How can you possibly compete with her, fembot?

How can you possibly compete with her, fembot?

Attached: stacy.webm (382x520, 1.34M)

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By not having gross fake balloon tits, I'm guessing.

Just because they're bigger and better shaped than your mosquito bites doesn't mean they're fake, flatty patty.

Attached: SevereAgedCutworm.webm (480x856, 460.76K)

Hmm, I don't know if they're fake but she' s obviously fat (look at those disgusting stretch marks that she obviously tried to hide by riding up her underwear above her nasty gut)

these are fake, my bro.
You can see the scarring around the nipples lol

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I don't have beef curtains, user.
And I don't have small breasts, either.
cope with being lonely and hating women because you're so repulsive physically and emotionally that no one wants you

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why would i compete when i can look at her tiddies instead

i'm pretty sure op's pic isn't natural though

Attached: bouncy.gif (500x277, 964.55K)

Ok seething incel. I'm a guy and she's clearly fat. Good tits though. Second one seems to be good all-around tho

its thenudesbank/tiddies4days shes a paywhore and shes natty

I can't, simple as, i dont have the willpower to work out enough to get more attractive, my face is average, my personality is dead in the waters and If I could I'd just give up social etiquette entirely.

But also whats the point in competing? It's not like I'm nobody's type, even if I appeal to a small percentage of people thats still a percentage. I dont care much about my looks and if someone can appreciate that in me then there's no need for them to compete for me just as I'd hope I wouldn't need to compete either.

but thats just me being hopeful

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I wish men were as harsh with women as they are with us. I want to see average women stay virgins well into their 20s and ugly ones become witches. You cunts have had it far too easy. I hope corona kills the majority of men so the ones left will be spoiled for choice and grow some goddamn standards.

I'd love to become a witch and live in solitude user. I hope your wish comes true

is someone actually attracted to this abomination?

Attached: yikes.png (326x325, 203.62K)

Those are beautiful though
Who cares if they're fake

She has nicer hips than I do but my boobs are pretty gud too. Probably my only decent feature desu.

>Probably my only decent feature
Show us the girls, fembot.

Pretty gross desu
Anything from A-C cups is ideal.

Attached: thumb-1920-370747.jpg (1920x1200, 346.22K)

>It's not like I'm nobody's type,
It's anybody.

You say "compete" as if any of the actual robots here could land something like that

I have a good heart

Attached: tumblr_prdahspKlN1t5ohhs_540.jpg (540x429, 45.5K)

Bitch, no you don't. The only way a woman can have a good heart is if it stops beating.

Actually I prefer smaller gurlz, though I guess that's good since I don't have to compete with you. Not that that would be very hard.

>Actually I'm a pedophile *snort* so I don't have to compete with you *adjusts glasses*

Attached: DpQ9YJl.png (700x700, 20.78K)

Fembot, as long as you're a loyal, loving woman who will be a great wife and a loving mother to our children, you'll always be the most precious thing in the world to me.

Attached: that feel when.jpg (180x179, 9.78K)

>Fembot, as long as you're a loyal, Ioving woman who will be a great wife and a loving mother to our children, you'll always be the most precious thing in the world to me.

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Seethe harder roastie. Her fat is in all the right places.

Ok r*dditor

Odd if you think smaller means literal children, got something to share?

Please don't be like that user, I am not a coomer or obese, and I work hard to be a good man for my future wife.

idk maybe by not being overweight

lol ofc u dont care u would literally fuck anything

>and I work hard to be a good man for my future wife
You are a cumbrained simp who would throw himself at the feet of the first woman who'd have him and immediately become a yes man for her. Neck yourself.

I mean, it's not a very good heart if it's not working is it

Bet your tummy is delicious

By being a virgin originally

I'm not trying to. I do wanna know where to get that top though.

Best ITT

god i want a boob job so bad

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There's no need, you're perfect just the way you are.

Not on my 4chinz you don't boy, You are a SIMP.

He complimented you on the internet. Now you have to fuck him.

No she doesn't, I just wanted to be nice.

>How can you possibly compete with her, fembot?

By being asian

*Tips Fedora* M'lady I opened the door for you and gave you a compliment, Suck pp?

But that doesn't mean anything if your a dude, though I guess Asian guys are pretty good at cross dressing.

Everyone forgets the teachings of the greatest teacher ever.
>Real love will make you blind
Onizuka would be disappointed in you all.

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How does it feel knowing there are 1.5 billion other Asian women who look the exact same as you if not hotter, and you have zero distinguishing positive attributes that set you apart?

>Suck pp?
No, I just wanted to be nice to her.
It feels nice to be nice.
god I hope it wasn't a fucking tranny

So you don't want the pp sucked?

Male hands typed this reply...

Attached: IMG-20200408-WA0270.jpg (352x198, 12.61K)

>How does it feel knowing there are 1.5 billion other Asian women who look the exact same as you if not hotter, and you have zero distinguishing positive attributes that set you apart?

Feels ok because I have slightly large titties and am working on the ass (but I have been told I have nice legs)

I could easily steal a white bf from the average woman if I wanted to but I won't because I don't worship white men

women don't have to compete with each other directly nearly as much as men do. Many higher value men are okay with having multiple concurrent sexual partners, and if a woman is attracted to a generally lower value man there naturally won't be much competition. Also women have more inherent value to men simply by being female/having a vagina than men have to women. I know this is a b8 thread but even so these are day 1 basic concepts.

>So you don't want the pp sucked?
Not before marriage

That ugly fucking spic gremlin looks like a demon.

thanks, but i lost 80lbs and now have the tits of a middleaged woman despite being 22. i really want a boob job....

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Imagine looking identical to 1.5 billion other people. The absolute state of Asian women.

>i lost 80lbs
Good work!
I lost a a similar amount of weight, I know how that works.
The right guy won't care, and will love you jut like you are.

I'm not sure if you're referring to my abdomen or my actual stomach (the organ, since I mentioned the heart) but either way, I dunno thanks I guess!!

I cant.


And still being the most sought after group of women :)

Lose weight then, can't be that hard.

I am already skinny dumbass

Yes, I am happy. I want you to dwell on your inferiority in your every waking moment. I want it to consume and destroy you utterly. Only then will justice be done.

Then what are you complaining about it's better to be smaller than bigger, just seems like a pain to me.

You guys have serious issues. I am starting to understand why everyone hates you and dont wanna befriend you or date you.

No, I want you to feel good about yourself.