Why are Americans so god damn stupid?

Why are Americans so god damn stupid?

>tell people in my discord server that i used to talk to 16 year olds
>every single fucking person flips the fuck out and calls me a pedophile and shit
>i explain 16 is the age of consent in some laws
>i say that pedophile means you are attracted to girls who havent hit puberty yet
>i only am attracted to girls with fully developed bodies
>i explain 16 is generally the age of consent in the rest of the world it literally is only america
>i tell them I dated a 16 year old when i was 19
>i said no its not
>they all still keep freaking the fuck out and calling me a pedophile
>i show them that in the most of the states 16 and 17 is legal and in the rest of the world 16 is legal and its not in any way shape or form considered pedophilia even in their shit country with stupid laws
>they all still freak the fuck out every single person hates me a roastie got mad at me
>the same roastie was posting her nudes online with a chat full of 15 year olds btw

Yeah safe to say everyone is a god damn moron

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>using discord
that was your first mistake

That's your mistake. That said there are some Americans that share our sentiment so it's just a nice thought to have.

Literally every single american i have talked to says and acts like this. It is literally the only people here that i have talked to that think there is nothing wrong with being attracted to 16 year olds, which there isnt.

>complains on a board made by an American

Fuck off back to what ever 3rd world country you are from

kill yourself you disgusting pedophile. She has not developed enough mentally.

these are the same americans that say advertising didn't work on them

That's disgusting you fucking pedo. You deserve to be fucking lynched. Scumbag.

I find it pretty irrational to get up in arms at the idea of a man being attracted to a fully developed woman, regardless of age. However, wanting to date or have long-term, emotional connection with someone who is 99.9% of the time way too immature for someone more than 5+ years older... Well, I think that's fair to raise an eyebrow at. It's a situation that's too ripe for emotional abuse and taking advantage of her, not to mention the question of your own mental wellbeing.

Yeah I cant believe its legal in the rest of the world these retards say NO ITS NOT WRONG WERE RIGHT

when I told them 16/17 was legal in the USA they literally wouldnt even believe me these retards dont even know the law.

Women are retarded whether 16 or 24

American hete, i agree 100% lad, people here are fucking insane and retarded and if you are a man, ypu cant even think about a 18 year old without being called a creep, yes i mean 18
Even mosy americans think 18 is still morally wrong
Pisses me the fuck off since im 19 and was 18 when all my crushes were 15, 16 amd 17

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Humans are retarded anyway. Those of the same age can be equally abusive.

Pretty sure this is the last guy I heard make the argument for sexual attraction to teenagers.

I hope you're next.

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The alternative would be to have an emotional connection with someone who had several dicks in her mouth.
You tell me which one is better.

I mean most people are retarded but I cant fathom how Americans think that. Literally it is legal in 90% of the world and they cant step out of the box and say hey maybe my way of thinking is wrong because everyone else says its fine.

I can't tell if this is serious.

Sounds like you got baited hard because you're autistic

No they were all legit at mad for a week calling me a pedophile and I left

What about nearly every politician who attented the bilderburg meeting?

whether it's illegal is really neither here nor there. you're still a child fucker.

>over 13 under 16
literally nothing wrong

many years ago i had a e-relationship with a girl from wow and when it became public people would call me a pedo and i legit could not understand it. i was 19 and the girl was 17.
literally nobody treats a relationship like that with such vitriol where i'm from: ontario canada.

I'm european and only low life losers who can't get women their own age dates underage teens. 18 is okay for anyone older but that's the cut off line. You're a borderline pedo and deserved to be shunned

Fyi if your a teen aswell it's okay but any older than that and you're a freak

You are saying that based on what?

>whether it's illegal is really neither here nor there.
t. raostie.

you are a sick fucking pedophile

If it's a girl that's really important or whatever you can wait till she's 18. Otherwise you're just an adult hitting on underage girls who don't have developed enough brains to realize what a creep you are. A 18 is still pritty much a kid but the line gotta be drawn somewhere. If you're in your 40s and dating an 18 year old, yeah that's a bit messed up but atleast she's old enough to drink and is allowed to make shitty descisions by law

>hanging around for a week with people who only want to insult and shame you
Why? Just fucking leave. They very clearly do not want to hear your defense or your opinion on the issue, so why would you ever stay?

There are only a handful of states where 17 is below the age of consent, California being one of them. As California and Hollywood heavily influence American culture and beliefs, it's seen as morally wrong everywhere else in the country even if it's entirely legal there. As for why they're going after a 19 year old over not being able to fuck her over the internet, I'm pretty baffled too.

Why should I wait 2 years? I mean, I wanna know objectively why it's wrong.
I get that at 18 you were not mature enough to be in a relationship, but why do you think that's the norm? And why do you think that matters?
Here's an idea, if you are so concerned about a woman not being mature enough to choose their own partners, why don't we just go back to the older paradigm, where the father would choose the husband for his daughter?

They are just retarded and have never talked to women dont worry about them

so what youre saying OP is that as long as your government overlords tell you that its okay that means its okay
youre most likely a closet pedo who would have no qualms about fucking an 6 year old if it were "legal"

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No you fucking idiot I said there is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone who is fully grown

>tfw 26 years old and girls aged 16-18 throw themselves at me

>tfw 16 is age of consent in my state

lol stay mad plebs, i'll be enjoying prime age pussy while all of your insults roll off of me like teflon

>only low life losers who can't get women their own age dates underage teens

kek, only low life losers who cant get younger girls date girls their own age

now go ahead, cope and seethe, call me whatever you want. but bear in mind that your opinions mean jack shit to me

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it is very funny when these same americans trip over themselves and make a comment about someone that's revealed to be like 23+ and they double down saying anyone attracted to that person MUST be a closet pedo
they're basically revealing themselves as one lmfao

I have been in the exact same boat OP, I live in the usa in a state where aoc is 16. Most of the people saying pedo are
>white knights
>actual pedos

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Because pedophiles are the only acceptable punching bag in society. Rightly so of course, some people are disgusting and are taking advantage of children but if someone gets labeled a pedophile there's no coming back from that. Anyone who defends you is a pedophile, anyone you associate with is a pedophile. People feel better about themselves when there not a pedophile "I may be a gunky, felon, thief, degenerate, but at least I'm not a pedophile". People can do things much more impactful on their lives when they are 16, sex is pretty low on that list. I wouldn't say any of this if it wasn't anonymous though it's social suicide.

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>People can do things much more impactful on their lives when they are 16
Making a permanent impact on someone's life is better than being a worn out hag's dick #37

Who the fuck cares, really? As long as it's legal all they can really do about it is get mad. Just don't bang somebody under the age of consent and don't let a broad send nudes unless she's over 18. You're basically untouchable otherwise.

You're still an idiot man, why would you want to put your mind in that of a child's? Are you a mentally undeveloped person yourself? Or do you simply avoid giving love and pull the kid of your own personal gain?
Either way you're either mentally stagnating, is a beyond autistic retard or is simply fishing for cheap sex for thrills. Bottom line a disgusting person.

None of these make any sense, really.

To you maybe, but to 90% of the normal population honestly don't care. It's only poltards and Christian's

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No one wants to be a worn out hag's dick.
The fuck is wrong with you?

You're really detached from reality if you believe that, user

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I love how normalfags think women are unattractive until 18 where they are universally attractive. Some 16 year olds look 21 and some 21 year olds look 14.
Also, why is it okay that women always go for "mature" men who "understand me. I can't deal with the fuck boys my age" (they are still immature fuck boys when they are older) but it is wrong for men to like 16-18 year old women?
A woman made this post

No, like literally, unless they want down syndrome kids, no one wants to be an old hag's dick.
Like, they aren't even considered attractive.

>Implying I care what 90% of people think
I'll stick to 16-18 year old girls. Have fun with them in 5-10 years.

>only low life losers date underage teens
I make 120k. Is it too late for me?

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Like Elon Musk, or Michael Douglas, or Howard Hughes, George Soros, Vladimir Putin....
The list goes on.
All low life loosers, right?

If you're in love with a damn 16 year old then you're sharing mind and thought with them, you're actively engaging in mentally degrading behavior.
It also indicates that you either fail to grasp concepts like love or that you simply lack the autocognitive processes required in complex human communication.
This tells people that you have no clue how to actually judge what's best for the people you're dating and that even if you don't know it you're taking advantage of a child whos understandings of complex human communication is not completely developed yet.

None of that is really true on the empirical sense.

is this recent?
shes actually pretty
it gives me hope that she wont have already hit the wall by the time she inevitably does porn

imagine actually believing any of this absolute horseshit

whole lot of armchair psychologists in this thread

this post brought you you by throwing darts at an open newspaper

Autocognition means the experience of the objective aspect of something using the subjectively rendered representation of that objective as a proxy.
Do you even understand of subjective means?
You are basically saying that because someone else's subjective representation of something doesn't match yours, they don't have an autocognitive process.
That's asinine.
Do you even know what subjective means?

Look at the girl in the picture. Do you think I give a FUCK about their personality

If you people honestly believe that actually being in love with somebody who's barely mentally developed and having consistent communication with them doesn't do jack to the way you think then you're only serving to prove me right and demonstrate how out of touch with proper communication you are.

What does it do exactly? And why do you think your own limitations apply to everyone else?

Then you're genuinely taking advantage of somebody who's less developed than you for your own personal gain, which is looked down upon in society and often warps the kid's view of sexual encounters

lol ive dated a few 16 year olds so i actually know what the fuck im talking about unlike you, someone pulling "facts" out of their asshole with no actual experience on the subject matter

Why the fuck do people assume that these men are trying to fall in love with barely legal broads? If I'm going after an 18 year old thot do you really think I'm trying to find the mother of my children? Or do you think that maybe I'm looking for a top shelf hole that's enthusiastic about enjoying herself now instead of a world weary bitch who wants more than a few inches of me?

The law is the law. Unless it changes, it ia bwtter to be cautious. Besides, i am to old to go after teens. I will be 21 soon.

Then people should only be able to date those who have the same IQ, the same level of wealth and income. People with health conditions that make them vulnerable to exploitation (physical of emotional should also be off limits for those who don't have such conditions).

>less developed
she's a fucking millionaire you dipshit
who do you think has the leverage here?

absolutely based.
>imagine thinking women bring anything but looks and pussy to the table
>imagine depriving your self from the looks part and just having pussy
>imagine being a normie

Genuine equality doesn't exist. Somebody always has a little more power in any relationship of any sort. Besides, if an entire state's governing body decides that a woman is adult enough to make her own decisions regarding her sexuality, who are you to decide that she can't make a decision?

>doesnt make at least 121k
No, you are still a loser

I don't mind you being a weirdo. I browse r9k after all. I'm just making fun of the people bitching about their fetish not being socially acceptable. Because it never will be and you will always do it under the radar like some duster wearing flasher. Also.
>i'm so chad. 16 year olds wants to fuck me
Teenagers are the easiest girls to get you retard. That's another reason why it's shunned. A 17 year old girl will view a guy with an apartment and a car like some 6'5ft millionare. It's like offering candy to a 5 year old

I'm engaged and is having a kid in a few months you retard

You idiots slip right through the cracks because you reduce mental development to arbitrary IQ and income level, literally one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
It's true that most people with mental disabilities often opt out to date other people with similar disabilities, if not, then they opt out for people who are socially recognized to have care giver characteristics

You made a very good case for why the female should not be in charge of her own decisions. That should be left for the father (or brother, in case of his absence) or husband.

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>Teenagers are the easiest girls to get you retard.

if you're attractive. teenagers dont give a fuck about anything except looks and having fun.

if you're not attractive she could care less if you own your own house

you reduced it to age because you can't see past your own limitations.

Non american here, let me remind you how we solve the pedo problem over here, if I see you neckbeard trying to do something with my little sister and i will fucking kill you.

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