knife and fork so I'm not sure.

you can be a pretty boy without having to transition mate

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buzz cuts are for balding people or edgelords and I'm neither

Edgbaston really "has the look" doesn't he..

>posting in both threads to maximise the (You)s

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There's no way that was born male

>There's no way that was born male
oh yes there is pal, from r/transpassing

lad you would be surprised what a big pair of glasses and some eye makeup will do

i want SP to have a real photo on there

This is some very gay shit and you should be ashamed of yourself

*steals topic from the shitter thread*
so how are you doing for drive space at the moment lads? I'm a little concerned about how full C: is getting

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Really want sex with anyone other than my gf any robots know this feel?

really into big tits and bums right now so no trannies for me

Use this first, otherwise the thread will be deleted as spam.

Balls deep all day desu (no homo)

As for myself I think part of it is because unlike the other 3D FO games, the first landmark that you have to travel to - the strip - is so far away, in the others you generally come across them not long into the game like Megaton and Diamond City but with NV you can get sidetracked with other quests as soon as the game starts, like the powder gang for example, and it feels more like an adventure. It could just be me though but I feel in 3 and 4 it's sort of on rails if only for the fact that no other quests grabbed my attention.