
quarantine making people angry and agitated edition

>r9k mbti type poll:

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enfp for life

Post music that speaks to your right now.

infps, i've created a separate personality to connect with my intj friend, but the personality is very draining to wear. anyone have any experience with this? i guess they dont have to be infp

First for hoping Turbie gets COVID

>too intuitive compared to other ISTPs
>not intuitive enough to be an INTP
>tfw an eternal misfit

INFP here
Tell me how speshul i am

>Your MBTI type
>Your suicide plan/preferred suicide method

>Opioid overdose before im 25 if life doesn't get better

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Hiiiiiiiii~! Hiiiiiiii~!! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!!! \(^o^ )

I'm an INFJ-T and the "quarantine" doesn't upset me~! UwU



Remember, everyone, to take tests and discuss results! ^o^
I recently updated my list: pastebin.com/ccs8sYUV
It has all the classics and mo~re!!! \(^_^)/

Here's another cool test I found (not part of the compilation): psychologyjunkie.com/2019/10/30/discover-your-true-personality-type-free-test-included/ UwU

Goodnight, and see you on Easter weekend at the latest! ( ^o^)/

>shotgun to the forehead so i obliterate my nonfunctional prefrontal cortex
the only thing stopping me is a loving family and i dont want them to see my late fucked up face

>Gun in the mouth, i just want this shitshow to be over quickly, too bad weapons aren't freely available in my country

>car explosion

Maybe try hanging out with an INTJ.

I am going to have to congratulate you on these stellar digits.
Also, don't let life win. You have to beat it. It's a test of sorts.

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Why does this shit give me a different result everytime I take it? This is the robot version of horoscopes. If your whole personality can be summed up by the two bored housewives who made this, you should off yourself. Really.

Me and the devil - Soap&skin
Devote life to philosophy and let time take me apart

Because you lack the brain power to figure things out on your own. Maybe porn threads are a bit more your speed, champ.

Sure. I would rather beat my dick until it fell off than unironically sit around talking with a bunch of retards about how


Maybe you should figure out your OWN personality instead of relying on online tests, redditard.

>don't let life win. You have to beat it
Thats why we have to kill it, silly
Also, nice dubs

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cause myers and briggs have nothing on jung and retards love horoscopes
the test itself is dog shit and you can get a different type depending on if you're having a bad day or not but cognitive functions, which the types are based on, are much easier to understand and are quite reasonable. jung probably knew that it would be impossible to devise a test that accurately correlates your answers to cognitive functions and the job of accurately determining your function stack is best done by someone who has studied them, e.g. a therapist

i find that the types are pretty recognizable for the most part in the general population but yeah the test is shit and its plagued by people who want to identify as this type or that type

this guy is a perfect example of the type of embarrassing pseudointellectual who treat MBTI like a book of the bible. to them, anyone who disagrees with the test is just too stupid to understand mbti. subconsciously, they cling to their type because it justifies their existence
>yes, go back to your porn threads, ape, we geniuses have much ??? to discuss.

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1. do i have to?
2. if i have to, something that also kills everybody else
3. barring that, something both horribly shocking but also undeniably ironic
suicide is for fags and INTP (fags)

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Holy shit shut the fuck up you absolute brainlets. How fucking cringe

Been listening too a lot of those movie trailer covers they're pretty good for gaming
in terms of a specific song - Best Friend - FosterThePeople
and when it comes to a whole album - Hawaii ptII

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Of course we have almost no ESxx people here

>Jump face first down the tallest building I can find at night or atleast when there arent many people around

>Your MBTI type
>Your suicide plan/preferred suicide method
Get fucked up on coke or any amphetamines available, then an hero

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Don't lose hope, my little INTP-lings.

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>I don't think I'm going to actually kill myself anymore but when I think about it I always think slitting wrists

shoutouts to Clay Parton and everything he does, from duster to eiafuawn

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Tarot cards, and specifically the court cards, are a far better and more interesting reality map for personalities than MBTI. Well, I can't actually say they're better, but the court cards and certainly at least as good as their corresponding MBTI and there is more to tarot than them so tarot wins.

I'm just saying if you're gonna really mf ruminate for hours about your own personality, you might as well pick a deeper hole to sift through your feces in.

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Kanye West - Homecoming

pretty based taste senpai.
also intp and i've been listening crystal castles

Hole - Celebrity Skin

Been smoking way too much weed and dropping too much LSD during the quarantine and losing my grip on reality, while ultimately having to map out my future from scratch having realizing the futility of my past goals. I think I'm gonna ditch music and learn Java.

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ENTP myself, but I do recognize ENTJ as being the superior MBTI. ENTP are like the french or english, whilst ENTJ are the germans.

Listened to a bit of Kept and then all of Untrust Us, definately prefered Untrust Us - pretty cool stuff

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Taylor Swift - Trouble
(my fav T-Swift song, a perfect synthesis of Pop and Country)

I see you, what you did there. (Takes one to know one). YEE-HAW

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is dismissing the argument the only way you are capable of winning it? i wouldn't call you a retard if you put forth a position and your justification for it because then at least i can explain why you're wrong. if you want to call it cringe to argue on the internet that's fair, but i'm just cringing at how much of a pussy you are acting like

what the fuck am i reading

I vote ENTPs as the absolute worst MBTI type. Even worse than any sensor. Holy shit you guys just make everything shit and think everyone likes it. You're worse than actual aspergers. And now you annoying little dick suckers will probably be proud that I'm posting about you. Because that's the only way you can feel like you're worth anything under that smarmy douche grin. You only get worth out of life when you cover yourself in your own shit, fling shit everywhere and get a bit of an erection when people stare at you. People don't look at you because you are worth anything or provide anything of worth, they stare because you're covered in your own rancid shit and screaming like a child about how smart you are for not being shit-free. Why would ANYONE choose to be around an ENTP? I'd rather cover myself in shit. Oh wait, maybe that's why ENTPs do that in the first place, because they can't fucking stand being stuck with themselves.

Never really thought seriously about suicide, but probably by giving less and less fucks about driving safely until eventually crashing fatally

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It seems like someone lost an argument to an ENTP and got their feelings hurt, you poor thing

Don't eveb engage with ENTPs in their little argument circle jerks. That's pointless. The best method is to ignore their attempts to bate you in and shit on them here and there.


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Extroverted vs Introverted: Extrovert is the clear winner here, most chads and confident people are extroverts.

Intuitive vs Sensing: You already established intuitive is superior, so no need to argue about that.

Thinking vs Feeling: It depends on what you value more, I prefer logic and emotional coldness over emotion, but I do acknowledge emotion as being inspiring.

Judgement vs Perception: Judgement is the clear winner here, with them being able to structure their life over procrastination.

It is clear then that ISFP is the worst MBTI, with ENTP being tied in second place with INTJ, ESTJ, and ENFJ.

Same to all

>jumping into a volcano

this post brought to you by feeler gang

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My doctor prescribed me concerta, i don't know if I should take it I've read some scary things about those meds, what are some pf you guys experience with those stimulants?

if your concerns are of a physical nature, e.g. you are afraid your heart will explode or something, you will be fine if you take them as directed
a more realistic concern is that it may take away a part of who you are, if you are taking them to be focused at work or something.
imo stimulants are good for 2 things only: jerking off for more than 12 hours straight and completing large amounts of boring work that does not require much creative input. and concerta is among the worst stimulant to do either

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Two Prophets (Two Witnesses (Two Olive Branches)) CONFIRMED

I was diagnosed with adhd, it's more that i can't fucking do anything aside from the obsession i have in the period.
I often forget to drink and even sometimes eat (i can go all day with a headache before remembering before sleep that it is probably because I am thirsty).
Also socially this shit is killing me from how weird I appear and how much I struggle to follow conversation or tasks (most people, even my parents think I am retarded).
He told me that it would at least help with focus wich I've been strugling with since I was born.

You can fix that shit with a ton of caffeine. You wouldn't be the first person I've fixed via the caffeine-in-lieu-of-Ritalin-method either.

then i think you should certainly try it. i am not certain whether or not it will solve the underlying problems that cause your condition, whatever they may be, but it sounds like this is causing significant problems in your life.
imo i think talking to a therapist would be a better long term solution. why did your psychiatrist decide that a pharmaceutical approach is the best way to go?

>Overdosing on morphine while hearing komm suesser tod
I wont kill myself because i actually like my life, but if i ever come to the conclusion to kill myself i will probably do it like this

you guys shouldn't be so caught up in this pseudo science it will mess with your head

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Babymetal - DA DA DANCE

that image is based user, thanks

Thank you Mahatma Cuckdhi

added to image in op post

sorry forgot pic cuz captcha fucked up

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